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Jacques Cousteau you say?
Sorry Mate, Horse Didn't See You. Although it does seem to wearing tinted blinkers - hope they're carriageway-legal.
Alternatively - "although a lifelong careful driver, my client was momentarily and unavoidably distracted when their postillion was struck by lightning..."
No-one think I'm over-reacting here? Sense of humour failure?
it's the drip-drip, oh so subtle creeping nature of this sort of thing that both bothers me, and makes it harder to tackle.
You should have say that it was a curious picture but then reminded them of e.g. Pierre Curie being killed by a cart (although this was considered distracted walking in part). Then point out that there are a lot more carts now with a lot more horsepower and speed. But the drivers are still humans.
Alternatively you could connect this with the Matthew Parris / Rod Liddle "banter" and compared this to a lynching postcard. But then everyone would definitely know you were a nutter and you'd probably get blocked.
what is it about cars and driving that makes people like this?
A few weeks ago, a driver knocked over a traffic light on a mearby main road. This must to do with the replacement.
more from village Facebook
Local Cllr “upcoming road closure on only safe, level cycle route south”
Me “will cycle access be maintained please?”
Cllr “I’ll see what I can find out”
Local 1 “closed means closed, why should bikes be different?”
Me “bikes take up hardly any road space. Do you want me to risk my neck on the main road?”
Local 2 “I’m fed up with cyclists thinking they rule the road”
Me: “Sounds good - a week in the stocks if you close pass me”
Local 3 “there’s a safe cycle route next to the main road”
Me: No, there really isn’t. There’s one going north, all 18 inches wide of it”
Unbearable’ traffic chaos due to roadworks on Tuckton Roundabout
"It took me 45 minutes to an hour, to get around the roundabout into Christchurch the other day and when the traffic lights were right outside the shop it was unbearable.”
A spokesperson from Health Point Pharmacy said: “It took one of our customers who lives nearby, an hour to get here.
so, drivers, the traffic engineers have, at your behest, carved up the environment for about 60 years to try to facilitate your driving, to "sort the traffic". The result you now say is 'confusing'?
He made reference to changes on the roads around Broad Marsh. "If you have not driven in a while you have to familiarise again with the signs," he added. "Nottingham is very confusing sometimes. As long as it is not just a revenue-making scheme, I am fine with it."
People of Nottingham speak out over clampdown on bad drivers at major city junctions
The case was heard at Cardiff Magistrates Court on September 30, where, in Kelly's absence, the 58 offences were proven, and he was ordered to pay a total of £46,880. He was also disqualified from driving for 36 months and received 48 points on his licence.
Was he driving a classic (real) Beetle or a nu-Beetle?
Would a classic ever reach 69mph ?
Have you seen the way brooksby drives ?!
Actually, my kids always complain that I drive far too slowly, and certainly slower than my wife...
I have once. On a motorway. Downhill. With a tailwind...
The nu-beetles presumably come with the matching plastic flower they seem to have inside?
The one that says I'm kind and gentle, a little bit hip, aalternative, and with-it, might wear some dungarees and maybe a headscarf"
The interesting part about that is why 58 offences were racked up. It was stopped elsewhere for having no insurance, but implicit in that was the registration did not tie up to an address and they needed the information from another force to identify the driver. They then sent 58 notices all at once.
Clearly a deliberate attempt to drive outside the law. They must have known they were setting off speed cameras and not getting tickets so they believed their ploy was working.
I can't see that ban being abided by given that no other aspect of vehicle law was abided by. Watch this space.
every council blinkered, every police force corrupt, traffic engineers incompetent, every enforcement scheme only about the fines - thank goodness for drivers who always know better than the experts.
Tell you what Mr Bull, the M32 - there's an example of something cutting the city in two.
Clean Air Zone will 'cut the city in two', says driver ahead of launch
'They are basically robbing people, and I don’t think the mayor really understands the implications of this for South Bristol'
They've been talking about the Bristol CAZ for years, and it has nearly been put in place a couple of times over the last year before being pushed back.
But only now, a month before its implementation, are protesters appearing saying it will 'lock them in their homes'.
For once, bona fide people with disabilities, not the driver makey-uppey/ recently discovered passion for disability rights kind.
oh no! Bristol cut in half AGAIN! (PS now do cars)
This one sums up for me the widespread acceptance of really shitty driving. This is a traffic light junction. Visibility not brilliant from the lakes but unlike the comments it is absolutely false to suggest that you have to drive out blind.
There is a significant core of people who would readily blame a business for existing rather than suggesting drivers who can't negotiate this junction shouldn't be driving.
My unpopular take is that roads have become too safe for motors, and vehicles have become too safe for the occupants... it has removed the onus on the driver to actually engage their brain.
I disagree. Its a crappy road layout and what businesses are down by the lakes are irrelevant. Basically its a 4 way slightly offset crossroads but with only 3 roads being traffic light controlled. Its a recipe for disaster.
If you are turning up into Cav park village from the lakes and there is a queue of traffic in the nearside lane you do have to pull out blindly into the far side lane and hope no-one is barrelling down the outside of the queue.
Just coz drivists are raising petitions doesnt mean they are automatically wrong.
I posted that article because I use that Junction and my experience is, yes, you need to be cautious but you aren't blind. I've come out of the lakes on foot and by car. I wouldn't like doing that direction on two wheels though I do that Junction on the bike going between Sonning and Cav Park (up lowfield).
I'm not saying it's great, I'm saying that making junctions easier is keeping shit drivers on the road. The danger on that junction is people speeding, racing the lights and blocking the keep clear box not the design itself.
I'm not totally closed to persuasion but it would take a lot to convince me that some one who can't negotiate that should be on the road. Blaming the business, as opposed to tackling dangerous driver behaviour is madness. Besides, I bet you the numpties that can't manage that are the same ones that can't manage Briants Ave.
Edit: i think the biggest danger is drivers coming out of the lakes racing the lights, and drivers from Sonning racing the lights so they are a danger to each other. Let them take each other out, Darwinsim in action. If you exit the Lakes and don't think you should wait a phase, you are too entitled to be in a car.
"That's a dangerous /busy /fast road / tricky junction/a lot of accidents there/ the cars go really fast down there" Yep, nothing about driving to the conditions, or too many cars, car reliance and crap driving.
Thats a disingenous arguement. We dont tolerate not fit for purpose cycle lane layouts and therefore its perfectly valid for drivists not to tolerate poor road layouts.
Active safety is about designing (roads etc) so that poor behaviours are minimised - especially when there's a high likeyhood of interaction with other road users.
Saying its all the drivists fault is a copout as much as it would be convienient and tempting to do so.
The businesses down by the lake seem to be operating without Planning Permission for the recent major enlargement, unless it has changed.
They have set up a large aqua park with various activities with no PP.
Such a PP would perhaps require improvement to the Junction as a Planning Condition, which would address the issue.
Costco urged to act as motorists queue for bargain fuel
similar story in the Southampton Echo affecting a particular road - Desperation Britain
Will someone please think of the drivers? Welcome to my world, guys.
'John Reynolds recently travelled up to Gainsborough to go walking and he thinks the recent reports are "shocking". The 69-year-old from Peterborough said: "It's shocking really when you think about how dangerous that could be, it's life-threatening.'
That sounds very scary. I wonder if it was these two?