Andy Murray, the world number three ranked tennis player, says his sport needs to step up its anti-doping efforts including out-of-competition testing – but maintains that tennis differs from cycling in being primarily focused on the skill of the athlete, something he believes doesn’t apply in cycling, which he claims is more about physical attributes.
“I think there's very little skill involved in the Tour de France, it's pretty much just physical," said Murray, quoted in the Herald. "A lot of the way the teams work now is just science whereas with tennis, you can't teach the skill by taking a drug.
"Virtually the whole of the Tour de France was taking drugs 10 years ago,” he maintained, claiming that since 1990 tennis had seen around “65 positive tests, 10 of them recreational and 30 to 35 performance-enhancing in that time.”
The Olympic and US Open men’s singles champion, speaking in a press conference ahead of this week’s Paribas Paris Masters that was reported by Mail Online and The Herald, added in a sweeping generalisation that apparently went unchallenged: “In one year of the Tour de France you had more than that so I don't think tennis has been that bad. But that isn't to say that more can't be done to make it 100% sure there are no issues."
Admittedly, in the notorious Festina Tour of 1998, there was clear evidence of wholesale doping involving a number of teams, and fewer than half the riders who set out from Dublin finished the race in Paris due to expulsions and withdrawals, but not a single rider actually tested positive.
The truth is that with no test for EPO at the time, the riders had an advantage over the testers, and it was only by seizing the physical drugs that the authorities were able to unravel the scale of the problem.
While cycling clearly still isn’t rid of doping, and in all likelihood never will be, there is a much higher level of testing than is the case in tennis. However, Murray implies that due to the nature of their sport, tennis players have less to gain from using performance enhancing drugs, although there are longstanding rumours linking several leading tennis players to use of steroids in particular to help build their strength.
In the past, he has criticised the intrusiveness of random testing, but now believes it is essential to combat doping, especially in the off season.
“The out-of-competition stuff could probably get better,” admitted the 25-year-old, who revealed he himself had been subject to a random blood test at the weekend.
“When we’re in December, when people are training and setting their bases, it would be good to do more around that time.
“On Saturday night it was completely random and that’s good because we’re not used to doing many blood tests.
“I’ve probably had four or five blood tests this year, but a lot more urine, so it’s obviously completely necessary when you hear things like about [Lance] Armstrong.
“It’s a shame for their sport but how they managed to get away with it was incredible, for so long.”
Critics of tennis’s approach to doping argue however that that the sport must do much more to address the issue and that it does far too little testing particularly of top players.
In 2010, for example, a year that Murray spent ranked between third and fifth in the world, he did not undergo a single out-of-competition test.
During the same year, there were no out-of competition tests on three of the top five ranked women’s players – world number one Caroline Wozniacki, plus Venus and Serena Williams.
Earlier this month, an article on the website of the US magazine Tennis Now explored various hypotheses regarding doping in tennis and pointed out that while according to World Anti Doping Agency Statistics for the period from 2007 to 2011, the International Tennis Federation showed 53 positive tests, there were only 21 anti-doping rule violations recorded in the same period.
The magazine quoted the blog Tennis Has a Steroid Problem as asking: “What accounts for the difference between positive tests and violations? Did players have Therapeutic Use Exemptions allowing them to use a banned substance? Did their 'B' Sample test negative? Did a tribunal find that the players did not commit a violation? If so, what was the reason for their finding?”
While high profile doping cases in the sport remain few and far between – the biggest in recent years being when the American player Wayne Odesnik was caught red-handed with human growth hormone at Brisbane airport, eventually serving a 12-month ban, reduced from an original two years – tennis itself is now facing some uncomfortable questions.
In August, when former US Postal Service team doctor Luis Garcia del Moral was handed a lifetime ban by the United States Anti-Doping Agency, the ITF acknowledged that he had worked with “various tennis players.”
It said that it would help enforce and give effect to USADA’s decision, including “not permitting Dr Garcia del Moral to participate in any capacity in, and denying him accreditation for or access to, any sanctioned tennis event or activity.”
