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Red Bull Minidrome came to Glasgow

It's all your fault Road cc. After seeing a link on the 'latest news' I signed up for the Red bull minidrome when it came to Glasgow on Sunday 2nd October.
6 practice laps then 10 against the clock. Top 32 go on to knockout pursuit. Bloody hell it's mental! I ride fixed in the winter to improve my souplesse and have never been near a track in my puff. It is really small and really steep!
About 100 competitors I was #49.

Arrived to see folk cycling, (what looked like a fairground wall of death with flatter (relatively) bits on the straights), at great speed. Guy a couple before me bottled out, guy before me face planted at my feet. Then it was my turn, started off far too cautiously and nearly slid off the banking. Went for it a bit more, threw myself into the banking nearly went over the edge just managed to yank the front wheel back onto the track. Over corrected at the next turn and nearly took out the commentators lol.

Then it was the timed 10! Did a bit better but very sketchy, did not crash and finished a respectable 23rd. Was later pushed out the top 32 so did not get through. Best fun I have had in years!  21

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JonSP | 13 years ago

Almost like mountain biking except all the berms are left-handed!

Felix replied to JonSP | 13 years ago

Sadly I am a dyed in the merino wool base layer roadie. with only the basic notion of how to ride a tight berm!  7

Tony Farrelly | 13 years ago

Yes thanks for posting Felix - we really wanted to do something on the Minidrome's second UK outing but Glasgow is a long way from towers. Just to give everyone a feel for what Felix was up against here's TR's vid from last year's Minidrome event in London

Felix | 13 years ago

Thanks. Madness deffo but fitness not really if you just want some fun. I was not skilled enough to go as hard as I could and surprisingly was not knackered. Might have been the adrenalin though! I am 53 and not fit and the oldest one there by about 15 years! I was going to ride 48:14 but was assured that was far too big (for this size of 'drome) and flipped over to my usual 48:17 which is a 76" gear. 71" was recommended. Speeds were probably 20mph max but it felt and looked a lot faster.
That said the top guys were able to go for it and were flying! A great buzz; give it a go if you get the chance!

nick_rearden | 13 years ago

Wow sounds amazing! Thanks for posting the experience. I've seen some of the video from previous rounds and it obviously needs a special kind of madness as well as the necessary fitness and, as you say, *souplesse*  1

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