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Abandoned Air/military bases in Poland


Wondered if anyone else shared a fascination for urban decay/photographing old abandoned areas-especially the former Eastern block? I found a fascinating article about eighteen months back translated by my Aunt about two Polish men who took a tour through the deserted forests and through disused Russian military bases...

If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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jezzzer | 15 years ago

i was on an old airbase in poland only last year actually. sitting in a 1990 ford transit being driven by a robot.

didn't get many photos, except of me in a polish army uniform after the airline lost my luggage on the way there...

gandberg | 15 years ago


Can't say that I've taken an interest in that specific subject, but on todays ride (a loop around the Elan Valley/Aberystwyth mountain road) we passed the reservoirs that supply Birmingham, via pipe line. This is fairly common knowledge, but to have the vision to implement such a massive construction scheme more than 100 years ago is quite amazing. I'd like to see see some photos of the construction process. Guessing H&S wasnt that important in those days....

Tony Farrelly | 15 years ago

There's a deserted WWII airfield on the hills above Bath. I've never been there but one of the guys I used to work with knew it well, it's particularly interesting because it's on a plateau hemmed in by surrounding hills .

The book your aunt is translating reminds me of something I once heard on R4 about a guy travelling through the Ardennes one winter in the late 1950 - he was hitching and travelling by bus and somehow he got lost, it was starting to snow and he found himself in the middle of the forest feeling cold and desperate when he spotted a pill box making his way inside he was unpleasantly surprised to find that it contained the remains of a dead german still propped up next t his rusting machine gun. He didn't stay.

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