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Near Miss of the Day 498: Close pass cyclist gets nothing out of close pass police

Our regular series featuring close passes from around the country - today it's Essex...

A cyclist who filmed two close passes from Land Rover drivers in quick succession got short shrift from police - despite the force in question highlighting on social media its own efforts to target motorists who overtake cyclists without giving them sufficient space.

Mike, the reader who sent us the footage for our Near Miss of the Day series, told us: "I was cycling to work and two Land Rover drivers passed me with inches to spare, their wing mirrors were so close.

"As always with such close passes I try to keep a steady speed and direction hoping that there is not a gust of wind or a pothole that might put me under the drivers' wheels.

"At the end of the footage a driver of a Vauxhall pulled out on me, they did not even look and refused to even acknowledge my existence when I pulled alongside hoping for at least an apology.

"All three were reported to Essex Police under their Safer Essex Roads Extra Eyes campaign.

"All three were dealt with by 'no further action: insufficient evidence for a conviction'.

"I made inquiries of the Safe Essex Roads team on Twitter and their response was as follows: 'It has been decided that as the drivers have allowed as much space as possible and not caused you to brake or wobble from concern it does not meet the criteria'.

safer esses roads message - screenshot via Michael Greene.PNG

"I was dumbfounded that passing this close was deemed acceptable because I had not braked or wobbled, had I done either I might not be here today!

"Even more frustrating is that they have run close pass operations before and published safe passing guidance with pictures on their twitter account. Essex Police in my experience have a mixed performance when it comes to submissions, sometimes good and times like this very very bad leaving cyclists like me feeling incredibly disturbed and worried," he added.

> Near Miss of the Day turns 100 - Why do we do the feature and what have we learnt from it?

Over the years has reported on literally hundreds of close passes and near misses involving badly driven vehicles from every corner of the country – so many, in fact, that we’ve decided to turn the phenomenon into a regular feature on the site. One day hopefully we will run out of close passes and near misses to report on, but until that happy day arrives, Near Miss of the Day will keep rolling on.

If you’ve caught on camera a close encounter of the uncomfortable kind with another road user that you’d like to share with the wider cycling community please send it to us at info [at] or send us a message via the Facebook page.

If the video is on YouTube, please send us a link, if not we can add any footage you supply to our YouTube channel as an unlisted video (so it won't show up on searches).

Please also let us know whether you contacted the police and if so what their reaction was, as well as the reaction of the vehicle operator if it was a bus, lorry or van with company markings etc.

> What to do if you capture a near miss or close pass (or worse) on camera while cycling

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zero_trooper | 4 years ago

From the Essex tweet '…allowed as much space as possible…'

What bollocks! Not overtaking at all and being patient would have 'allowed as much space as possible'. 

wtjs | 4 years ago

I am repeating myself, but the 'no wobble or braking so it was no offence' dodge shows that the officer is both as thick as a brick and has no appreciation of cycling. The 50 mph close-passer is past you before you know it. If you did wobble or brake, PC Dim would just imply that you shoud consider cycling on quieter roads. They make the decision on the basis that no-one was hit, so there was no offence, and then write something really, really stupid which they think justifies the decision. Essex Police has clearly attained the Lancashire Level of Cyclist Detestation.

PRSboy | 4 years ago

The only reason why there was no braking or wobbling is because Mike is an experienced cyclist. Tell 'SaferEssexRoads' to read the Highway Code; here's three offences for a start.

"Make sure that the road ahead is clear"

"Give a cyclist as much room as you would when overtaking a car"

"Do not overtake when you might come into conflict with other road users"

wycombewheeler | 4 years ago

It's very concerning that the standard is this illegal manoeuvre did not cause the cyclist to wobble so no further action is required.

Do they apply the same logic to speeding? Jumping red lights or any other motor offences?

I'm pretty sure they don't. "Yes I was speeding, but I didn't hit anyone or cause them to take evasive action so no harm, no foul your honour" to be the new approach for mr loophole.

