London to Paris Bike Ride
Join the London to Paris Bike Ride with More Adventure! This classic journey between two capital cities will take you through the garden of England, across the English Channel, through quaint French towns and medieval forests to the fabulous city of Paris.
It’s a wonderful feeling heading down the Champs Elysees on the final stretch with the Eiffel Tower looming ahead! This is a fantastic group cycling experience, whether individually, with friends or raising money for charity. Book your place now!
You can find al the information at
That's why I'm a fan of the Steadyrack - it hangs on the front wheel but the pressure is on the tyre rather than the rim so the forces are in the...
I like the Daysaver multitools:
Whereas I would be surprised if the police ever took any action over a road traffic offence- except those they punish because they don't like the...
All the manufacturers are non-American!
Yes... and they're a *bit* insulated from the "must grab attention" imperative...
I wish my tires were as easy to mount on the rim as yours. I usually end up with blisters on my thumbs after repairing a flat. Next time use a tire...
This tragic case just makes me more concerned about the attitudes of some drivers now. Just last week, while cycling home from work (at about...
In the eyes of an idiot like you? No worries.
Don't be daft sir, it's not the twelfth of never yet!
To be fair, if I had that photo I'd be posting it everywhere too.