What is it?
Tired of your other half commenting on your choice of attire all the time? If so then you probably don't need an app to join in on the act too, but for everyone else What to Wear Cycling is a useful tool that suggests what kit you need to take out according to accurate and up-to-date weather reports. Released in 2013, countless cyclists have took advantage of the app's weather data to find out the best combination of cycle clothing needed to be comfortable on the bike. You can personalise it to - the app allows you to input if you usually run hot or colder than the average person, so will recommend more or less layers depending on your preferences.
Cycling app of the week: Rain Alarm
Cycling app of the week: Bike Computer
You don't have to be in the location you want to check the weather for, so you can also ask the app what to wear for a ride you're doing the next day, even if it's out of the country. It also works the other way around, in the sense that you can check what weather conditions are appropriate for certain items of clothing. You can input conditions manually if you don't have a wireless connection, and What to Wear will still come up with a recommended list of cycling attire based on what you've told it.
What to Wear Cycling also allows you to notify your friends what the conditions are like and recommended clothing for your ride via the 'Tell the Peleton' option, which might be appreciated by less experienced riders who would otherwise turn up in shorts and no overshoes for a winter club pootle...
What makes it unique?
There are many other weather apps of course, but the cycle specificity of this one is different to the norm and adds another level of practicality by suggesting how you should prepare for the conditions, not just reporting them back.
How can it help me?
Some might argue that it's stating the obvious and we can dress ourselves thank you very much - but for those who are out for a long ride and unsure about what the weather will throw at them later in the day, What to Wear Cycling cuts to the chase and lets you know what clobber you need to pack to avoid getting caught out.
Where can I get it?
Unfortunately for Android users What to Wear Cycling is only available for iOS, costing $2.99 as a one-off payment.
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…I used to have an Audi but it kept getting dented by all the cyclists I would hit while on my iPhone.
No surprise it's only available for iPhone users!!!!!!:-)
Here we go! …I bet all Audi drivers are iPhone users, blah blah (fecking) blah!
…we were all having fun taking the piss and you had to go there.
I have an iphone too.
mighty. Hoping for some new food app as ive been thirsty for days and at a loss what to do.
Losing vision.
if only.....
I'm driving to the shops/work/wherever, hang on, better check the app to check if I need to adjust tyre pressures, get the antifreeze out/put winter tyres on, check that the aircon is working, need to take a cold/hot drink, some food, change of clothing/extra layers just in case.
load of bollocks!
Stick yer f**king hand out the window. Jesus wept...
"Wipe till paper ceases to turn brown. Replace clothes".
I suppose this must be a good app. for the fair weather riders that dissolve when a bit of water lands on them.
I seem to remeber this app being touted a couple of years ago, its was pointless then and is pointless now. The developer seems to have spare time but no ideas so have this one on me.
How about an app that tells you which nearbys strava segments are most assisted by the prevailing weather(wind).
That'll sell.
You mean like this?
Had this app for a couple of months and it was great but now the weather forecast section doesn't work so it only works if you select the conditions. It instead assumes your riding in -40 c
Contacted the app developers but never got a reply.
Was a good app but doesn't work properly anymore.
Other Apps by the same developer include: "How to find your arse with both hands"!
It's really useful if your mum used to put your clothes out for you and now she's dead
You've won this week
I wish I could give this more likes.
Wow, you went straight for the dead mother punchline. Not even using an allusive turn of phrase, like "...and now she's pushing up the daisies." That's some bleak humour, dude. Chapeau.
The only question is, was she "an eater"?
Is there some sort of competition for most pointless use of a smartphone that I don't know about?
And yes, I realise posting comments to this site falls very much under that heading.
But seriously?
Hot & sunny- Gabba and bibshorts
UK sunny- Gabba and 3/4 bibs
UK summer Gabba and 3/4 bibs plus arm warmers
UK winter Gabba and long bibs plus arm warmers plus second jacket.
I guess it's useful if you live in a home with no windows and you're incapable of interpreting a weather report.