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I’m a car driver: give me stuff for free... my usual comment in cases like this  -  but I fear at the moment I'll be shouted down, what with car use being the only route back to economic prosperity and all. 


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Hirsute | 4 years ago

Seems odd to want to charge after 6. Why people think charges should not apply to everyone just because of a lockdown is a mystery. Why not free petrol too?
The mipermit app lets you increase your parking time on the fly, so no need to worry about queues.

markieteeee replied to Hirsute | 4 years ago

Councils, who've already had cuts, lose the revenue and there's zero evidence that local businesses gain.  So who exactly is free parking supposed to benefit? The only people I can think of is those who choose to make unnecessary car journeys and pollute the air during a respiratory pandemic. 

Simon E replied to markieteeee | 4 years ago

Big noise by a few people (including a councillor) about parking charges in Shropshire last year, with the usual pathetic excuses.

My attitude is: if you can afford to run a car and drive it into the town then you can afford to pay to park it on someone else's property while you're shopping.

(and the parking fee is probably a fraction of the amount they spend while doing so).

Awavey replied to Simon E | 4 years ago

I agree, and in most cases these charges dont amount to more than the cost of a cup of tea, and yet the angst and ranting it seems to cause some motorists about it, feels completely out of proportion, why dont some of these councils grow some cojones for once and just tell people how it is.

there was an example during the first lockdown where a local council had removed free parking spaces to allow for social distancing queuing into shops on a market square. There was still a car park just a few hundred yards further away with plenty of spaces, but it cost a £1 to park there,it wasnt free. Youd have thought by the reaction the locals & local shops had to this the council had dug up their ancestors, burned all their property and stolen all their money, not just asked them to pay £1 to park a car, and in the end the council caved in and put the free spaces back.

David9694 replied to Hirsute | 4 years ago

What, pay 20p extra?  As if poor motorists aren't taxed and charged to the hilt already.

Charging to 8 pm in north Dorset doesn't seem all that worthwhile, but different rates for different locations across the patch  is one of the standard whinges. 

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