Unfortunately the met police did not take this approach with me when I rolled through an empty pedestrian crossing on a red light as a teenager, landing me a £20 fine.

Just total nonsense from the Essex police, the whole point of traffic policing should be to improve driving standards before people get hurt, not only penalise those where the driver is unlucky and someone else does not compensate for their mistake.

alansmurphy | 4 years ago

Is there any point in the charge of attempted murder if the victim was not in fact murdered?

fukawitribe replied to alansmurphy | 4 years ago

Huh ?

Hirsute replied to fukawitribe | 4 years ago
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I think was an allusion to the cyclist not being hit so there is no crime.

quiff | 4 years ago

Although it's a sad indictment of the general standard of driving we have come to expect, I enjoyed the celebratory "yes!" that accompanied the good pass from that Micra.   

Hirsute | 4 years ago
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Disappointing. I have had better success in the past, although they have recently changed the submission form and also only ask for 1 minute either side.

I am now wondering if they have the same team reviewing it. I haven't sent off one to the new site yet, so I will intereted to see my outcome.



Mungecrundle | 4 years ago

I think we are losing sight here of the gold standard service given by SaferEssexRoads in actually telling you that they have bugger all interest in road safety when a number of forces around the country are adopting the "you are only a witness and we won't even give you the courtesy of telling you the outcome of our investigations" approach to filing such incidents in the waste bin.

Captain Badger | 4 years ago

Clearly the rider failed to get a signed confession. They'll know for next time...

wtjs replied to Captain Badger | 4 years ago

Clearly the rider failed to get a signed confession. They'll know for next time...

Good point, and truer than you know about police attitudes. The offence-NoFurtherAction-complaint cycle I'm writing to my MP about involves the insanely Inspector Clouseau type of stupid police response that the police must have confirmatory video from the offending vehicle and (surprise, surprise) it turned out that it wasn't working that day. This is a revolutionary new Lancashire Constabulary policy which should avoid them having to do much at all: there's camera footage of someone blowing up the safe, but the villain gets completely away with it without even a warning because he wasn't wearing a GoPro headcam to confirm that he did it. This is the offence

Captain Badger replied to wtjs | 4 years ago

Jesus, f*ck my old boots! You don't need video to see that's a wrong 'un

Why would anybody join the police just to fob victims off like that??? They can't seriously come home satisfied in a good day's work......

Fifth Gear replied to Captain Badger | 4 years ago

You have to remember these officers are almost certainly motorists who know and care nothing about cycling and they are doing exactly as agreed by their equally ignorant peers and superiors. As for enforcing the law and protecting the vulnerable.........well, let's not be naive.

No Reply replied to wtjs | 4 years ago

Lancs Plod are an absolute disgrace. I have given up reporting motoring offences and near misses to them. They clearly couldn't give a fuck. The last time I made a complaint, I was so angry with the response, that I complained to the Professional Standards Department, they didn't even have the decency to reply. I used to have the utmost respect for the police, Lancs plod have fucked that up completely.

wtjs replied to No Reply | 4 years ago

Lancs Plod are an absolute disgrace

True, true! Harassing them is a tough job, but someone has to do it. The Filth are going to have a tough job themselves ignoring this- although they'll try. The problem for them is that they're already under suspicion from Ben Wallace for ignoring really dangerous red-light crashing, so they're having to pretend to be doing something. This tipper truck FX62 AYH yesterday went through the A6 lights at Garstang over 1.6 seconds after the lights turned red, thundering along at over 50 mph. Within 30 minutes there were another 2 like offences. Even pretending causes them effort, when they'd rather be sitting in Garstang Police Station trying to learn policing from the actors in 'The Bay'.

swldxer | 4 years ago
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It's a door mirror, wing mirrors went out with glove boxes and log books. It's 2020 now.

Compact Corned Beef replied to swldxer | 4 years ago

Wait, what are glove boxes now?

andystow replied to Compact Corned Beef | 4 years ago

Compact Corned Beef wrote:

Wait, what are glove boxes now?

