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Garmin Edge 1000 replacement back

Has anyone had experience of changing the back of their Garmin Edge 1000? My (four years old) one ‘froze’ inexplicably and wouldn’t turn off using the on/off button at the side. After multiple attempts without success, annoyingly, the plastic  case surrounding the button cracked and fell away. This seems to be a known problem judging by the replacement parts available on eBay. I’ve managed to open the device and separate the front from the back. The minuscule connectors disconnect and reconnect quite easily so I’m pretty confident that a second hand replacement back will bring the device back to life again. Garmin offer a replacement unit ( new screen and back but not the electronics) for £190. Alternatively I could go down the eBay route with a used back from China for about £30.  Anyone tried this and was it successful?

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HLaB | 5 years ago

It happened to my Garmin power button on my Lejog last year  7

CyclingInBeastMode | 5 years ago

I've got a 15 year old Magellen Meridian, the casing is in great nick despite many years of hiking/cycling in the rain and long retired, it still fires up (4xAAs) and will get you around no bother at all.

The point being that far too often the most popular devices, and Garmin seem to be one of the biggest culprits, are made out of biscuit.

But importantly under the sale of goods act as was and now the consumer rights act, you have up to 6 years to claim for faulty goods.

The Garmin was the top of the range unit, you would expect for that a very lengthy amount of fault free use and given that the freezing up was a known fault then despite it being 4 years old the freezing up is still a sign of a faulty product in my eyes.

You've complicated matters a smidge by breaking the case but you've also said that this seems to be an inherrent fault with Garmins (I didn't know about that only the freezing up bit)/

So I would before doing anything else contact Garmin, state that the unit has frozen up as with many thousands of other units and this was obviously an inherrent fault with the unit from the outset. Under the Consumer Protection Act 2015 you should be entitled to a free repair, if they flick you off just say you'll go to small claims court and make sure you give maximum bad publicity.

I wouldn't touch GArmin with a barge pole though they were on my list a few years back, I'm glad I avoided these cowboys!

Good luck

BrokenBootneck | 5 years ago

I have the same issue. I will probably buy a replacement back and do the same. Using my wahoo at the moment. But is not as good for navigation. 

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