Time to buckle up for the big one: The Tour de France starts tomorrow, and you can play along with road.cc Fantasy Cycling.
If you haven't played our Fantasy Cycling game before then it's simple: pick a team of riders you think will do well, and if they do, you get points. And if you get enough points, then you win.* You can either play against the whole of the road.cc Fantasy Cycling community or you can create a mini league for your friends/family/work colleagues/cycling club/etc. There are bragging rights to be secured!
Start playing Fantasy Cycling today!
It's simple to get started with Fantasy Cycling:
- You'll need to register as a road.cc user, if you haven't already
- Head over to the Fantasy Cycling game and log in to create your account
- Join the competitions you want to play, and get picking!
There are actually three different competitions for the Tour de France. The standard game gives you a limited number of transfers (45) over the 21 stages, just over two per stage, so if your riders get injured, or fall ill, or are just crap, you can swap them out. Here's my team for stage 1:
You get to pick the best riders for each stage depending on the type of stage it is. Stage 1 with its classics-y parcours is a hard one to call. Too early for the big guns to get involved? one for the puncheurs? I've gone for a mix.
With the Purist competition you get one go at picking your team, just like the directeurs sportif do: once the race starts, that's it. So make it count! As well as the normal purist competition there's one just featuring the French riders for a bit of extra fun.
Play for free!
You can play up to eight competitions for free, every season. If you get the Fantasy Cycling bug then as a road.cc subscriber you can play as many as you want, all year!
> Start playing today at fantasy.road.cc
* you probably won't win. I never do, and I made the bloody thing
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I gurantee you this is happening to millions of products sold all over the world.