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Near Miss of the Day 752: “If anyone thinks this is an acceptable manner of driving, let this be your warning,” say police

Our regular series featuring close passes from around the country - today it's South Yorkshire...

A bit of an unusual one on our Near Miss of the Day feature today – the source is the Twitter feed of the Sheffield North West Neighbourhood Policing Team, showing the moment an approaching driver passed a group of cyclists too closely, and at what officers described as “excessive speed.”

The driver received a fine of £417 and had their licence endorsed with five penalty points, and police added that “If anyone thinks this is an acceptable manner of driving, let this be your warning.”

Police said that the incident happened before they began accepting footage on the Nextbase portal, which enables members of the public to upload footage of driving for investigation, and that a repeat offence could see the driver’s vehicle seized.

Despite police emphasising in the original tweet that the driver was entirely at fault, some people in the comments suggested that the cyclists should have stopped to let the motorist pass, pointing out the poorly parked car on the left hand side of the road – but once again, officers underlined that the issue here was the standard of driving, and not the behaviour of the cyclists.

Last year, we featured a Near Miss of the Day video filmed while cycling by Inspector Kevin Smith, who leads the Sheffield North West Neighbourhood Policing team, and which is one of the most frightening incidents we have highlighted in this series.

> Near Miss of the Day 651: “If I’d continued to go straight on, I would have gone under the wheels of this lorry”

And earlier last year, when she was still active travel commissioner for the Sheffield City Region, Dame Sarah Storey – Great Britain’s most successful ever Paralympian – joined the Inspector Smith and his colleagues on a close pass operation that saw no fewer than one in five drivers get pulled over.

> Dame Sarah Storey joins South Yorkshire Police on close pass operation – and almost one in five drivers get pulled over

> Near Miss of the Day turns 100 - Why do we do the feature and what have we learnt from it?

Over the years has reported on literally hundreds of close passes and near misses involving badly driven vehicles from every corner of the country – so many, in fact, that we’ve decided to turn the phenomenon into a regular feature on the site. One day hopefully we will run out of close passes and near misses to report on, but until that happy day arrives, Near Miss of the Day will keep rolling on.

If you’ve caught on camera a close encounter of the uncomfortable kind with another road user that you’d like to share with the wider cycling community please send it to us at info [at] or send us a message via the Facebook page.

If the video is on YouTube, please send us a link, if not we can add any footage you supply to our YouTube channel as an unlisted video (so it won't show up on searches).

Please also let us know whether you contacted the police and if so what their reaction was, as well as the reaction of the vehicle operator if it was a bus, lorry or van with company markings etc.

> What to do if you capture a near miss or close pass (or worse) on camera while cycling

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wtjs | 2 years ago
1 like

Contrast this response from Sheffield NW NPT with Lancashire Constabulary's no response to Transit BX61 FKO with heavy trailer illegally crossing the DWLs because of a parked car ahead- I had no time to react as he was travelling so fast. You've guessed it: No Response

Hirsute replied to wtjs | 2 years ago
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That is awful.

Did they have a plate on the trailer and was it the right reg?

zideriup | 2 years ago

Usual people mouthing off on social media who seem to think that this is still up for discussion despite the fact that the tweet is reporting the result of a court verdict. 

a1white | 2 years ago

Sheffield Northwest NPT seem to be very pro-active with cyclists safety. So good to see. But yes, the incosistencies with Police forces in the country is shocking.

brooksby | 2 years ago
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And: was any action taken against the illegally parked blue car on the left?

Rendel Harris replied to brooksby | 2 years ago
brooksby wrote:

And: was any action taken against the illegally parked blue car on the left?

Certainly in London the police don't deal with illegal parking in video submissions, they just say tell the local council, who then won't deal with it as they say it has to be witnessed by an enforcement officer in situ.

Huw Watkins replied to Rendel Harris | 2 years ago
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The police in London don't deal with anything at all in my experience.  

5 weeks ago, a friend and I were close passed three times by the same car before being forced to stop by the driver who then got out of his car to shout at us before finally attacking us with a hammer.

I reported the assualy on the same day to the Met but have heard nothing since.  Have followed it up a couple of times through original issuer of the crime number and through Twitter but still no dice.

Have now submitted a formal complaint through the Met.

I'm not entirely sure what the Met does these days.  I only ever see vans and cars driving quickly with blue lights.  The only time I ever see a real live officer is when they've stopped a car and are speaking to the driver - who is (much more often than not) not white.



John Stevenson replied to Huw Watkins | 2 years ago

Huw Watkins wrote:

I'm not entirely sure what the Met does these days.

Same as they've always done: protect the property, power and privilege of the wealthy. Sending nine vanloads of ecilops to evict five squatters from Deripaska's mansion last month was as pure an example as you'll ever see of their true purpose.

Anything else the police does is PR.

AlsoSomniloquism replied to Huw Watkins | 2 years ago

I'm not entirely sure what the Met does these days.

