A new twist on the classic sportive, the Sussex Downs Beach Cruiser is a sportive with the atmosphere of a summer club run to the beach. Starting from Duncton at the foot of the South Downs, the route winds you up over the mighty Downs ridge, then sweeps through the pick of the twisting country lanes to the south coast, delivering you to the sea front on beautiful Climping Beach.
Once you hit the beach, you can relax, enjoy the sea breeze, and grab a bite and cuppa at the excellent beach-side cafe. Our team will be there too, with a support station that acts as the finish for the Short ride, or your midway checkpoint for the Full Route. That’s it; if you rode the Short Route, your riding is done. All that’s left to do is to enjoy the beach, maybe arrange to meet family or friends to spend a few hours before giving you a lift back to your car or back home.
If you’re riding the Full Route, after your beach stop you’ll get back on the bike to make your way back up country to finish at the event base at Duncton (where you started). In the spirit of the chilled theme of the day, we’re being nice to you though. The route back is a little shorter and more direct than the ride out; nobody wants to have the bulk of their ride in front of them after a cake stop or lunch at the beach! Oh, and yes you will be timed for this ride, but the time you spend at the beach stop won’t be included in your overall time. Just make sure that you check in and out through the timing station and we’ll deduct your beach time from your ride time in the final results. After all, a good day on the bike means only being in a hurry when you want to be, right?
Sounds a bit specific though given 90% are bought on some sort of finance.
The numbers don't tell anything like the whole story....
Just squirt some thick grease all over his side windows and door panels. If you're feeling really uncharitable you could throw some sand at the...
check under 'W'for "What cars do to people"
Fascinating - I have always thought Hersheys has a whiff of vomit about it!
good to see you're testing the farsports wheels - hope to see road.cc continue to expand the range of brands it considers. These or the shallower...
Duly triggered! (At least "it's comedy!" though)....
Sadly very normal. And the sand contains loads of evil little shards of flint.
Ah, Clevedon ...