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Slip and nasty fall

Hi All,

This Sunday I switched back to my road bike after the winter using my gravel bike. All was going well until I reached a downhill corner at which point my tyres lost all traction on the road - and I mean all traction. It was like I was on ice. I tried to brake but was not able to in time, and my bike slid out from under me leaving me with some very nasty grazes on my arm and leg. 

I cycle about 7K a year and have done that particular corner hundreds of times - nothing like that has ever happened before. I'm struggling to understand what happened and how I might avoid such a fall in the future. The morning was warm and humid and there had been a tiny amount of rain earlier on after a couple of dry weeks.

I'm now nervous to get back on my bike (well the grazes are still too bad anyway).. but I'm wondering if anybody else has experienced similar, what you think the cause was, and what you've done to try and mitigate when riding again afterwards.

If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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mark1a | 7 hours ago

Sorry to hear this, it could be due to a diesel spill. I sometime see vehicles that have been filled to the brim and then it as it turns a corner in the opposite direction to the side the filler is on, fuel leaks from the filler neck, and if it's diesel, doesn't evaporate. 

Miller | 7 hours ago

I was on a group ride once when about half a dozen of us came off simultaneously. It was May, the road was under trees, we think a huge amount of aphids on the new leaves had dripped slimy tree sap onto the road surface.
Got a dislocated shoulder out of that one.

PRSboy | 8 hours ago

Sorry to read that, hope you're back out again soon!  Sounds like you're an experienced rider and it was one of those things.

Salt ironically is certainly slippery, or maybe there was some diesel on the approach. 

After a dry period, there is a build-up of rubber and other debris which can be slippery when wet- this can be particularly bad in a summer shower on the Continent.

the little onion | 8 hours ago

First up - wishing you a speedy recovery.

The same has happened to me. I don't know whether it is due to the physics of tyres being cold, old, or soemthing like that. My biggest suspicion is that, at this time of year, the roads have a LOT of runoff on them. Lots of bits of tiny gravel, road salt, etc, particularly if there has recently been heavy rain, like mini ball bearings. Just take it easy in the corners. 

I suspect the answer is to build the confidence back up - brake early for corners, relax into them, don't brake or accelarate in corners, get your centre of gravity lower and go on the drops. Relax, relax, relax, and avoid the "death grip" on the handlebars.

Of course, this is easier said than done. 

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