A large volume of drawing pins have been found on a towpath alongside the River Cam, reports Cambridge News. It is thought that they were left there deliberately and were intended for cyclists.
River managers have cleared the area using large magnets which are normally put to use retrieving items from the river itself.
Jed Ramsey, the Conservators of the River Cam’s river manager, said:
"I received reports of a large number of drawing pins on the towpath, upstream from Baits Bite lock. The suspicion is this was deliberate. Our concern was for dogs out for a walk, so we headed down with magnets to ensure we cleared them all.
"The rowing community were also very helpful and cleared a great deal up in advance of our arrival. This was a first and I hope it won't be repeated. If anyone has any information on this I'd welcome receiving it.”
Ramsey assumes that cyclists were the target. “Possibly rowing coaches as it happened close to a rowing event and on the section that is used more by rowers than commuting cyclists."
Cambridge MP, Daniel Zeichner, described the act as ‘stupid’ and ‘sickening’.
"This irresponsible action is as stupid as it is sickening, and without the prompt action taken by decent people could have been extremely dangerous. I hope that those who carried it out reflect on the harm they might have done, both to people and to animals, and that anyone who has any information passes it to the relevant authorities."
The use of tacks or drawing pins to target cyclist is sadly not unusual, although such acts have more commonly been seen during organised events. Last year, a number of riders suffered punctures in the Valleys Velo sportive in South Wales as a result of drawing pins. One rider who punctured at 80km/h told us he believed the person responsible had put them on a fast descent aiming to inflict serious injury. There was also a suspicion that the pins had been painted black to camouflage them.
Also last year, the Wiggle New Forest Sportive saw more than 20 riders sustain punctures after protesters scattered nails on the road in the New Forest village of Bransgore. That was the third time saboteurs had attempted to disrupt sportives in the New Forest. The year before, the same event had been targeted, as had the Wiggle New Forest 100.
It’s also not just amateur cyclists who have been affected. In 2012, stage 14 of the Tour de France saw tacks spread across the road on the descent from the Mur de Péguère around 38km from the finish. Bradley Wiggins was praised by the organisers for "fair play" after slowing the pace to allow his rival, Cadel Evans, to return to the group after suffering three punctures.
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Doesn't this kind of thing count as an act of terrorism. The police should have lots of powers to stamp this kind of thing out in today's climate.
So Cambridge rowers row on the tow path, do they? Wow
No, the coaches ride on the tow path to coach the rowers.
OK, that kind of makes more sense. So, the mysterious tack thrower was after the coaches, not evil cycling commuters?
Someone did this along the thicket shared use path between St.Ives and Houghton, it stopped when horse riders and dog walkers piped up.
Should use tannus tyres. Just cycle along simultaneously picking up the tacks with your tyres and having no punctures.
Some people should really 'get a life'
Well I think one thing's almost certain, it's highly unlikely to have been a certain London cafe owner..... he wants you to use the cycle path if there's one available.
And dissolve in the wet.
We all knew someone at Primary school that had a very powerful magnet.
Yeah, but wouldn't they blow away at the first sign of a gentle breeze
Ironically, a good upgrade for the tack-droppers would have been carbon fibre tacks so that they can't be magnetised away.
Are you for real or are you being a totally insensitive arse?
It will probably be members of the angling community, they hate cyclists
I think highlighting the dogs' welfare is kinda smart, reminding whoever targeted cyclists (and so clearly won't feel bad about that) that there are other unintended consequences that perhaps they will care about. If that keeps them from repeating it, good move.
I love the way it's the dogs' welfare that's highlighted first!
Even if you hate cyclists, to have no thoughts or cares for dogs or children is despicable.
What sort of country is it where something as innocent as cycling is targeted, and yet something as harmful and polluting as an urban 4x4 goes unnoticed?