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Strava screwup!

Can any kind person suggest a way I can get myself out of my own error? Normally I record rides on Strava on my phone and upload from there, if I want power data as well I export the GPX file from my Garmin and delete the phone record without uploading. Yesterday, like an idiot, I saw the "Import from Garmin" option and thought well that's easier than exporting the GPX file, so I'll do that… not realising that it would import everything on my Garmin from the last time I wiped it clean a few months ago, so I've now got hundreds of duplicated rides and 2000 km added to my total for the year that I haven't earned! Does anyone know how I can undo the import rather than trawling through all my activities from the year and deleting each duplicated activity by hand? Any advice very gratefully received.

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IanMSpencer | 2 years ago

Best I can suggest is to use a blank activity search on the desktop site which allows you to delete from the search results which is possibly the quickest. I'm not a member, so the activity search only gives me my rides, no idea if it works differently if you are a member

If you are anal like me and rename your rides you might have the chance of searching by "ride" to pick out the default name.

I am pretty certain there is not a rollback feature.

Rendel Harris replied to IanMSpencer | 2 years ago

Thanks that's a useful suggestion, that's given me a list of rides in date order so it's easy to see where there are duplicates, I'll still have to go through the list deleting individually but that will make it much easier than I thought it would be. Appreciate it.

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