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Near Miss of the Day 307: “The closest I've come without being knocked off.”

Our regular feature showing close passes from around the country ... today it's Buckinghamshire...

Today’s video in our Near Miss of the Day feature shows what Lyndon, the reader who submitted it, described as “the closest I've come without being knocked off.”

He told us: “It happened on Abbey Barn Road in High Wycombe, climbing the steeper section near the bottom.

“The car in the oncoming direction needed to stop as the gentleman behind me decided to overtake in an area teetering on a blind bend.”

> Near Miss of the Day turns 100 - Why do we do the feature and what have we learnt from it?

Over the years has reported on literally hundreds of close passes and near misses involving badly driven vehicles from every corner of the country – so many, in fact, that we’ve decided to turn the phenomenon into a regular feature on the site. One day hopefully we will run out of close passes and near misses to report on, but until that happy day arrives, Near Miss of the Day will keep rolling on.

If you’ve caught on camera a close encounter of the uncomfortable kind with another road user that you’d like to share with the wider cycling community please send it to us at info [at] or send us a message via the Facebook page.

If the video is on YouTube, please send us a link, if not we can add any footage you supply to our YouTube channel as an unlisted video (so it won't show up on searches).

Please also let us know whether you contacted the police and if so what their reaction was, as well as the reaction of the vehicle operator if it was a bus, lorry or van with company markings etc.

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levermonkey | 5 years ago

In the style of the Daily Heil comments section.

Bloody whinging cyclists wanting all the road.

Don't know what you're complaining about. The separation between car and cyclist is at least one fag paper and the cyclist was clearly blocking the road.

Cyclists need to learn to share the road.


Just out of interest, how many fag papers or coats of paint was the separation. I don't think it was many.

mrmusette | 5 years ago

Ridden this road a fair few times, passes like this one are completely inexcusable and due to lazy driving as there is a 25% ramp and drivers don't want to have to do a hill start so decide to gamble. I only take this route when I'm feeling fresh so I can try and maintain a decent speed up it. Hope this driver gets reprimanded in some way and glad you stayed upright.

AlsoSomniloquism | 5 years ago

My Mrs was almost knocked down when crossing at one of those by a car going the wrong side. They then shouted abuse for not looking before crossing (even though she was looking at the legal traffic side and the road stated "look left"). The stupid thing was there was not even a reason for them to be on the wrong side (apart from being arseholes) as there was real traffic on the correct route. 

OldRidgeback replied to AlsoSomniloquism | 5 years ago

AlsoSomniloquism wrote:

My Mrs was almost knocked down when crossing at one of those by a car going the wrong side. They then shouted abuse for not looking before crossing (even though she was looking at the legal traffic side and the road stated "look left"). The stupid thing was there was not even a reason for them to be on the wrong side (apart from being arseholes) as there was real traffic on the correct route. 

Going past a traffic island/traffic refuge on the wrong side is a traffic offence. 

brooksby replied to OldRidgeback | 5 years ago
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OldRidgeback wrote:

AlsoSomniloquism wrote:

My Mrs was almost knocked down when crossing at one of those by a car going the wrong side. They then shouted abuse for not looking before crossing (even though she was looking at the legal traffic side and the road stated "look left"). The stupid thing was there was not even a reason for them to be on the wrong side (apart from being arseholes) as there was real traffic on the correct route. 

Going past a traffic island/traffic refuge on the wrong side is a traffic offence

Unfortunately, only if anyone can be @rsed to enforce it! 

AlsoSomniloquism replied to OldRidgeback | 5 years ago
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OldRidgeback wrote:

AlsoSomniloquism wrote:

My Mrs was almost knocked down when crossing at one of those by a car going the wrong side. They then shouted abuse for not looking before crossing (even though she was looking at the legal traffic side and the road stated "look left"). The stupid thing was there was not even a reason for them to be on the wrong side (apart from being arseholes) as there was real traffic on the correct route. 

Going past a traffic island/traffic refuge on the wrong side is a traffic offence. 

We are both aware of that and I suspect the driver was as well, however twats are twats all the time. 

She has also been beeped because she was walking on the pavement and a car driving up it to a "parking space" was being held up. As seen below, essentially it seems the council deemed the footpath a parking area instead and removed the bollard by the gulley to allow everyone to drive on or off from there. However drivers decide they have right of way over peds there so don't like being held up.,-1.8892733,3a,75y,321.92h,88.52t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sdRVPpnWqxWrgge0IalxdBg!2e0!5s20150501T000000!7i13312!8i6656

(The streetview was taken with some of the businesses closed so at least 7 cars are missing off the usual scenario there.)

