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Eric Pickles: Cambridge motorists (and shops) suffer due to council's focus on cycling "elite"

Council says Communities Secretary wrong and its policies are supported by retailers; evidence from elsewhere suggests cycling positive for shops

Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Eric Pickles says that parking charges in Cambridge are too high and disadvantage motorists, and has suggested that prioritising cyclists over motorists favours an “elite” rather than ordinary people who want to use cars to visit shops.

Mr Pickles' comments come towards the end of a week in which he urged local authorities to do away with “Draconian” parking charges and infrastructure such as speed humps to make it easier for people to drive to high street shops.

But Cambridge City Council says that local retailers support its transport policies, which are focused on improving cycling infrastructure as well as buses to make it easier for people to get around.

The city has the highest proportion of cyclists in the UK – half the people who live there cycle at least once a week, and one in five commuter trips are made by bicycle.

Commenting on new planning guidance issued earlier this week, which is not obligatory for local authorities to follow, Mr Pickles warned that “anti-car dogma” meant that shoppers were increasingly deserting town centres for out-of-town superstores, or were shopping online.

He told Cambridge News that the East Anglian city was one of those to which his comments applied, and that while councils were free to set their own parking charges, he believed those set by the council – up to £26 for a day in a multi-storey car park was cited by the website – was too high.

“I accept there is a historic part of Cambridge that makes it not particularly friendly to cars and that’s the nature of having a very ancient city but, if we don’t put our plans together on how people live and how some of the elite think we should live, we are just asking for trouble,” he said.

“While this is not the sole cause of the high street’s problems, it is certainly a contributory factor.”

He conceded that it was impossible to destroy historic buildings to provide space for motor vehicles – little prospect of King’s College Chapel making way for a multi-storey car park, then – but maintained that cyclists should not be put first in the way that motorists have been in the past.

“What I’m seeking is not to replace one binding ideology with another, I’m asking for basic common sense and pragmatism,” he said.

Mr Pickles flagged up research from the Association of Town and City Management that claims to have found a strong correlation between the availability of parking spaces and footfall in town centres.

The body says that in viewing parking charges and fines as a means of raising revenue, they have lost sight of what the prime focus of parking management should be.

However, studies from elsewhere strongly suggest that policies that favour cycling do have a beneficial effect on the local economy.

Research commissioned by the City of Copenhagen presented at the Velo City Conference in Vienna in June found that while cyclists may spend less per visit than drivers when they go to local shops, over the course of a year, they spend more in aggregate.

Moreover, bicycles, not cars, are the most frequent mode of transport used to access local shops – but the lack of adequate cycle parking provision was a barrier to getting more people to use their bikes to go shopping.

Meanwhile, a recent article on the Seattle Transit Blog showed the startling impact of the custom of cyclists on the takings of retailers on one road where bike lanes had been installed and parking spaces removed, with revenues up as much as fourfold during the subsequent six months.

Responding to Mr Pickles’ comments, Councillor Tim Ward, Cambridge City Council’s executive councillor for sustainable transport, told Cambridge News that the secretary for state’s views were incorrect and that the council was doing the right thing in investing in cycle parking and other infrastructure.

He also pointed out that the issue of car parking in Cambridge were not typical, due to tourism and commuting; lying an hour by train from London, many residents commute to London for work, and the city is one of the most visited tourist destinations in the UK.

“If Mr Pickles is interested in the wellbeing of retailers, he should listen to them,” said Councillor Ward.

“Retailers want people coming in spending two to three hours shopping, they don’t want the car parks silting up with commuters and tourists and them not being available to shoppers, which would happen if we took the prices down.

“We are busy providing a lot more parking spaces in the city centre in the next few months, for something like 800 bicycles, and figures show it doesn’t take many cyclists to equal one car driver in terms of retail spend,” he added.

Cambridge was also visited this week by minister for cycling Norman Baker, who was there to see first-hand the city’s cycling infrastructure on the day he unveiled the government’s response to the Get Britain Cycling report. The response has met with a lukewarm reception from cyclists.

Simon joined as news editor in 2009 and is now the site’s community editor, acting as a link between the team producing the content and our readers. A law and languages graduate, published translator and former retail analyst, he has reported on issues as diverse as cycling-related court cases, anti-doping investigations, the latest developments in the bike industry and the sport’s biggest races. Now back in London full-time after 15 years living in Oxford and Cambridge, he loves cycling along the Thames but misses having his former riding buddy, Elodie the miniature schnauzer, in the basket in front of him.

