A three-hour cycle safety operation in Taunton on Wednesday resulted in 24 cyclists being stopped and just three motorists.
Avon & Somerset Police’s road safety team stopped cyclists and motorists on Station Road with members of Taunton Area Cycling Campaign also attendance towards the end of the operation.
Officers reported that 24 of those stopped were cyclists, 16 of whom were cycling on the footpath.
In contrast, just three motorists were stopped: one for use of a mobile phone, one for not wearing a seatbelt and one for having a child incorrectly secured.
The same officer expressed surprise at the number of cyclists stopped.
A spokesperson from Taunton Area Cycling Campaign told This Is West Country that the unsafe nature of that stretch of road contributed to the high volume of pavement cycling.
"Two members of Taunton Area Cycling Campaign were observers only at the police action on Station Road for half an hour at the end of the event.
"TACC believes that cyclists, like other road users, should abide by the law obeying red lights and being lit at night. We also abhor those who cycle as a matter of course on the pavement as a way of getting around not appearing to understand that the road is for that purpose.
"However, there are some places where the road network is hostile and traffic heavy and some cyclists use the pavement for short stretches for their own safety. These areas need addressing. In our 2016 local survey, cyclists told us Station Road is one of these locations. Station Road near the station also has the highest concentration of injury accidents to pedestrians and cyclists in Taunton."
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The guidance, which was first issued by Home Office Paul Boateng 20 years ago, states: “The introduction of the fixed penalty is not aimed at responsible cyclists who sometimes feel obliged to use the pavement out of fear of the traffic, and who show consideration to other pavement users.
"Chief police officers, who are responsible for enforcement, acknowledge that many cyclists, particularly children and young people, are afraid to cycle on the road, sensitivity and careful use of police discretion is required.”
Pavement cycling is illegal but succesive Ministers have requested the police use their powers with discretion. It would interesting to see how many cyclists have been involved in collisions on that section of road and if those who were caught pavement cycling were cycling without consideration to other users
“We also abhor those who cycle as a matter of course on the pavement”
very strong emotive language there, I wonder if they abhor motorists that exceeds 20mph speed limits. Or do they just turn a blind eye to it.
Presumably being the TACC spokespeople they do.
Adults cycling on footpath = low hanging fruit = easily makes the figures look good...
Yet still illegal.
I think that the correct response to that is either "It depends" or "Yes, but Paul Boateng"
Avon & Somerset police really aren't going to be able to complain when cyclists start refusing to stop.
Although no doubt they will.
Complain, that is.