The ITF added: “Players are asked to take careful note of the above when considering who to seek treatment, guidance and advice from in the future.”
Also in Spain, Dr Eufemiano Fuentes, the sports physician at the centre of the Operacion Puerto scandal in which athletes sanctioned were almost exclusively cyclists and non-Spanish nationals, has maintained in the past that he counted tennis players among his clients.
Whether he will name names or provide further details of his activities when the case goes to trial in Madrid in the new year remains to be seen.
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He's kind of right, though. The main reason I like cycling is that it requires fitness but no particular athletic talent. Co-ordination is not massively important in road cycling at least. Of course, good cyclists are talented insomuchas they were blessed with unusually efficient cardio-vascular engines, but I wouldn't classify this as a talent in the same way as hitting a tennis ball that's coming at you at 100mph+. So I actually think Murray has a point.
Maybe Andy has not read It is amazing what you cannot find when you do not look for it!
Come on, Tim!
This is a non-story, and need to show a bit of responsibility in how they report it.
Murray is generalising somewhat, but the basics of what he is saying are correct - cycling is at the highest level determined by who the fittest, strongest guys are on any given day - this is also true in tennis to an extent, but the skill of the player in hitting the ball is much more of a factor than the cyclist's bike handling skills. Tactics of course are key, but they are in both sports
Everyone needs to chill a bit. Comments about him smiling, his money, his Mum - pathetic!
This is being jumped upon by in the same way that 'there should be helmet laws' was jumped upon by the national press when Wiggins spoke after winning the Olympic TT.
Andy didn't set out to berate cycling. His intention was to say that there is not enough testing in Tennis.
..he's a ginger..their comments do not matter as they are not of our race
From Tennis has a steroid problem; "The International Tennis Federation (ITF), and professional tennis as a whole, has zero credibility when it comes to making claims of a being a "clean sport" or having "strict doping controls." The more likely situation is widespread doping in the sport. Why? The reasons are plenty:"
After 15 reasons why the site says,
" For the reasons above (and more), the ITF anti-doping program is either completely inept, or deliberately designed to not catch players doping" "As a result, ALL tennis players have a cloud hanging over their heads"
After seeing the backlash against Cycling I cannot imagine that the International Tennis Federation are falling over themselves to clean up their act. Surely cycling should be proud of its achievement in catching cheats?
Hey, just RELAX!
Just because he's good at hitting a ball over a net doesn't stop him being an arsehole and demonstrating how ignorant he is.
Is this the same Andy Murray that not long ago complained about the pitiful testing levels as being "draconian"? The link provided above shows 6x as many tests in cycling as tennis and any fool knows that PEDs are rife at the top level of ANY sport where frequent testing isn't carried out.
Can you compare two blokes repeatedly hitting a ball across a yard (when you're fairly confident who is the better) with Cadel's Giro stage win on the strade bianche? With Boonen, Cancellara or Gilbert in spring or the varying interwoven fortunes of the protagonists on the Galibier stage in the 2011 Tour? Good god, no! My heart beats for cycling, and no amount of deeply ignorant and arrogant bollocks from some pampered twit will change that. On a bike you can escape, you are alive, you can dream you're flying.
Just another moronic boring tw&t. Get a life...
Wow, 51 comments so far, tennis is really popular, and not a helmet in sight.
“Cycling isn’t a game, it’s a sport. Tough, hard and unpitying, and it requires great sacrifices. One plays football, or tennis, or hockey. One doesn’t play at cycling.”
~Jean de Gribaldy
Good old Andy,first he says he does not like the english now he is having a pop at cycling,a sport i love to bits. i cheered him on in every final right up to the day he won one......well no more Mr Murry....COME ON RODGER,NADAL,etc......
an earlier comment was made about rugby and drug testing.
Last year there was 1714 tests carried out by the IRB of which only 9 showed peculiar readings and i believe they were all from lesser known teams. Its still a small amount of checks worldwide but its getting there.