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hairyairey | 11 years ago

I can't fathom why the park and ride car parks aren't all full in Cambridge (it has five - although that might be more now) - maybe it's because people don't want to mix with strangers on the bus - weird really because there's loads of them in the shops.

Cambridge has a huge traffic problem and has been considering a congestion charge - despite the large number of bicycle usage. It does not need any more cars!

Matt eaton | 11 years ago

He might just have a point about speed bumps. I've recently started to use a child trailer and negotiating speed bumps is a real pain. You have to slow down to a near standstill to avoid giving the occupant a massive jolt.

sporran | 11 years ago

Surprised he managed to stop going on about wheely bins for long enough to come out with this latest bit of sticking his nose in to other places' business.

sean1 | 11 years ago

Eric Pickles constant stream of idiot statements is a political move. The conservative party is extremely worried about UKIP grabbing voters at the next election so Pickles is drip-feeding nonsense ideas and directives aimed at holding onto the potential UKIP defectors....

Expect a lot more of this rubbish as the next election approaches.

daddyELVIS | 11 years ago

Pickles - you are a fat c**t and a member of THE elite-serving party. BTW, the elite tend to drive Ranger Rovers, not ride bikes!

Ghostie | 11 years ago

I thought that's why Cambridge introduced a park and ride scheme at Trumpington to make it more accessible. It also has a train station, a guided busway, small shuttle buses and taxis that can take pedestrians into the city centre (and it's only a 20-25 minute walk from Station Rd up to the Grand Arcade in the centre of the city or slightly longer, probably about 40 mins, to the Grafton Centre). No need for using a car, other than food shopping - all the major supermarkets are located out of the city centre anyway. Cycling doesn't even enter into the debate as they are fitting into an existing structure/system (public transport and a pedestrianised city).

paulfg42 | 11 years ago

Not everyone will want to ride a bike but, instead of focusing on cars, why doesn't Pickles look to make public transport cheaper and more accessible?

daddyELVIS replied to paulfg42 | 11 years ago
paulfg42 wrote:

Not everyone will want to ride a bike but, instead of focusing on cars, why doesn't Pickles look to make public transport cheaper and more accessible?

Because making public transport expensive, whilst ironically making riding on a bus (except in London) seen as a pastime for only the poor and wierdos, serves the agenda of big business, oil & finance (the politician's pay-masters) - i.e. promotes the buying & running of more & more cars. Maybe the advance of cycling is the new threat!

WolfieSmith | 11 years ago

Last time I was in cambridge I used the park and ride. It was heaving with cars and bikes in the town centre. No wonder it seems to generate the most car versus bike stories outside London. If only every other city was similar.

In Liverpool there are so few that venture onto the dangerous commuter routes it's easy for the council to suggest that cycling isn't a priority in the city.

If you cycle to work in Liverpool you have my admiration. Tell your local MP you don't want the mayor 'Big Joe' Anderson's Boris bike scheme - but some decent routes and a central cycle hub.

Big Joe is twinned with Pickles in this week's Private Eye. Oh how apt is that... Apparently bets are on at the Echo that come the photo opportunity to launch the stupid Boris Bike scheme Big Joe might actually break the bike...  36

PJ McNally | 11 years ago

Is Pickles anything to do with the DfT? Or is he a jumped up back-bencher in some meaningless role who's eaten too many pies?

If he is the latter, then surely those in the DfT who actually know a thing or two about evidence based transport policy should censure him?

Or does the DfT and central government just not give a sh1t about cycling and active travel, instead "leaving it to the discretion of local authorities"?

Every time he goes after councils for being anti-car, he makes it all the harder for them to do the right thing.

The crunch comes when councils have to consider reallocating space from cars to bikes. E.g. taking away on street car parking and replacing it with proper bike infrastructure. Pickles and those like him make this impossible.

May he choke on a pie. Or, even better, see the light and take up cycling.

Simmo72 | 11 years ago

The only bit that has an ounce of sense is reassessing some speed humps. There are some near to where I live where even crawling over at 10mph feel like its knocking the suspension int next week, too harsh. Of course when on the bike I enjoy flying past everyone crawling along.

farrell replied to Simmo72 | 11 years ago
Simmo72 wrote:

Of course when on the bike I enjoy flying past everyone crawling along.

Yep, one of lifes little pleasures is hearing the underbelly of a BMW that has been driven by some plum who thinks that he doesn't have to slow down as he's in a rush having its guts ripped out on a speedbump.

Mind you, my arse twitched like a rabbits nose a few weeks back when a car went into a speed bump with such speed that his tyre loudly exploded behind me.

Simmo72 | 11 years ago

Nothing like a bit of self interest so the fat f*** can park up right in front of Gregs to get his daily yum yum fix.

