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Herne Hill Velodrome Campaign meeting tonight

Momentum gathering for solution to save historic South London cycling track

Around three weeks ago we reported on the start of a campaign to save the historic Herne Hill Velodrome, the last remaining venue from the 1948 Olympic Games still in use today.

In the intervening period the campaign has gathered momentum and garnered further publicity, including a report on BBC Radio 4’s PM programme and even a tweet by Stephen Fry. The future is starting to look somewhat brighter for the facility and the Save the Velodrome Campaign is holding a meeting tonight in the Great Hall at Dulwich College from 7.30 - 9.30pm.

Campaigners aim to secure the future of the site and make it a viable long-term facility for all, including local residents and schools. “We are going to find a viable, sustainable and environmentally sensitive solution. The only given is that it must be cycling-led, inclusive and work for the entire community,” said Hillary Peachey who started the campaign.

The agenda for the public meeting is:
• to raise awareness of the plight of the facilities;
• to hear suggestions for the future proposed regeneration;
• to review potential plans.

“I need as many people in seats as possible to present our campaign to the Dulwich Estate and British Cycling,” said Hillary. “We are close to finding a solution to this site and have some exciting developments to share but I need the support of the community to make this happen.”

If you can’t make it the meeting, you can register your support for the campaign by visiting www.facebook/


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OldRidgeback | 14 years ago

Was talking to some who did. Dulwich Estates (DE) position is, apparently, that they don't want the velodrome to close. In fact, as it's a listed site and the greenbelt on the site cannot be touched, DE couldn't do anything with the place even if they wanted. But the good folk of DE are wary of offering a long lease. The problem is that DE want the site to be run on a professional basis. The site is run by volunteers at present, and DE's position seems to be that unless the structure of the volunteer group is formalised, they are reluctant to offer an extended lease. Without an extended lease, the volunteers can't get insurance. And without insurance, there's not a hope of resurfacing the track. And without the resurfacing, the volunteers can't get insurance. Now British Cycling and Lambeth Council and Southwark Council have all voice support, Southwark Council also came up with some cash. But without a whole lot more cash, and a formalised support structure, the track can't be resurfaced and there will be no insurance and Dulwich Estates won't offer the long lease.

If ever there was a Catch 22 situation, this is it. And it all comes down to money in the end. Anyone got a few million quid they'd like to invest in a historic sports venue?

Simon_MacMichael | 14 years ago

The Dulwich Estate owns a rather large chunk of South London and has done since its predecessor charity was set up in 1619. And no-one, posh, rich or otherwise, owns Dulwich College, again it's been a charity since its foundation  3

That aside, did anyone go to the meeting who can give any feedback on how it went?

OldRidgeback | 14 years ago

Hmm, Dulwich Estates, an independent charity or a tax dodge by the posh rich people who own Dulwich College, or not?

Simon_MacMichael | 14 years ago

Just for the sake of clarity, The Dulwich Estate is an independent charity, this is from the FAQ on its website: "Dulwich College is one of the Beneficiaries of the Charity. This School is not part of the Estate but is a separate charity with its own Board of Governors."

By the way, if The Great Hall at Dulwich College looks familiar to anyone at tonight's meeting, that's because it doubled for Harvard in the film Legally Blonde (and also featured in Tomb Raider)  26

OldRidgeback | 14 years ago

That's Dulwich Estates, which I believe belongs (in part at least) to Dulwich School where the save the track meeting is being held?

It is a great facility though and it is a great pity that the existing buildings at the site have become so run-down, with the main stand now condemned. The track itself is a joy to ride.

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