Here's a vid from our Local Council leader Jason Zadrozny reviewing a bit of segregated infra built last year:
As you can see it is being weaponised for local Independents vs Tories at County political purposes. His £500k is actually £400k Active Travel fund, and £100k Notts County funds. But such things are too subtle for local politics.
His statement is not quite accurate, it extends via widened (I think) shared pavements in each direction, and I think has at least one improved crossing, and the road median was narrowed and turned into paint. It is pre-emptively filling in one of the missing links in a wider putative network. County's logic is actually quite sound.
This section was done first because 90% of cyclists were found to be using the pavement.
Two commentary vids from the 'chair' of the local Bicycle Mansfield and Ashfield Group, Andrew Marshall:
As it was:,-1.2586577,3a,75y,200.08h,91.08t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s0aDZfJp0254MfHToRIndVA!2e0!5s20151101T000000!7i13312!8i6656
One strange titbit is that the Deputy Leader of the Council, received 6 points for Careless Driving when he was caught during lockdown hooning down the high street in his Land Rover at 60-70mph followed by an unmarked police car. He also got 200 hours of community service, a fine and is paying compensation for trying to get a neighbour arrested for a fabricated violent crime by phone up the police during an argument and staging a "don't come near me with that knife" panto for the emergency operator.
He has been sacked as Deputy Leader, but kept his Councillor role and his Cabinet position.
What we have to put up with sometimes. Election for County Seats in 2023, however.