Never-looked-at-owners-manual-registration-papers-two-napkins-a-pen-and-six-ketchup-packets box doesn't have quite such a ring to it.

I look forward to the day it's called a "phone box" (that term being no longer needed for its original purpose) and people put their phones in there before starting the car.

markieteeee replied to andystow | 4 years ago

But once it's called a phone box drivers will have to rename their phone hand as their second-hand-on-the-steering-wheel-when-turning-corners hand.  

Captain Badger replied to Compact Corned Beef | 4 years ago
1 like

Compact Corned Beef wrote:

Wait, what are glove boxes now?

5h1t, where am I supposed to keep my string-backs now???

Gimpl replied to swldxer | 4 years ago

I've seen you post this before - seriously, you need to get over yourself. 

Wing mirrors has become a colloquiasm and an accepted norm. I haven't used an actual Hoover since the 70's however I stll hoover each weekend!

OnYerBike replied to Gimpl | 4 years ago

I'm pretty sure he just scans articles for the phrase "wing mirror" and posts this every time. I don't think I've ever seen him post anything else (and with that haircut, I think I would notice!)

Hirsute replied to OnYerBike | 4 years ago

Perhaps it is a script bot ?

markieteeee replied to Hirsute | 4 years ago

Leave him alone, the Bay City Rollers aren't getting much work nowadays.

Awavey | 4 years ago

on close pass alone, Id have thought both Land Rover passes counted for at least some action. Strangely the 1st one didnt look that bad till you see how much room it actually takes up of that lane when its back in position.

the Vauxhall one Im less sure on, yes its annoying, but Id not have carried on past it like that,as I assume they were still going straight on even if they were making a hash of things, & part of me wonders if thats then been counted against treating the other passes more properly.

final thought, so what on earth was all that traffic about on the opposite side queueing for anyway ?

wtjs replied to Awavey | 4 years ago

the Vauxhall one Im less sure on

I am. Any complaint about that is a non-starter. You have to expect stupid people to pull out in front of you- stupid people think cycles are child's toys and are travelling at less than 10 mph. This is the great advantage of disc brakes and STI-type levers- you're always ready to brake. I love cable-discs!

AlsoSomniloquism replied to Awavey | 4 years ago

The second land rover only had to wait for 3 more seconds and then could have given plenty of room similar to the smaller car's manouvre a bit later so for the Police to state he couldn't do anything else in the circumstances is bull shit. 

I agree with you on the about the Vauxhall though, no obvious braking from the cyclist (a bad manouvre for pulling out on someone is causing them to brake) and they could easily have pulled back into the curb side to undertake the car ahead. 

wtjs | 4 years ago

Close passes are completely standard 'I'm in a big posh car and I do what I like' behaviour- what they think, and are supported in this belief by the (expletive-deleted) police, is that the other lane is full of cars and they have to overtake so they maintain speed and have to squeeze up to the cyclist as close as necessary to get past. The police response shows how little experience of, and empathy with, cycling and cyclists they have. The police-person who wote that (the women are just as bad and unthinking in my experience) reveals himself as pretty thick- when they come past you like that they're past before you have any time to 'wobble or brake' and why would you? Most passes like that come at you completely out of the blue. In fact, what PC Dimwit decided was 'no blood on the road, therefore No Offence, No Further Action, think up some dim words to justify the decision'.

MAKE A COMPLAINT and follow it through to the end. You won't win because police complaints procedures are worthless, and begin with the conclusion that the police are correct. Then, continue with the complaint to the PCC or whatver the next stage is. You won't win that either because the PCC is useless and just copies down what the police say. But you owe it to us to make them suffer. I am about to write to my MP with the completely inept and stupid police and PCC responses to my complaint.

As for posh cars: Lancashire Police won't touch them- they did nothing about big black Range Rover F2 YNY which shot through this red light at over 50 mph! I'm afraid I have to repeat: the Police are The Cyclists' Enemy.

alexls | 4 years ago

I wasn't aware the HC or the police guidance said "as much space as possible"...


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