Trying (and failing) to stop their colleagues raping women?

brooksby | 2 years ago

some people in the comments suggested that the cyclists should have stopped to let the motorist pass, pointing out the poorly parked car on the left hand side of the road

Erm - the cyclists passed that parked car while still on their side of the white lines.  The oncoming car, which wasn't passing anything at all, managed not to stay on its own side of the white lines.

(sorry if anyone else has said that, I just needed to get it off my chest before I started reading BTL).

a1white replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

I think it was deliberate provication by the passing car. Sped up and went towards the cyclist to "teach them a lesson", for not waiting for them (even though they didn't need to as there was space to pass).  Thankfully, I think Sheffield NorthWest NPT also beleived this to be deliberate, judging by the fine and points.

carlosdsanchez | 2 years ago

Problem is that there is no consistency to the action taken by police for dangerous driving around cyclists. Over the past 4 years of sending in video footage the action taken has swung wildly from everything I sent being given a NIP, then to no further action, then back to NIP and now only warning letters. Apparently it's down to the discretion of the officer viewing the footage as to what action to take, so even if the footage falls within the standard the CPS would prosecute, you won't necessarily get a worthwhile result.

Craig Prosser | 2 years ago

Oh no a driver went by on the other side of the road doing the speed limit and startled someone , burn them.

seems cyclists want to own the road not share it as they constantly preach

mdavidford replied to Craig Prosser | 2 years ago
Craig Prosser wrote:

Oh no a driver went by on the other wrong side of the road possibly doing the speed limit and startled someone endangered other road users, burn fine them.

seems cyclists some people driving want to own the road not share it as they constantly preach

Surreyrider replied to Craig Prosser | 2 years ago

Better hand your licence back to the DVLA ASAP. 

STiG911 replied to Surreyrider | 2 years ago
Surreyrider wrote:

Better hand your licence back to the DVLA ASAP. 

And get his eyes tested afterwards - what a melt.

Hirsute replied to Craig Prosser | 2 years ago

I hope you don't drive.

How do you know what speed the driver as doing and what the limit is for the road?

Hint: you drive to the condtions, not the speed limit.

Standard of trolling is not what it used to be.

Rendel Harris replied to Craig Prosser | 2 years ago

God it's getting predictable, as one scrolls down and a new single-figure poster comes into view one just knows it's 90% certain it's a pro-car troll. On the rare occasions I look at car websites or forums there aren't loads of cyclists trolling with pro-bike views, why is that? Probably because they're out having fun on their bikes, I suppose.

Velophaart_95 replied to Rendel Harris | 2 years ago

Go on Pistonheads,  there's a thread on there....


Some of the comments.....

Hirsute replied to Velophaart_95 | 2 years ago

Majority of the comments were very good.

Starts p66

"As before then - if 2/3 of a lane isn't enough for you I don't know how you get anywhere on a bicycle.
There was loads of room, all that was required was for the driver to be minimally competent and not be a tt.
That's why the driver has 5 points and a fine."

peted76 | 2 years ago

Wow, for once a decent result!

IanMSpencer | 2 years ago

But the lane was too narrow, I needed to cross the white line to give myself enough space at that speed.

I would have liked to see more video of the track of the car because I am guessing that it was a punishment swerve - get back in the gutter.

Oddly, I'm generally happy being close to the centre line with oncoming cars (as long as they are their side) - far more than having a car the same distance with a cycle lane.

mdavidford replied to IanMSpencer | 2 years ago
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IanMSpencer wrote:

I would have liked to see more video of the track of the car because I am guessing that it was a punishment swerve

They've just come through a narrowing at what looks like a railway bridge the other side of the junction - looks like they just held the line from that, instead of moving back into their own lane - more likely a lack of attention than anything deliberate, I think. And excessive speed through the pinch point.

Awavey replied to IanMSpencer | 2 years ago

Well I wouldnt be happy with it at that speed, but at least oncoming you can prepare yourself & choose your line to take, the ones from behind tend to be more of a shock even if you hear it and know what's coming.

But I'd almost by default never submit these oncoming style ones simply because I've never imagined the police would ever do anything properly with them.

Rendel Harris replied to Awavey | 2 years ago
Awavey wrote:

But I'd almost by default never submit these oncoming style ones simply because I've never imagined the police would ever do anything properly with them.

18 months ago I submitted one of a driver overtaking another round the wrong side of a central island into the face of oncoming traffic (me) - he got a warning letter.

Hirsute | 2 years ago

The Twitter thread is very odd - despite photos clearly showing the driver crossing the central line, some people insist the driver was in their lane.
And the cyclists should have given way !

OldTom replied to Hirsute | 2 years ago

This is the post-truth world. That is their opinion and they are entitled to it. Stop trying to cancel them by saying their views aren't valid simply because the verifiable facts don't support them.

Fignon's ghost | 2 years ago

Good work. Another scumbag will hopefully soon be off the roads.
Without the camera footage. Nothing would've been done.
Road cyclists.
That's why you always wear a camera. Front and back!

JMark | 2 years ago

Close call

Hirsute | 2 years ago

I assume this was Inspector Kev leading this prosecution !!

Perhaps they can be a standard for the rest of the country.


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