Hirsute replied to OldRidgeback | 5 years ago
OldRidgeback wrote:

AlsoSomniloquism wrote:

My Mrs was almost knocked down when crossing at one of those by a car going the wrong side. They then shouted abuse for not looking before crossing (even though she was looking at the legal traffic side and the road stated "look left"). The stupid thing was there was not even a reason for them to be on the wrong side (apart from being arseholes) as there was real traffic on the correct route. 

Going past a traffic island/traffic refuge on the wrong side is a traffic offence. 

I've just been trying to find that to no avail. Do you have a link?

AlsoSomniloquism replied to Hirsute | 5 years ago

hirsute wrote:
OldRidgeback wrote:

AlsoSomniloquism wrote:

My Mrs was almost knocked down when crossing at one of those by a car going the wrong side. They then shouted abuse for not looking before crossing (even though she was looking at the legal traffic side and the road stated "look left"). The stupid thing was there was not even a reason for them to be on the wrong side (apart from being arseholes) as there was real traffic on the correct route. 

Going past a traffic island/traffic refuge on the wrong side is a traffic offence. 

I've just been trying to find that to no avail. Do you have a link?

I suspect it would be classed as not following road signs if they have a blue arrow indicating the route past it that is ignored. Not specifically a ruling on the actual refuge itself. 

growingvegtables replied to Hirsute | 5 years ago

hirsute wrote:
OldRidgeback wrote:

AlsoSomniloquism wrote:

My Mrs was almost knocked down when crossing at one of those by a car going the wrong side. They then shouted abuse for not looking before crossing (even though she was looking at the legal traffic side and the road stated "look left"). The stupid thing was there was not even a reason for them to be on the wrong side (apart from being arseholes) as there was real traffic on the correct route. 

Going past a traffic island/traffic refuge on the wrong side is a traffic offence. 

I've just been trying to find that to no avail. Do you have a link?


Ummm - I can post a copy of a Fixed Penalty Notice my son got?  Caught on camera ignoring the "Keep Left" sign?  Silly pillock

quiff replied to Hirsute | 5 years ago

hirsute wrote:
OldRidgeback wrote:

Going past a traffic island/traffic refuge on the wrong side is a traffic offence. 

I've just been trying to find that to no avail. Do you have a link?

More specifically, it's an offence to pass the wrong side of the "keep left" arrow, which is normally placed on a lit bollard on the island / refuge. The reference is Traffic Signs Regulations & General Directions 2016, Schedule 3 Part 2 item 3 (diagram 610); plus Sch 3 Part 4 paras 1 - 4, but in particular para 3: "...vehicular traffic passing the sign must keep to the left of the sign where the arrow is pointed downwards to the left, or to the right of the sign where the arrow is pointed downwards to the right."


Hirsute replied to quiff | 5 years ago
1 like

quiff wrote:

hirsute wrote:
OldRidgeback wrote:

Going past a traffic island/traffic refuge on the wrong side is a traffic offence. 

I've just been trying to find that to no avail. Do you have a link?

More specifically, it's an offence to pass the wrong side of the "keep left" arrow, which is normally placed on a lit bollard on the island / refuge. The reference is Traffic Signs Regulations & General Directions 2016, Schedule 3 Part 2 item 3 (diagram 610); plus Sch 3 Part 4 paras 1 - 4, but in particular para 3: "...vehicular traffic passing the sign must keep to the left of the sign where the arrow is pointed downwards to the left, or to the right of the sign where the arrow is pointed downwards to the right."

Thankyou, a comprehensive answer.

(wonders if bicycles count as vehicles in that para !)

quiff replied to Hirsute | 5 years ago

hirsute wrote:

quiff wrote:

hirsute wrote:
OldRidgeback wrote:

Going past a traffic island/traffic refuge on the wrong side is a traffic offence. 

I've just been trying to find that to no avail. Do you have a link?

More specifically, it's an offence to pass the wrong side of the "keep left" arrow, which is normally placed on a lit bollard on the island / refuge. The reference is Traffic Signs Regulations & General Directions 2016, Schedule 3 Part 2 item 3 (diagram 610); plus Sch 3 Part 4 paras 1 - 4, but in particular para 3: "...vehicular traffic passing the sign must keep to the left of the sign where the arrow is pointed downwards to the left, or to the right of the sign where the arrow is pointed downwards to the right."

Thankyou, a comprehensive answer.

(wonders if bicycles count as vehicles in that para !)