I know all the premiership clubs (rugby that is) do sporadic player checks themselves so that figure could be a lot higher if it was compiled correctly.
As for antonio's comment - there is a helmet mentioned - its Murray

No doping in tennis Andy? I suppose the fact that average match length has skyrocketed in the last ten years has nothing to do with it.
Also, I am sending you money for a proper haircut and some extra unused leg razors I have here for the back of your neck. It really looks quite embarrassing.
Not much skill in tennis....just hit a ball..?
Oh and don't forget to bring mummy with you Andy.!!
And +1 for Scottish independence !!
He's entitled to his opinion but that also means I'm entitled to shove his racket up his mouth/backside (sideways). Insulting to say cycling requires little skill, what a stupid comment.
What a load of crap.
As someone said, if he wins the Sports Personality of the Year I'm gonna cry foul 'cos the boring tw@t does not have one.
I've never liked the miserable git and this has just confirmed my suspicions.
I don't think any sportsmen from other sports should comment on drugs until they're tested as much as pro-cyclists are.
Talking rubbish
Skills in professional cycling include the ability to ride downhill at 80kph or more with only a thin layer of lycra for protection.
Stamina is required in Tennis to make it through five sets when both players serve at over 160kph.
Both sports require skill, stamina and strength.
If the standard of testing in other sports is as bad as that exposed by USADA then all sports have a serious drugs problem. That for me was the main reason to disbelieve that Lance was taking drugs, hoping against hope that USADA had it wrong.
He is dull and so is tennis.......
Don't disagree with his comments re tennis skills relative to bike skills. That said, there is no way Nadal and Djokovic would have ever got near Federer without huge quantities of PEDs.
F*ck me, 90% of these comments are an embarrassment. If I was a non-cyclist who came on here and read this I'd be leaving with a very low opinion of the cycling community. Read it back - school playground-level name calling based on a tabloid interview, which undoubtedly will have picked out the bits that made the best story. Chill out!
And, p1ss-poor "journalism". You should write for a red-top.
If you can't see that in general the skill of the participant makes a bigger difference in a top-level tennis match than it does in a bike race then you may as well give up now. Cycling is MASSIVELY about fitness, strength (mental & physical) & the ability to suffer - and it's all the better for it.
An unfit Roger Federer will still beat most opponents outside the top 4 - an unfit Bradley Wiggins would not have a chance.
For the skill level comment I'd pretty much agree with him, anyone arguing otherwise is having a laugh. Ivan Basso is not Danny MacAskill. Although Pozzatto's bunnyhop over Cav was something pretty special!
I think Andy's had enough shit journalism written about him to last several lifetimes without this crap too... "Slams" is a bit of a pisstake. Anyone above resorting to Nationalism can fuck off too!
+1 for not getting quite so worked up about this. I also think Murray has a point on the skill thing - even though I acknowledge there's a lot of skill involved in cycling, there's more in tennis - so much more subtlety and finesse (imagine Wiggo on a tennis court (!) and then Murray on a bike if you don't agree). This is a great example of what happens when relatively complex thoughts are expressed less well than they could be, then get twisted all over the shop in the public arena until they turn into something completely different in people's minds. I think the worst you can say about Murray as a result of this is that he's a bit naive - but he's a 25 year-old professional sportsman for crying out loud! what do you expect? Chomsky?
I can understand people getting worked up over the comments made, regardless of how or if the journo twisted them to suit,
my 8 year old son has just been reading the site when i left the computer on and lo and behold he has asked "whats s**t and f**k.
Can we please try and calm down some of the language used and remember who will read the comments. Thank you.
My knee jerk reaction was similar to a lot of the other negative comment already posted, but on reflection he makes a fair point.
This site needs a 'like' button for posts.
Tennis ,along with football,was invented to give really dumb,boring people something to talk about.
I'll probably agree with Murray about the skill - I'm better on a bike than I am at tennis (and I'm not that good on a bike either) BUT I hate tennis and pretty much everything to do with the game except that Russian bird and the girl scratching her bum in the poster.