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Stage 19

Big up to Contador, but it poses the question, Do you think he'll get more exposure by letting an ex team mate and Italian win?

My problem is, i have a bet on and it looks like this Contador to win overall, Contador to win 3 stages and Cav to win 2 stages, i got 17-1 on it because i added the stage wins at the local bookies, if he's just gone on and won, i would i been laughing at £170  1

But good on him, as he passed Tiralongo, just said something like "follow me" then paced him to the line. He had nothing to gain from winning apart from my bet  2

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TERatcliffe26 | 13 years ago

yh well it wasnt too bad, as i swapped him out and put cataldo in. Same team as mine pretty much apart from cataldo and you having van emden

Gkam84 | 13 years ago

I never had him so wasn't bothered, but Rujano thinking he might stay with the pace and didn't but Cataldo back in

Other that than i think i had a decent day

Contador, Scarponi, Arroyo, Nieve, Kruijswijk, Sivtsov all scoring so far, i think Rujano may be in the top 20 and hoping Van Emden is still last on GC for the extra 10  1

TERatcliffe26 | 13 years ago

Im more gutted i took tiralongo out of my team after yesterday as i thought he would be too tired to do anything. Seems im the fool

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