Daily Mirror:
"Police were called last week when the star put in a personal appearance and hundreds of fans flocked to the village, causing chaos on the roads.
Jeremy later tweeted a grovelling apology and said: “People of Chadlington. I’m truly sorry about the traffic around our farm shop last weekend. We are doing everything we can to improve the situation.”
The television presenter, who bought his farm in 2008 with partner Lisa Hogan, 51, once described parish councillors as “made entirely from a blend of skin and hate”.
Drivetribe (whatever that is) commenting on the TV programme:
"Furthermore, Clarkson actually starts to realize that the environment has been damaged. While most of us petrolheads don't really care about that type of thing (most DT members hate EVs, and those that do are more interested in the sub-3 second acceleration numbers), it's kind of neat to see Clarkson gain new perspective."
Daily Express - is the show scripted?
"At the end of the series, Clarkson was considering whether he should pack his bags and head back to London.
Kaleb (Farm manager, who's presumably going to get sacked or swiped one of these days) interjected with "yes", suggesting his boss should head back to the city, but the quip was laughed off."
Finally, a piece headlined "Get off My Land, Stycationers" behind the Sunday Times paywall.
Perhaps I'm spending all my money on TdF style bikes, but I don't subscribe to Amazon or Netflix or anything. Am I missing out?
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I have a mate telling me I should watch this series.. however I'm not sure I can put myself through listening to that egotistical twat bang on about how inept he is at everything.
I couldn't stomach 5 minutes of the egotistical baboon. However, his almost next door neighbour and as religiously dedicated petrolhead Harry Metcalfe, the former owner of Evo car magazine, has an extremely informative farming channel on Youtube, Harry's Farm alongside his car channel Harry's Garage.
They always used to say if you want to waste your money, buy a pub, but the reality is that farming is far more of a money pit for the unwary. I don't envy Clarkson one bit.
I've watched 4 episodes so far. It's definitely worth watching.
There's more to it than him just acting like a shouty twat all the time.
It does make you appreciate what farmers do face, in growing crops and looking after animals etc.
The James "Bim" May in Japan series is good too.
I've heard that Clarkson's Farm is very entertaining, so I've grabbed the series and intend watching it shortly (though I've got a long list of planned-to-watch series already). Though I've got a low opinion of Clarkson's "opinions" in media, I do find him quite funny as a TV presenter and enjoyed his antics on Top Gear.
Edit: watched a few episodes and agree with 0-0.
I think you've highlighted the Clarkson problem: he's a smart enough bloke who probably doesn't believe half the stuff he's spouted over the years but thousands, if not millions, seem to - and that's how he's made his money.
What I like about Clarkson is that most of the humour comes from laughing at him being stupid, impatient, bullish etc. I always thought of him as a caricature of an opinionated petrol-head (no disrespect to non-arsehole petrol-heads) on Top Gear, but it looks like some people thought of him as someone to look up to.
There's less clowning around in Clarkson's Farm though he's obviously struggling with all the complexities of farming. He looked genuinely upset when three sheep were put down and he hadn't had a chance to say good-bye to them.
The trouble is you also have to put up with the racism that he will explain off as "jokes" as well. Abit like the buffon in charge does.
I think of it as the Alf Garnett problem - when does a caricature go too far and starts getting taken seriously? He makes a crack about a farmer's market being diverse as it's got all different types of white, male 50 year olds.
I was thinking of his "there is a slope on the bridge" remark when building the bridge special they did, (Done in ASR over the footage of a local walking across it). How so funny racism...
Of course I'm sure some people (Not you Hawkins) will state I don't have the right type of sense of humour.
I've always seen him as an Alf Garnett type of caricature (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alf_Garnett for younger readers).
In that the joke is actually on the people who agree with the character he portrays.