Hi everyone, here is a list of 10 reasons why you should consider voting for my bike design in the Project One Trek Bike competition.
BTW, my bike is the black/grey/blue one with the name “Greg Whitton”
1. Nobody else has pleaded for your vote that I know of…yet, that makes me a pioneer, a visionary. You should always back a visionary.
2. I’ve not been riding long, but I love it, I might just stick around here. More members = more stimulating conversation, everybody wins!
3. I’m a fat lad at the back of the pack, this bike might make me faster (and fitter), therefore there is more likelihood I can share the pain at the front, I’ll be able to do my time in the wind (this helps you!).
4. It’s black…black is cool, cool today, cool tomorrow, cool forever. So cool in fact, you’ll want to come ride with me, and folks who ride with me get cake, espresso and/or ale.
5. To prove I’m a noob, I went for the standard wheels, I should have gone for better wheels like those guys who are currently winning. Clearly I need your help.
6. Back to the black theme, did I mention it was cool? Let’s face it, deep down, you want to ride a black bike too, even if it is unoriginal.
7. I knew enough to know that my tyres, bar and saddle should all be the same colour and I will never ever mount a pump to the frame! See, there is hope…
8. For every vote you cast for a competitor, a puppy dies, fact.
9. Chris Froome liked my design best, he said it should win (this cannot be verified and may not be true).
10. Asking politely for your vote on here does not appear to contravene the rules nor the spirit of the competition (the judges don’t read this do they?).
11. I never stop at 10, I always go to 11…or 18 as I only have Sora.
Cheers folks...don't do it for me, do it for the puppies.
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It is going to be a boring winner, rather than using a choice of colour combo that you couldn't just go out and buy in any bike shop
Yeah I get that, but if people wanted to ride bikes with crazy colours, wouldn't the manufacturers offer them as standard? Maybe maybe not.
I just designed a bike I'd like to ride and if that means it's a little boring to some, then so be it. Anyway, falling behind now, so there is unlikely to be another black bike on the road.
My vote went to Alice Carter... partly because she's a friend but mostly because hers was hands-down the classiest, without being boring.
There are a shocking number of boring, unimaginative designs in this shortlist - yours Greg nowhere the worst, mind you!
And what's with all the flames?!
Yeah, not sure what the whole flame thing is, I might have gone for that when I was 8...but maybe I'm out of touch.
Alice's is rather nice. I'm undecided about riding a brown bike myself, but it does look quite classy.
In any case, I don't think the eventual winner will be the best looking bike, but rather just how many friends they have or how many people they can cajoul into voting for theirs. I do hope a good looking bike wins though.
'Chris Froome liked my design best'
And for that reason, I'm out.
Did I say Froomey?
That was a typo, I mean't [insertyourfavouriteriderhere], lol 
My vote went to juliet elliott, its not black and I guess it is for a female. Those were my biggest reasons