A group of cycle service providers brought together by the London Cycling Campaign (LCC) have pledged to give away £25,000 of infrastructure and consultancy.
The Cycling Star Alliance, which includes bike makers Brompton and bike-to-work people CycleScheme among others, has launched a competition aimed at organisations demonstrating a commitment to cycling.
The competition winners will be chosen from one business or public sector organisation and one NHS trust/hospital. To be eligible, organisations must have more than 1000 employees and a minimum ambition to increase regular cycle commuting or business travel to five per cent of all employees. The winning organisations will each receive a tailored 12-month programme of of consultancy, parking, bikes, maintenance and cycle training worth £12,500.
LCC helped bring together the Cycling Star Alliance to meet the increasing demand for trusted cycling services in the capital and to promote cycle commuting and business travel.
LCC director of programme development Matt Mallinder said, “What a fantastic opportunity for two organisations to fast-track their employee cycling, improving health and mobility, and creating all manner of business benefits.”
Made up of leading cycle service providers the Alliance provides a one-stop shop for any organisation’s cycling needs. It can help companies increase workplace cycling by creating travel plans, engaging staff, and by providing bikes, cycle parking, training, rides and maintenance.
Competition details and entry form available at www.cyclingstaralliance.co.uk . The closing date for competition entries is 12 March 2010, with activities expected to start in spring 2010.
I can see how the change to TNT is frustrating if you were just paying for discovery+ or the old gcn plus, but a lot of sports fans like myself...
But the issue with cycling is that the teams participating see none of this money. Football, cricket, golf all see money paid to players or teams...
I do think we have to give the driver some credit for stopping, rendering assistance and calling the emergency services. If he hadn't stopped and...
It has more resemblance to GRX and MTB grouppos. Don't forget, the entire ecosystem across drop and flat bars is cross-compatible allowing for...
Surprised you didn't take the opportunity to shamelessly plug road.cc's bike insurance comparison tool!...
I have questions about the noise level and uncertainty in the measurements made in their wind tunnel, as well as how uniform the free stream...
I think to a lot of new cyclists Halfords seems a safe choice, as it's a brand they are familiar with and they know they can take it to be repaired...
FLR Shoes are Israeli.
Fake news. The people of Wirral do not cycle
Does that mean he had to come back and do a time trial after his 100km of recovery?