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Lorries may be banned from road on which army cyclist killed

Wiltshire County Council reportedly considering diverting heavy goods traffic from 34-mile stretch of road

Wiltshire County Council is reportedly considering banning lorries from a road where an army officer was killed by an HGV last month when he apparently swerved to avoid a pothole as he cycled home.

The Mirror has reported that Conservative councillor Charles Howard, who represents The Collingbournes and Netheravon, has said that a working group has been set up to consider whether lorries might be diverted from a 34-mile section of the A338.

The stretch of road in question includes the location where 29-year-old Captain Jonathan Allen of the Royal Fusiliers, who had served in Afghanistan, was killed.

According to the newspaper, Councillor Howard claimed that the proposal would be presented to the council “within weeks.”

An inquest into Captain Howard’s death has been adjourned.

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skippy | 13 years ago

THis subject is too complicated for an answer here so blogged an item

Be interested in any feedback from the manchester area !

skippy | 13 years ago

THis subject is too complicated for an answer here so blogged an item

Be interested in any feedback from the manchester area !

OldRidgeback | 14 years ago

I nearly got taken out by an artic truck in Clapham a few weeks back - it was my birthday too as it happened. the truck came half way past me leaving not much room and then cut in and I had to dive for the pavement. I know the A3's a busy road but that was plain dangerous driving.

monty dog | 14 years ago

I got passed today by an HGV on a winding, narrow road - I had to brake to avoid being 'swiped' by the trailer as it came past - the cab was in the middle of the road into some blind bends - fortunately there was no oncoming traffic. Why don't judges realise that the threat of permanently banning 'killer' drivers might finally make some take cognisance of their irresponsible driving

joemizereck | 14 years ago

Finally and thankfully, someone is doing something to stop the lorry madness. I tip my hat to Councillor Charles Howard and pray the working group works hard and fast to determine that the best option for the Wiltshire County Council is to divert lorries from the 34-mile section of the A338 that includes the location where cyclist Jonathan Allen was killed. Even if the diversion were to stand for only a few months, this step on the part of the council could prevent the loss of more cyclists' lives while a longer term solution is pursued.

Please, I ask the members of the working group to act fast and the council to make this happen.

Thank you,
Joe Mizereck
joe [at]
joe [at]

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