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Video: pre- v post-ride coffee – which do you prefer?

Yes, we know your answer’s likely to be ‘both’

Unafraid to tackle the big questions, Australian cyclist Cameron Nicholls has been trying to find out whether his fellow riders prefer their coffee before or after their ride. Even if you say ‘both’, is one not fractionally more satisfying than the other?

“I’m enjoying my pre-ride coffee more than my post-ride coffee,” said Nicholls’ ride companion Bryan one day.

Taken aback by this seemingly outlandish statement, Nicholls tried to find out whether anyone shared his view – and many did.

New study provides more evidence that drinking coffee gives your cycling a boost

In a not-hugely-robust study, Nicholls gathered the views of a thousand people via a couple of Instagram accounts and the good old-fashioned method of asking people face-to-face.

He learned that 63 per cent of coffee-drinking cyclists prefer a post-ride coffee, compared to 37 per cent who prefer one pre-ride.

“While I’m happy to accept criticism for my survey methods, please keep in mind that this is all fun and games, not a Government funded initiative,” he said.

This laid-back meandering video sees Nicholls questioning café staff and a few fellow riders and also features a cameo from Lee Turner, the man with 170 cycling kits (who apparently doesn’t drink coffee at all).


Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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roadmanshaq | 6 years ago

Before and after!


During I go for soda.

Jem PT | 6 years ago

Both for me, but the pre-ride one is more enjoyable.

Rich_cb | 6 years ago
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It's all about the mid ride cappuccino for me.

Bonus points if it has a little bicycle on top

FrankH | 6 years ago

Tea for me.

The only performance enhancing drug I take is EPO.

Woldsman | 6 years ago

What the actual flip? Pre-ride and mid-ride coffee (unless I can’t vouch for the place I’m supping, in which case it’s a pot of tea).  Post-ride it’s fizzy water or - if I can get away with it - a Belgian beer or two. Coffee AFTER a ride? Why that’s just crazy talk! 

Beecho | 6 years ago
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Pre: yes, large espresso- it does an evacuation job.

Mid: hell yes, flat white avec some cake.

Post: no. Summer = beer (often the bad boy below if home, recommended). Not summer = vin rouge, tea or if it’s chuffing cold, soup.


Yorkshire wallet | 6 years ago

Don't really don't do caffeine fuelled rides anymore. Had a spot of acid reflux last year and was working through the problem food list to find the culprit and stopped caffeine for a bit and did a couple of half decent rides without stims. Not really bothered since.

I downed a caffeine gel on the return side of longish ride last week but that's the only one I've done this year.

Love a post-ride coffee and toast though.

don simon fbpe | 6 years ago
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2x espressos in the morning and one or two after lunch, the cycling fits in around that.

Dnnnnnn | 6 years ago

Pre for me.

BudgieBike | 6 years ago

Beginning to feel I have a caffeine problem.... espresso before setting out,  cortado/Gibraltar half way round and and a flat white once home and the toast nicely browned 


hawkinspeter replied to BudgieBike | 6 years ago
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BudgieBike wrote:

Beginning to feel I have a caffeine problem.... espresso before setting out,  cortado/Gibraltar half way round and and a flat white once home and the toast nicely browned 

Caffeine problem or a protective dose?

Caffeine from four cups of coffee protects the heart with the help of mitochondria:

hawkinspeter | 6 years ago

Pre-coffee for me too.

Like StraelGuy, I'm an Aeropress fan too - the easiest way to get a fantastic cup of coffee.

As we're talking about coffee, I'd like to give a big recommendation to - I buy all my green coffee from there and small-batch roast it at home for ultimate freshness (unroasted beans keep really well for months; roasted beans keep for a couple of weeks and ground coffee keeps for about 20 minutes). They supply roasted/ground coffee too for those of you who aren't obsessive about coffee.

I like my women like I like my coffee - black and hand picked from a third world country, lightly roasted, precisely ground (optional filtering to remove fines) and steeped in 80°C water for 40-50 seconds, then filtered through a metal disc.

simonmb replied to hawkinspeter | 6 years ago

hawkinspeter wrote:

I like my women like I like my coffee - black and hand picked from a third world country, lightly roasted, precisely ground (optional filtering to remove fines) and steeped in 80°C water for 40-50 seconds, then filtered through a metal disc.

Still single then? 

hawkinspeter replied to simonmb | 6 years ago

simonmb wrote:

hawkinspeter wrote:

I like my women like I like my coffee - black and hand picked from a third world country, lightly roasted, precisely ground (optional filtering to remove fines) and steeped in 80°C water for 40-50 seconds, then filtered through a metal disc.

Still single then? 

I wish (looks around to make sure my wife can't see what I'm writing). Imagine the number of bikes I could have if I was still single...

ktache | 6 years ago

Tea, strong Yorkshire Gold.  And ice Cold Coca Cola, in cans.  But no options for this, coffee turns me a bit odd.

StraelGuy | 6 years ago
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Definitely pre-, it's all that gets me out on my bike most rides. Current fave is Whittard's Old brown Java ground at home and made in an Aeropress.

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