News to warm a cyclist on a cold day, the CTC is extending its festive gift membership offer of a free Combi Fleece Buff until the 15th of January.
So if you fancy giving someone special* the double benefits of toasty headwear/neckwear and CTC membership simply call 0844 736 8451 and quote the code: Buff (tell 'em sent you too).
Aside from the warm inner glow of knowing that you are supporting the UK's biggest, oldest, and most respected cycle campaigning organisation CTC membership offers some very real benefits too including: £10m worth of third party insurance, a bi-monthly magazine, loads of discounts on bikes and kit, organised group rides and events, advice and information, and a weekly e-newsletter… oh, and that Buff is worth £18.
There are various categories of CTC membership that you can give as a gift:
Adult Membership £36.00
5 Year Fee Commuted £144.00 (1year Free!) – probably shouldn't say it, but this one does seem to limit future free Buff opportunities
Under 18 / Full time student under 26 £12.00
Family Membership £58.50 – it's one Buff per family, we checked.
Senior (65+) Membership £22.50
Senior 5 Year Fee Commuted £90.00 (1year Free!)
Unwaged Membership £22.50
You can find out more about CTC membership and their gift offer on this special pages on the CTC Website.
*We're guessing that someone special includes giving yourself a gift
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