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Research on cooling strategies.. Help Needed!!

Hey guys my name is Manon Liberati Richards, and I am a Research Student at London South Bank University (MRes), and I am conducting a research study to help identify what is the most effective cooling strategy for cyclists and triathletes that are competing in international competitions.

I am looking for participants to take part in my study!

A little bit about my project:

The aim of this project is to investigate the effect of per-cooling strategies (cold water ingestion and pouring) on cycling time-trial performance in hot and dry and hot and humid conditions. We are investigating 4 different cooling strategies; cold water ingestion, cold water pouring, combination of both ingestion and pouring and no cooling to determine which strategy is the most effective for physical and mental performance in hot and dry and hot and humid conditions. 

(We have an environmental chamber at our university so unfortunately we will not be flying you out to hot destinations haha)

What will be required from you:

A total of 5 visits to London South Bank University~

1 familiarisation session where you come in and do a VO2 max test 

4 experimental trials where you will complete a 45min preload followed by a 30 min time-trial in hot conditions. 

Once you have completed all trials you will be asked to complete a follow up online questionnaire to gain a greater understanding of your perceived effectiveness of each cooling strategy. Participation is entirely voluntary, and you may withdraw from the study at any time without any consequences.

What you will gain from this experience:

Every participant will get a free VO2 max test which would usually cost you around £150.

A greater understanding of which cooling strategies could potentially enhance your performance/improve your training, and which cooling strategy should be used depending on the climate.

Who can participate:

Cyclists and/or triathletes who are moderately physical active (~3-5hours of physical activity a week)

All genders welcome 

Aged between 18-45 years old      


If you are interested or have more questions about this study please feel free to contact either myself (Manon Liberati Richards: liberatm [at] ) or my supervisor (Dr Freya Bayne: baynef2 [at] )


If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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S.E. | 1 month ago
1 like

You need to take wind chill/effect into account... at TT's speeds pouring water is certainly highly effective!

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