Owners and admirers of one of London’s most iconic bike makers, Roberts Cycles are being invited to attend the first ever rally devoted to the firm, the Roberts Rendezvous – and it is hoped that as many as possible will arrive on bikes built by it.
The event, which is free to attend, will be held in the heart of the City of London at Guildhall Yard, Gresham Street, on Wednesday 13 June from 4pm to 7pm as part of the City Cycling Festival being held that week.
It is anticipated that afterwards the event will continue, more informally, near Guildhall at Davy’s, 25 Basinghall Street.
The Roberts Rendezvous will include a show and tell, as well as prizes being awarded for the oldest, best preserved and most unusual examples of Roberts-built bikes, with frame-builders and historians of the firm in attendance.
The firm was founded in Croydon in the 1960s by Charlie Roberts, who had previously worked S well-known South London-based businesses such as Holdsworth and Claud Butler. He was subsequently joined by his sons Chas and Geoff, but the company ceased trading in 2015.
Besides bikes sold under the Roberts, Chas Roberts and Geoff Roberts names, the firm also made bikes for Charles Davey, Claud Butler, Holdsworth, Freddie Grubb, Geoff Butler, Phoenix, Condor, Evans, Pearson, Rocky Mountain, Geoff Roberts, and Varohna.
Owners of bikes belonging to those brands are more than welcome to attend, even if they are unsure whether it was actually built by Roberts, with organisers pointing out that it will be an opportunity to compare design features.
I'd like to see a monarchist try to defend the crown estate charging £100k+ to a likely financially struggling council. Hmm, maybe actually I...
Updated story https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ckgz472y4p3o Little improvement Man questioned after child killed by car on pitch
What is it with brakes nowadays - nice and tight they catch on the wheel, loosen them slightly and hardly work. Are hub brakes better?
I had to look this one up: https://savingplaces.org/stories/a-tale-of-two-planners-jane-jacobs-and-...
What wokery is this? I thought those tech-bros were there to save us from the "mind virus"?
The Junior Minister appears pig ignorant of the law in this area....
Opposition to controversial East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood ‘will filter away’ say council bosses...
I know it's not the same, but they are saying Quest will have free highlights.
Yeah but if you take away any chance of getting their licence back they'll turn into some kind of amoral road-bandit! * checks court records again ...
As far as I can see, the only place anything like that number appears in the source story is in the video, near the end, when they're chatting...