The Body Coach, Joe Wicks, has thanked NHS staff after undergoing surgery on the hand he fractured when he fell off his bike at the end of March.
Many people will have spotted that Wicks – who has come to be considered ‘the nation’s PE teacher’ during lockdown – was wearing a cast on his arm during a number of last month’s daily fitness videos.
Explaining what happened, he said: "I was out on my bike, I fell off and I've fractured a bone in my hand... but it's ok, I just can't do any push-ups or press-ups or burpees and stuff. But I'm sure you'll be happy about that because it means no burpees for you."
> 5 reasons every cyclist should do PE with Joe Wicks
Wicks had already undergone one operation on the injury but then yesterday told fans that he had headed to hospital after waking up with his arm throbbing "like liquid hot magma".
The BBC reports that he needed to have wires removed because his hand had become infected. The procedure was successfully carried out earlier today.
Wicks said the bones had healed and the wires hadn’t broken, but the soft tissue had become inflamed.
Speaking on Instagram, he said he was "super grateful" to staff at Kingston Hospital.
Before the procedure, he had said: "It doesn't matter how old you are, when you see a nurse or a doctor you instantly feel safe and calm and relaxed.
"I think it's amazing, the NHS people out here still grafting, still having to be around the Covid patients and it's just wonderful isn't it, that people are that kind to dedicate their lives to helping other people that are sick and unwell feel better."
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