The bike that Pippa Middleton, sister to the Duchess of Cambridge, used to take part in the Race Across America (RAAM) in June is being auctioned to raise money for charity.
The 30-year-old took part in the 3,020 mile race as part of an eight-person team, completing the coast-to-coast trip in 6 days 10 hours and 54 minutes.
She has now donated her custom-built Dassi bike, worth £2,500, to the British Heart Foundation which is auctioning it on eBay, with the proceeds split between that charity and the Michael Matthews Foundation.
Middleton said: “The challenge of riding across the Rockies, coping with the heat of the Arizona desert and climbing over 170, 000 vertical feet in the six days was incredibly tough, but every inch of the 3,000 mile race was worth it, to help the BHF fight heart disease.
“I wanted to complete this challenge to help raise awareness of the importance of heart health after learning that coronary heart disease kills nearly three times more women than breast cancer.
“So whether you’re inspired to get fit or you’re a cycling fanatic wanting to add to your bike collection, take a look at my bike and put in a bid. I’m keen to raise as much money as possible to help the BHF fund life-saving heart research,” she added.
The specification of the bike, which comes in a red padded flight bag, is:
Dassi 6.2 Aero Road Bike
50cm Frame size
Carbon frame and forks
Selle Italia Diva saddle
Look Keo pedals
Deda handlebars and stem
Campagnolo Scirocco 35mm wheels
A mixed group set of SRAM Rival and Apex
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Do we really need all the "F" ing and Blinding on here?
Can't you get your point across without crude swearing?
Yeah, no. Fuck that.
From the way she's carrying that bike, it looks like she's looking to replace it with a cyclocross bike.
This would be an excellent development.
Difficult to find specific facts and figures on middletonsride but an 8 man team works out at 62 miles a day each for 3000 miles in 6 days pretty handy riding for somebody who
a little while ago was pictured being taught how to use clip less pedals by Jonathon edwards in that well known cycling magazine "hello"
Is she now giving up cycling
For mere mortals like me doing RAAM unsupported I would want a good touring bike like the Shand Stoater belt drive Rohloff review just posted on
Wouldn't be at all surprised if she appeared at just the start and finish photo opp?
unlikely. she did the highland cross a few years ago.
I crewed RAAM for Team inGamba 2014 and we were about even with Pippa's team all the way across the country. She did her fair share of pulls. She was actually a contributing rider, not just another pretty face. She's actually the real deal when it comes to cycling.
The thought police have arrived. This must be what it's like living under the jackboot.
Oh you're free to think whatever you want but if you post about it we're also free to think you and whoever else "liking" your comment are sexist morons.
You're free to think whatever you like bit as soon as you start posting your obnoxious, misogynist, retarded nonsense in a public forum, you are fair game to be challenged and ridiculed.
If you don't like that then you should learn to STFU and keep your shitty opinions and juvenile jokes to yourself.
You're free to think whatever you like bit as soon as you start posting your obnoxious, misogynist, retarded nonsense in a public forum, you are fair game to be challenged and ridiculed.
If you don't like that then you should learn to STFU and keep your shitty opinions and juvenile jokes to yourself.
Can someone at please turn the sad misogynist filter back on please?
Saddle smell or freshness or otherwise, I'm not sure how much Middleton was involved in the actual race. The course has significant climbing in the first third (Rockies) and end (Appalachians), but in between there is a lot of flat land.
From my understanding she didn't contribute as much as her team mates, and particularly not in the hills. Not to say she did nothing but I'm not convinced this is chapeau worthy ride.
Perhaps you'd like to share with the forum all the details of your "chapeau worthy rides" and your work for charity?
FFS there's some properly cringeworthy comments on here.
yes, and don't care, possibly in that order
(but I'm really not interested in the bike!)
Saddle comments.... WTF are you just sad blokes or sad and lonely blokes.
They probably don't ride bikes much but instead live on a forum making comments like that.
@ragtime, not only is that a serious bike ride, but if it was me doing it (and probably many on here), I'd have been saying 'ohhh, a ride of that length/difficulty needs a better groupset/wheels etc etc, it needs to be lighter!' - with an aero frame and SRAM Apex, it sure wasn't superlight. Either she's quick enough to force the aerodynamics to play a part and help her out, or she's strong enough to lug it all over that distance. Either way, chapeau.
I thought similar. Each to their own and all that, but if I was doing a ride like that I'd make damn sure it was on the best I could afford, and she could afford better!
Hold on a minute. 3,020 miles and 170,000 ft of climbs in 6.5 days is a daily ride of 465 miles over 26,000 ft. Is that right?!
Edit: Ahh, just read the rules about teams. They could each do 58 miles over 3250ft averaging over 19mph, then hand over to the next person. Not easy, but possible. I presume solo efforts take significantly longer!
What's not entirely clear about coverage of PM's RAAM ride is that the 8 person team did the event in a relay, so probably doing about 3 hours a day each (someone check my maths)... solo riders get a bit longer to do it (12 days). Still pretty epic, but not as epic as a solo RAAM.
The photos on eBay aren't very clear... do I get the bike as well, or just Pippa Middleton?
Is the saddle still fresh?
You know, I was going to post a comment on sniffing the saddle first to ensure it's genuine. But I thought better of it. Congratulations!
Do you have any idea of how fucking creepy that comes across as?
Are you retarded 13 year olds or something?
Couldn't agree more - we're in a place where women's cycling is fighting for, and finally getting, more recognition, yet these small minded comments still get a few other dickheads clicking the "like" button. I'd imagine it's this kind of retrograde bullshit that makes women feel marginalised and view cycling as one big boys club.
Lighten up grandma.
You can make all the jokes you like about Pippa Middleton and her (semi) royal bum, but that is a serious bike ride!
And I suppose when you're trying to maintain said bum, riding 3,000 miles in 6 days is a pretty good way to do it.
Fair play