Nottinghamshire Police are appealing for information that will help to find a driver who left a cyclist for dead in a vicious deliberate hit and run incident.
Mark Weats, 44, from Clipstone, was left unconscious after being hit from behind three times and smashed into a wall by the driver after his wheel pinged a pebble into the car's wing mirror.
The silver or light coloured car mounted the kerb to drive at him, and witnesses believe that a female passenger filmed the incident on her mobile phone.
Mark's wife Cheri told “The car went up the kerb and chased him along the pavement.
“He could have died, his eye socket was nearly pulled out. All he can remember is his bike wheel going under the car.
“He received extensive injuries on his body and face. It’s the emotional side of it which is most difficult, he’s still not sleeping properly because it is mentally draining.
“Everybody in the community was shocked by it. The people living nearby who saw it happen have been traumatised as well.”
The incident happened on the 22nd July at around 10.30pm.
A spokesman from Nottinghamshire police said: “We are looking for the driver of the car on suspicion of causing grevious bodily harm.
“Anyone who knows who did it or knows anything about the car which may have been repaired afterwards should call us on 101 straight away.”
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Mercury one and mad scot rider - of course it was tongue in cheek and no, im not out to score points, thats why i put the
smiley on.
It is a very sad case that was being discussed and i really hope they catch who was responsible.
But, it really annoys and at times upsets me the way the Police (and yes i'am one) get the blame for every case that appears on these pages.
With the wee bit law knowledge i have i could really embarrass people by proving their stories are nothing more than made up lies hence the sometimes sarcastic remarks
apologies though if i may have gone to far
Jesus wept. Now it's immigration, inner city depravation and population stats?
What was the original story? This used to be a friendly website - not a point scoring arena for Grumpy Old Men.
On your bikes...
I was the victim of a similar hit-and-run deliberate ramming. Thankfully I was on a Boris Bike (total write-off) which absorbed most of the impact and I only suffered mild bruising.
Witnesses were able to get the licence plate.
It still took the Police about three months to locate the driver: they wrote a letter to the registered address asking who was driving the car that day. And waited.
It took two years to prosecute the driver, for failing to stop and driving without due care. The sentence: £200 fine and seven points (meaning she can still drive).
Six months after the attack, I made a complaint to the IPCC that they were not treating the crime seriously. The Police station admitted that the Officer at the scene made some errors, but they assured that the Courts would be very harsh for the "failing to stop" offence. Yeah, right.
I'm pretty sure there's just as many scumbags in Scotland thankyou stumpy :-P
Taking into account the population size, the inner city problems and the lack of any major immigration problems i think i know which country i would rather cycle in
Hope that was tongue-in-cheek - cos otherwise you're kidding yourself pal
Try cycling through any of the satellite estates of Glasgow or Edinburgh and you'll experience all of the problems you mention - but on a more relevant note, you'll also face poor roads, steep hills, terrible weather and drivers as dumb and self-centered as anywhere in the UK
Are you sure about that, Stumpy?
I recently visited the highlands and was told by two sets of (unconnected) people that they no longer cycle on the roads there because of the number of speeding, too-close-overtaking nutters. Having witnessed the state of some of the driving, I can completely see what they mean.
WE all know very little will happen though..
Things are seriously askew in this "great" country of ours ..
Similar case involving a pedestrian, all 4 car occupants arrested for attempted murder.
They guy should have known that the minute he got on a bike he ceased to be a person; he became a cyclist, and we all know that cyclists only get what they deserve. I'm suprised he wasn't arrested for cycling on the pavement.
This is really disturbing, makes me feel a bit sick.
Assault with intent to kill? Assault with a deadly weapon? Attempted murder?
It is a horrendous crime.
The incident happened on 22 July. Why has this only emerged now? Surely there should have been some sort of urgency to prevent the nutter who did this from targeting someone else?
I second this! What's the use of looking for the perpetrators now? Surely this should been first priority when it actually happened.
The mens rea (Latin for the "guilty mind") for murder includes an intention to kill or cause grievous bodily harm where there is a high probability of death resulting, whereas attempted murder depends on an intention to kill, and an overt act towards the homicide. Attempted murder is only the planning of a murder and acts taken towards it, not the actual killing, which is the murder. This makes the offence difficult to prove and it is more common for a lesser charge to be preferred under the Offences against the Person Act 1861.
Hence why they arrest for GBH. I would rather have a conviction for GBH at court than lose an att murder trial for not being able to prove the intent to kill.
Yet again though its the frailties of our judicial system and not the Police that are at fault.
but yet 3 months later they don't know who it was? bullshit. you can't take a piss down dark alleys because of cctv these days.
the police need to sort their shit out because stuff like this is only going to cause retaliations.
So every street in every town has cctv - bull**** and you know it.
Dont blame the Police if no one wants to come forward to help. Unfortunately all our crystal balls were taken away under the last cut back, so we need a little help. Unless of course you want us to just guess
The cruel dregs of our unruly society at it's worse!
This is attemted Murder; and this person needs to be caught before "Attempted Murder" becomes Actual Murder.
I find it difficult to understand why anyone could perform such a dreadful act on another human being.
Some crazy unfeeling people in this world of ours.
I couldn't agree more with you there. Everyday we hear, see and read about scum, cos thats all they are, committing horrendous acts on our streets and towns.
This Great country of ours is going down the pan pretty bloody quickly.
I, for one, hope Scotland gets its independance cos its only 40 miles for me to emigrate
When oh when will the authorities see this kind of attack as nothing short of attempted murder?
they would only do that if it was a cyclist doing this to a motorist, then the daily wail would be up in arms about the lycra louts
nothing less than attempted murder in my opinion too. F*****g scum
"suspicion of causing grevious bodily harm" - surely it was attempted murder?