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Bath parents launch petition for safe cycle routes to school

Petition also calls for staggered start times to ease bus overcrowding and highlights ticket price problems

Two parents of schoolchildren in Bath have launched a petition calling for safe cycle routes to local schools.

The petition, hosted on the website, also calls for staggered school opening times to ease overcrowding on the city’s bus network to help discourage use of cars for the school run.

So far, more than 1,000 people have signed the petition, which was started by Joanna Wright and Sarah Warren, reports Somerset Live.

It is addressed to West of England mayor Tim Bowles, and Bath & North East Somerset (B&NES) council leader Tim Warren, and urges them to “Make safe, independent travel to school possible and affordable for every child aged 11 to 18, at all schools, state and private, in Bath & North East Somerset.”

Ms Wright, whose children are aged 13 and 15, told Somerset Live: “There's a lack of infrastructure and a lack of care for cyclists.

“When my children cycle to school there's not a morning when they cycle to school that I don't think that I might not see them again.”

She said that the absence of safe infrastructure as well as expensive and overcrowded public transport options that disadvantage hard-pressed families meant that for many the car was the only viable option.

"My children get up at 6.30 every morning so they can take the 7.17 bus, which is the only one they can sit down on,” she explained. “If they go any later, they can't get a seat."

"Even if the council were able to get school buses, it's not just about getting to school, it's about getting back home after school and many children have extra-curricular activities that are in different locations.

"There aren't enough buses to get children to different parts of the city. Sometimes children will have to get two different buses from two providers just to get to one place"

The petition also highlights that cash-strapped families may not be able to afford the up-front cost of an annual bus pass, and therefore end up paying more than twice as much per child compared to parents who can.

It says that the system is "loaded in favour of being wealthy,” further highlighted by the fact that children buying a bus ticket via a smartphone pay £2 per day while it costs £2.50 in cash.

A council spokeswoman told Somerset Live: "Bath & North East Somerset Council meets its duty to provide home-to-school transport for children who meet the statutory criteria and it encourages regular dialogue between schools and transport providers.

"Also, it has invested in a programme of “Safe routes to school” to improve walking and cycling routes.

"In an open competitive marketplace, it is up to transport providers to assess potential demand and cater for it.

"Where there is unmet demand, other providers are free to step in. They need to cover their operating costs, however, and the costs of running a bus full of children are the same as those of running a bus full of adults.”

The spokeswoman added that the council was sympathetic to the idea of schools staggering their starting and finishing hours to ease pressure on buses.

"The fact that most schools start and finish their days at very similar times creates a peak of travel demand twice a day which gives rise to traffic congestion and makes it expensive for bus operators to provide transport,” she said.

"If schools were to stagger their start and finish times, there would be less congestion and each school bus could serve more than one school per day – thus spreading the operating costs over a higher number of passengers."

The full text of the petition reads:

Air pollution, carbon emissions, and congestion are major issues for the local authority. Air pollution causes ill health, and the council is currently obliged to reduce it to legal levels. Carbon dioxide contributes to climate breakdown, whilst congestion costs businesses and individuals money and time, and increases the risk of road traffic accidents. Childhood inactivity is a major cause of ill-health over a lifetime.

Many parents are currently forced to drive their children to school due to the inadequacy and expense of school transport in B&NES. Few segregated cycle lanes exist. Bus services do not exist for some routes to school, and are expensive, uncomfortable, and insufficient on many routes, with buses often over-full, and children left behind at stops, and arriving late and miserable for school. WECA [the West of England Combined Authority] must work with B&NES Council, schools and bus companies, to ensure appropriate walking and cycling infrastructure, and bus services exist, to allow safe, independent and active travel to school by all students attending state and private secondary schools in B&NES.

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HarrogateSpa | 6 years ago

“Safe routes to school”

The quotation marks are telling.

Instead of getting a spokesperson to spout a load of platitudes, the council should listen to the mothers of these children. They know that the routes aren't safe, whatever box-ticking exercise the council has been through.

It's the same throughout the UK, and it's a scandal.

burtthebike | 6 years ago

While I can only agree with the request for better cycle facilities, the proposal to stagger school start times is unlikely to increase bus patronage, and far more likely to increase car trips.  Staggered start times would mean less congestion so more people would drive.

I've just been looking at the local transport plan, which includes Bath, and it seems designed to reduce the previous high support for cycling.  From the Transport Priority Simulator ""Create a comprehensive and safe network, so active travel is the preferred choice for shorter trips and for accessing public transport"  Which is just confusing and obscure enough to make some people skip over it.  It could have said something like "Create a comprehensive and safe walking and cycling network, to encourage travel by foot and bicycle."  Clear, unambiguous, straightforward.

I've put in a queery with the organisers and my councillors, but since the consultation has already opened, I'm not confident they're going to change anything at this stage.

brooksby | 6 years ago
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The bus ticket thing is interesting. For me to get a First Day to get to work, it's £5 if I pay the driver (by cash or card) or £4.50 if I get their app. Supposedly to encourage people to use the app because that's quicker.  The app requires so many (IMO unnecessary) access permissions that I won't install it, and watching people actually using it I'd dispute that it's quicker (tap tap oh it's gone to sleep tap swipe just a minute, please tap-tap got it oh no signal swipe there you go how do I hold it for your scanner to read the qr code? Beep)

Dick Wall | 6 years ago

Across the country we see lots of schemes to separate bikes and cars. That is certainly one solution to the real problem of people feeling unsafe cycling. Another more comprehensive solution would be to stop drivers frightening us.

Bear with me, I might be a dreamer or a nut case but maybe not. 

If we treated scaring cyclists as similar to drunken driving, excessive speeding, careless or dangerous driving then things would change. If drivers learned to behave as if vulnerable road users were their responsibility then we would have a fantastic network of safe cyclepaths in every town and city and a country wide network from John O'Groats to Lands End. It's called the roads!

I reckon on any ride about 2% of drivers -either intentionaly or carelessly- scare me quite badly. Basically Clarksons or the frighteningly inattentive. In the last British Social Attitudes Survey to ask the question, 61% of repondents said they were frightend to cycle on the roads. 

If I said 61% of the population were frightened to walk the streets we would think it a disgrace. And actually it is a disgrace that a few rogue drivers can scare most people away. 

The benefits would be huge. Making towns and cities pleasanter for everyone and safer and pleasanter for cyclists and walkers.  

Of course for any parent of a 13 year old this is probably no answer. But it could be for their grandchildren! 

Support this type of thing.

Make a polite but firm view that our world really could be a better place if the small minoroity of feral drivers behaved better. 





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