Al__S | 11 years ago

Cambridge has an abnormally high shop occupancy rate in the city centre and large queues for the expensive car parks. Those two factors tell you how wrong Pickles is.

jarredscycling | 11 years ago

I think out of town shopping centers and on line shopping is a trend with roots way deeper than "parking charges" Furthermore how can a policy be elite if it targets 50% of the population who rides a bike? That sounds like the exact opposite of elite

Some Fella | 11 years ago

Anyone interested in Pickles rise to power and how a man so corrupt and inept has managed to reach such high office should read The Pickle Papers
Its all available online
Which is nice.

karlowen | 11 years ago

Although, Counciller Ward is clearly a man of sound mind.

karlowen | 11 years ago

Who elects these idiots?

Leviathan replied to karlowen | 11 years ago
karlowen wrote:

Who elects these idiots?

28,792 people in Brentwood and Ongar, Essex
and by proxy
10,703,654 people in Great Britain made him a minister.

You know what to do next time.

mr-andrew | 11 years ago

Can't we launch him at Syria and kill 2 birds with one stone?

cavasta replied to mr-andrew | 11 years ago
mr-andrew wrote:

Can't we launch him at Syria and kill 2 birds with one stone?

Not sure we've got the military hardware capable of such a mammoth undertaking.

Simmo72 replied to cavasta | 11 years ago

We could strap 2 hercules together, that might just do it. Imagine the crater he would make, we'd feel the aftershock here.

zanf replied to mr-andrew | 11 years ago
mr-andrew wrote:

Can't we launch him at Syria and kill 2 birds with one stone?

I think you'll kill much more than 2 birds.

giff77 | 11 years ago

Finally. I'm recognised as one of the elite rather than a pleb  36  16  4 thank you 'Lord' Pickles  19

Dr. Ko | 11 years ago

No, I'm snobish, I would rather ride for a chocolade to Paul Young with a steel frame:  1

bigbluebike | 11 years ago

Fatty pickles could do well to actually visit Cambridge based couriers Outspoken Delivery who do amazing things for local retailers and assist with deliveries for 3 national delivery companies. These guys have seen the restriction on vehicle movements is an opportunity to grow a business whilst helping promote cycling. Beneficial all round. Go and speak to their clients and see what they say!

sidesaddle | 11 years ago

OK whiners. You have all got cars. Would you take the Cervelo to Tesco? The moral high ground here is perhaps a little crumbly?

mad_scot_rider replied to sidesaddle | 11 years ago
sidesaddle wrote:

OK whiners. You have all got cars. Would you take the Cervelo to Tesco? The moral high ground here is perhaps a little crumbly?


Yes - I have a car
Yes - I cycle my road bike to the local Morrisons - regularly
No - I don't have to take moral advice from someone who acts as an apologist for our pathetic excuse for politicians

crazy-legs replied to sidesaddle | 11 years ago
sidesaddle wrote:

OK whiners. You have all got cars. Would you take the Cervelo to Tesco? The moral high ground here is perhaps a little crumbly?

Maybe, maybe not. No, I wouldn't take my high-end road bike to Sainsbury's but what I do is factor in a supermarket trip when I need to use the car so that (wherever possible) I never need to get into the car to make one specific trip. Plan in the journey and know that if I need to drive to work one day, I can stop at the supermarket/garage etc on the way home.

My other shopping needs can be catered for by walking, train and bus (or a combination of those). No obviously I realise that not everyone has those options and if you're going to IKEA to buy a wardrobe, a bike is slightly impractical for that but we're not talking about doing *everything* by bike - even if everyone took one fewer journey by car a week it'd make one hell of a difference.

mrmo replied to sidesaddle | 11 years ago
sidesaddle wrote:

OK whiners. You have all got cars. Would you take the Cervelo to Tesco? The moral high ground here is perhaps a little crumbly?

Like most people i do have a car, but because i live in a town i happen to live near some shops. I know this sounds odd and that most politicians live in rural retreats, i hear that Tuscanny is quite popular? However i also have two functioning legs, you know if you look below your gut those sticky out things, you know the ones that you use to push the pedals in the car.

However they also have another function, they allow you to walk!!!! bet you didn't know that.

Because i live in a town i am only 1/2mile from the local Tesco, you may have seen the big red white and blue signs as you drive to Fortnum and Masons? They sell food and stuff in there, in case you ever wondered.

Anyway because i live near a food shop i can walk to the shop and buy the food i need, If i feel lazy or need loads i get the shop to deliver it, not sure if you have ever heard of online shopping and the internet, you really should investigate it, makes life much easier.


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