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Emmer Green hit and run

On the off chance someone on here knows the cyclist:

I have dashcam footage of a cyclist hit-and-run at the Rosehill Park turning onto Peppard Road this morning. Cyclist was OK, didn't think to exchange contact details. Any chance anyone could help me get into contact with them? Want to hand the footage over and get that driver's license gone. Cheers all.

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HoarseMann | 2 years ago

Just upload the video footage to the police portal. They could deal with the driver without needing the cyclists details, and if the cyclist contacts the police about it, then they'll have the footage.

JustTryingToGet... replied to HoarseMann | 2 years ago
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HoarseMann wrote:

Just upload the video footage to the police portal. They could deal with the driver without needing the cyclists details, and if the cyclist contacts the police about it, then they'll have the footage.

Aye, the guy that posted it has been advised. My thought was the police would be more likely to take action if they have the testimony of the cyclist.

Secret_squirrel replied to JustTryingToGetFromAtoB | 2 years ago

Not sure I followed the reply but if the footage is online somewhere post a link and I can put it on the Reading Cycling UK mailing list and my local WhatApps.

Edit :  I see you already posted on Nextdoor and your missus on Cav Gossip Girls.

You are a true star and thank you!

JustTryingToGet... replied to Secret_squirrel | 2 years ago

It's not me, it's a guy on Nextdoor, but I'm pleased to see a few people trying to spread the word a bit wider.

Though unfortunately another dude on Nextdoor is currently blaming the highway code for being rear-ended. Swings and roundabouts.

HoarseMann replied to JustTryingToGetFromAtoB | 2 years ago

JustTryingToGetFromAtoB wrote:

My thought was the police would be more likely to take action if they have the testimony of the cyclist.

It's possible it would bolster the case, depends on what can be gleaned from the video footage.

There's a long-shot method you could try using Strava. You create a short .GPX route that is in the opposite direction to the cyclist. Then use a GPS timestamp editor to alter the time and date so that it would have passed the cyclist. If the rider was using Strava and had Fly-By enabled, then you ought to see them.

Another option is to create a route in the direction of the cyclist that goes through a Strava segment. You might see them in the leaderboard tables for that day/week. Bonus if their uploaded activity is titled 'got knocked off my bike'!

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