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Giro D'Italia Stage 19

Sprint 1

1 Verona (EQS)
2 Denifl (IAM)
3 Alafaci (TFS)

Sprint 2

1 Ulissi (LAM)
2 Wyss (IAM)
3 Monfort (LTS)

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Mike.Franchetti | 8 years ago
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Edging closer to the Purist win after today. Didn't pick Landa which turned out to be lucky, but the rest of my team have been firing all the way through. I owe Ulissi big time!

Philip Unwin | 8 years ago
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Zakarin crashed out. probably collarbone.

Philip Unwin | 8 years ago
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G.P.M. Colle dell'Agnello - Cima Coppi 2016.

1) Michele Scarponi 2) Mikel Nieve 3) Diego Ulissi 4) Monfort 5) Cardoso

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