Shutt Velo Rapide have now released their new summer range of British-made Sportwool clothing, and mighty stylish clobber it is too. Here are the highlights…
The limited edition Summer Signature jersey (£79) comes with a high merino content and looks stunning in white with a multi-stripe banner across the chest and back. Don’t say ‘test card’ – it’s classy and that’s all there is to it. As usual with Shutt’s jerseys, that multi-stripe design features on a small embroidered panel on the middle pocket too – neat touch. And like all the jerseys in the summer range, it comes with a newly designed zipped pocket for stashing your valuables.
Shutt have a lightweight version of their Club jersey too (£75), the Summer Club coming with a full-length front zip for maximum upper-body cooling. It’s available in white with either red or light blue collar, cuffs and trim to suit sir or madam’s colouring. It’s a pretty understated look but very, very tasteful – about as far away from brash pro-team logos and graphics as it’s possible to get. Sophisticated – that’s the word.
The Summer Sportive LE (£75) is made from a summer-weight eyelet Sportwool (hence the LE) that lets plenty of cool air through, while the Summer Continental (£75) features panels of lightweight Sportwool and summer-weight eyelet fabric.
Peter Bragg, marketing director of the Yorkshire-based brand, said, “The summer range is the result of a year of customer feedback and design suggestions, plus months of testing in all weathers. We have listened to our customers and brought them the very best in handmade British cycle wear in a very stylish and affordable package.”
Shutt have also produced a limited run of 200 LaGazetta LE jerseys as a special commission for Simon Lamb of La Gazzetta Della Bici blog fame ( They cost just £50 a throw (yep!) and they’re available at the Shutt Velo Rapide site – but don’t expect them to hang around for long.
For the entire Shutt Velo Rapide range, including ordering, go to
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