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Secure bike storage and showers in Central London


I used to commute 25 miles each way by bike to my Central London office, which had good facilities, with secure bike parking, showers and changing rooms. 

I left that company but I still have meetings and work occasionally in Central London. I really want to cycle, but I'm struggling to find an independent provider of cyclist-friendly bike storage, shower & changing facilities. Locking my bike to a lamp post is a non-starter, as much as being smelly in meetings!

This seems like an opportunity, but does anyone know if this service is available? Maybe a bike shop, gym, cafe, etc.? I'd be happy to pay a daily rate... 


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Tom_77 | 3 years ago

I think some of the larger train stations in London have showers (they certainly used to, but that was a long time ago). A gym that does Day Membership would be another alternative.

Last year I was cycling 32 miles to work on an eBike and not washing when I got there, so you might consider that.

RM1967 replied to Tom_77 | 3 years ago
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Hi Tom_77,

Thank you, you're quite right, I'll check those places out. Not sure I'm ready for an ebike yet, and definitely would need a shower after Summer (or Winter) riding!  

Dnnnnnn | 3 years ago
RM1967 replied to Dnnnnnn | 3 years ago
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Duncann, thanks for sending this document - it's great. Also very current document and shows TfL is taking it seriously. There are a few places listed that I'll try. The tricky thing seems to be getting a combination of bike parking and changing facilities. It's be great to have a coffee too (but there are lots of places for that!) and the fit with places like Look Mum No Hands would be great. Whenever I've been there in the last couple of years there have been lots of people using the place as their office.  

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