Sustainable transport charity, Sustrans has signed the paperwork enabling work to go ahead on two major schemes to provide traffic free cycle and walking routes in Southampton and Kenilworth.
Both schemes will draw on money from the Big Lottery Fund which set aside a £50m grant for Sustrans' Connect2 after a nationwide public vote last year.
Work on the £700,000 Kenilworth scheme is scheduled to start next month and will be completed in 2011 - £300,000 of the total cost will come from Sustrans' Connect2 with the rest coming from the local council.
The plan will see the transformation of the Kenilworth to Berkswell Greenway along the disused railway line, with additional links to the university campus and town centre.
Over the next five years further work throughout Kenilworth will link the railway route to the town centre, creating a traffic-free link enabling many people to walk or cycle to university, to work or the town centre - to the benefit of both their health and the environment.
The Southampton scheme is if anything more ambitious and involves building a unique boardwalk along part of the tidal River Itchen between Northam Bridge and Horseshoe Bridge. Work on the boardwalk is now planned to start in April 2009 with the opening pencilled in for October that year.
Over the next five years further work throughout the city of Southampton will link the riverside route to the city centre, creating a traffic-free link enabling thousands of people to walk or cycle to school, to work or the city centre - to the benefit of both their health and the environment.
The work in Southampton is expected to cost upwards of £1m with Sustrans' Connect2 contributing £450,000.
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I was really enjoying the article until I came to the price!
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We must be related!
But why worry if a few people do? It's just not a big deal....
Tempted to get him a sweary birthday cake like in The Thick Of It....
Didn't happen did it? They came into my shop a couple of years back and said it was "on the way", but never heard anything more.