A less comprehensive answer this time - 'vehicle' doesn't appear to be defined, either in the regs, or by cross reference to other legislation. Nor is it defined in e.g. the RTA1988; it appears to be given its natural meaning. Other wording in the regs suggest that bikes are vehicles though - e.g. elsewhere they provide that a cycle lane may not be used by a vehicle other than a pedal cycle. I used very occasionally to ride / scoot carefully the other side of islands in City traffic, but have now stopped in case the police consider this 'invalidates' any footage I might have cause to send them.

HLaB replied to AlsoSomniloquism | 5 years ago

AlsoSomniloquism wrote:

My Mrs was almost knocked down when crossing at one of those by a car going the wrong side. They then shouted abuse for not looking before crossing (even though she was looking at the legal traffic side and the road stated "look left"). The stupid thing was there was not even a reason for them to be on the wrong side (apart from being arseholes) as there was real traffic on the correct route. 

Personally I don't mind a solid barrier being between me and a muppet but to give out to a person they could have killed with their impatience, good grief  2

Darkhairedlord | 5 years ago

I assume it's an old video as the mot expired in April...

bike_food | 5 years ago
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What an absolute bellend, you can usually hear them coming, no change in engine tone, clearly not slowing, gonna squeeze through no matter what. Just have to put it behind you and try and enjoy the rest of your ride.

vonhelmet replied to bike_food | 5 years ago
bike_food wrote:

What an absolute bellend, you can usually hear them coming, no change in engine tone, clearly not slowing, gonna squeeze through no matter what. Just have to put it behind you and try and enjoy the rest of your ride.

I was out riding the other day, approaching an island, like the ones for pedestrians crossing the road. I've taken primary to go through to prevent getting squeezed on the way through. I hear a car approaching, and there's no change in engine note at all, he's definitely not slowing. I'm just wondering whether he's not looking and is about to hit me, when he just sails through on the right hand side of the island. Fucking taxi drivers.

burtthebike replied to vonhelmet | 5 years ago

vonhelmet wrote:
bike_food wrote:

What an absolute bellend, you can usually hear them coming, no change in engine tone, clearly not slowing, gonna squeeze through no matter what. Just have to put it behind you and try and enjoy the rest of your ride.

I was out riding the other day, approaching an island, like the ones for pedestrians crossing the road. I've taken primary to go through to prevent getting squeezed on the way through. I hear a car approaching, and there's no change in engine note at all, he's definitely not slowing. I'm just wondering whether he's not looking and is about to hit me, when he just sails through on the right hand side of the island. Fucking taxi drivers.

I've had that happen numerous times, and not taxi drivers.  Those are the kind of people the cycling safety team should be concentrating on.

brooksby replied to burtthebike | 5 years ago
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burtthebike wrote:

vonhelmet wrote:
bike_food wrote:

What an absolute bellend, you can usually hear them coming, no change in engine tone, clearly not slowing, gonna squeeze through no matter what. Just have to put it behind you and try and enjoy the rest of your ride.

I was out riding the other day, approaching an island, like the ones for pedestrians crossing the road. I've taken primary to go through to prevent getting squeezed on the way through. I hear a car approaching, and there's no change in engine note at all, he's definitely not slowing. I'm just wondering whether he's not looking and is about to hit me, when he just sails through on the right hand side of the island. Fucking taxi drivers.

I've had that happen numerous times, and not taxi drivers.  Those are the kind of people the cycling safety team should be concentrating on.

I get that frequently on my commute into work (it seems to be worse in the mornings): long straight road with a 30mph speed limit, and with pedestrian refuges (with those hatched sections of paint to stop motorists running into them).

I'm travelling in the direction shown on the Streetview link above, and I regularly have cars passing the refuge on the wrong side of the road, because their drivers can't bring themselves to wait for a few seconds.  I mean - how many microseconds does it take for a cyclist to pass through a six feet long pinch point?? 

Russell Orgazoid | 5 years ago

Post it to the police and not on here, dude.

The fuckers will keep doing it.

grumpyoldcyclist | 5 years ago
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If you can read the plate, please report it

Rick_Rude | 5 years ago
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The only people that drive those things could run you over at 10mph and not even notice and probably think even as you bounced off the bonnet or went under the wheels, that they are safe drivers because they are doing 10mph. 

Closes passes I get are the slowest. A bit like shaving.  With a Honda Jazz. 

burtthebike | 5 years ago
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I couldn't read the reg, but I hope that has been reported to the police?

Hirsute | 5 years ago
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Wouldn't have fancied going off into those trees.
Very similar to one of mine where I was told the driver would get a NIP.

ktache | 5 years ago

Wow, thank goodness for the reactions of the oncoming driver.

The following micra driver showing how it should be done.

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