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brooksby replied to EddyBerckx | 6 years ago

StoopidUserName wrote:

brooksby wrote:

hirsute wrote:


Car drivers and their passengers should be made to wear a Bibendum outfit - excellent idea! 

This is only the 2nd time I've ever seen someone use Michelin man's proper name - the other being in the legendary 'The Great Bike Race'. Kudos!  1

In the interests of full disclosure, I only knew it because its a major plot point in a William Gibson novel I read ("Pattern Recognition" -  Strong product branding brings the main character out in what's effectively an allergic reaction, and Bibendum gives her the worst reaction of all.

brooksby | 6 years ago
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Thinking back, I've hurt fingers, shin, and elbow.  Never hit my head, and never my torso (AFAIK).  I've come off a handful of times altogether (oil/ice/dropped kerb), one dooring.

(You know, I'm sure there's something utterly-reasonable-that-wouldn't-start-a-war to say about the crash test dummy wearing an inflatable gilet but not wearing a helmet...).

Hirsute | 6 years ago
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"You might break your arms but it's small price to pay" ?????????

Why not have one constantly inflated a bit like a buoyancy aid.

Should be mandatory for car users given the number of injuries from accidents (along with a helmet for head injuries)

Yorkshire wallet | 6 years ago
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Yeah, my bins have always ended in hips, tailbone, elbows and knees injuries. Oh and hands of course.

hawkinspeter | 6 years ago
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I'm not convinced about this as I've never really hurt my chest/back when falling off. To my mind, I'd rather have elbow/shoulder/knee/hip protection but then again I very rarely (touch wood) come off my bike and I'd imagine pads would be a fuss to put on/take off.

Edit: just thought that this vest could be useful when navigating Temple Meads station's stairs when there's loads of commuters coming the other way and I'm carrying my bike.


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