In news that may provide a partial explanation for cyclists’ fondness for cake during a mid-ride café stop, researchers in Japan have discovered that skipping is more effective than riding a bike at suppressing hunger pangs.
The findings from the study carried out by researchers at Waseda University have been published in the journal Appetite, reports the website of the Australian magazine, Women’s Fitness.
The academics who conducted the study believe that the explanation partly lies in the fact that skipping is a weight-bearing activity that exercises the muscles and joints more so than a non-weight bearing one such as cycling.
It is also thought that the vigorous up-and-down movement in activities such as skipping or running had the effect of interfering with hormones that regulate appetite.
Perhaps surprisingly, given the associations many have with exercise working up a hunger, both skipping and cycling were found to suppress appetite more than simply doing nothing. Best keep that bowl of tortilla chips away from the sofa, then.
The researchers studied the effects of different activities on fifteen participants, who fastest for 12 hours before being subject to three separate tests.
In the first, they used a skipping rope for five minutes, took ten minutes’ rest, then repeated the sequence another two times, after which they rested for two hours.
The subjects then did the same with the exercise involving a static bicycle rather than a skipping rope, and the third phase of the experiment involved them resting for two and a half hours.
During the experiment, the participants made notes of how hungry they were feeling, while researchers tested them for levels of the hormones that govern appetite.
"The suppression of hunger during rope skipping was greater than that during the bicycle exercise, despite the similar energy expenditure between them," explained the researchers.
"This suggests weight-bearing exercise may induce greater suppression of appetite than non-weight bearing."
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This appetite suppression effect occurs during and shortly after intense exercise. Would there be any suppression of appetite overall? I doubt it. Cycling certainly doesn't suppress my appetite. Now, where did I put that banana?
It might supress it when you are riding but I for one make up for it when I've finished
I had a period of running regularly a few years ago, training 5 days from 7, wih at least one minimum 10-15k run. The weight fell off me. I also ended up with ankle injury that even now can make hard walking a challenge and painful. Sticking to the bike, a bit heavier. Probably all the Latte and cake!
May I respectfully point out that you must only drink espresso when engaged in cycling. It will help keep the weight off too.
Oh to be a researcher with a grant to study the bleeding obvious. It must be such a cushy gig, finding evidence that activities which involve jumping up and down might make you slightly more queasy, and therefore less interested in scarfing down solid food, than an activity that mostly involves sitting down but expending lots of energy.
Can't say I've ever cycled to suppress my appetite. I find it has quite the opposite effect!
I actually cycle because I want to eat more cake...
and I will add another to that!
They must have been really bored, still prefer cycling to "skipping"
So if you want to suppress your appetite find some cobbles then
15 participants - big sample then!
Maybe they ran out of cake