SO, a little context.
I was doing laps of Hillingdon before racing tomorrow, and there is this one guy dressed up in Greenedge style kit, with a Ridley bike.
Earphones in, to drown out the noise his Mavic Cosmic Carbones were making, he comes storming past me in a blur of sweat and legs, only to slow down a bit further on.
So, I pounced on the oppurtunity for some motor pacing style training, as he was quite content to let me sit on his wheel at 40kph for about three or four laps.
Then, coming onto the final straight, he veers right like an angry lorry driver, admittedly not very abruptly, but inches from my front wheel and with a tailwind, it was a bit much for me, so I swerved to the left and start to pull away from him.
He sprints up to me and dramatically pulls out his earplugs and starts shouting:
At which point I thought I was going to get a bollocking for not doing any turns on the front, BUT NO!
(note: ME)
I apolagised, not knowing quite what I'd done wrong. I Was a fair distance away from his right when I started to pull away, just a standard overtaking, similar to the one he had performed on me a while back.
I was pretty much lost for words, I thought I was going to get a smacking, and got ready to scarper, so I just said "sorry," and let him away.
I considered this for a while, and I'd never heard of this rule before, it didn't put either of us in any more danger than his veering tactics, there was nobody behind us, and he didn't see, to mind me being on his wheel for so long, in fact, I think he rather enjoyed displaying his
macho, towing a Youth rider around like a derny.
As I didn't feel to have breached any rules, if there are any rules which you can apply to this situation, I wanted to make him feel bad too, he had right put me off for a while, and I went all shaky. Soooo, naughtily, while he was sweating up the small incline, I pedalled past him with no hands drinking my bottle.
And here ends the story.
Please could you tell me what I did wrong?
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Do you not love the fact that someones overtaking you and enjoying it? I see it from both sides I love to overtake and respect someone if they're doing it to me. @ SuperDom I think an age aspect to the profile could be good. All you oldies revealing yourselves
Says the 26 year old 
BTW @ Raleigh - it was only in this post and some comments in the pictures of bikes thread that meant I knew you were of younger years!
Your comments etc hide your age well (in a good way!) as you have to hold your ground with a bunch of grumpy old men!
(speaking for myself here and willing to be joined by any who care to admit it or have a teenage son who reminds them of it!
23 years is a long time; there was me thinking sportives were a new thing? One of my clubmates was killed by a drink driver on Christmas eve 1985? the driver, a local business man claimed that he did not stop because he thought he had just hit a deer. Thankfully good police work identified him using a chip of paint. But the CPS decided there was not enough evidence... Consequently, an organisation called 'The campaign against drinking and driving' privately prosecuted him. He asked that he should not get a custodial sentence as his business might suffer. He got just three years
Wow what a story pepital....chance encounters and significant consequences.....I can't imagine how you are feeling; until they make drink driving a hanging offence it will continue. People will take a chance and do it regardless. Hope your physical injuries are healing. Remember that you will be the last to know if this incident has affected you in other ways. Best wishes.
Sideburn, thanks very much for your sympathy. It was 23 years ago that this happened. The year following, I rode in the same sportive, but only completed the 25mile option, and then I hung up my cleats and sold my lovely cannondale racing bike. It's only since April 2011 that I got back on a bicycle. It's been a struggle dealing with the fear of cars and other cyclists coming from behind (my preferred place is at the rear of the group not only because my power is low but it makes me nervous to have someone riding close behind me) but getting back on the bike has helped me to realise how much I really love cycling. When I get frustrated with my performance on the bike I wish that I hadn't let some irresponsible a**hole take away something that I really loved doing, but I did. And the physical injuries? Well, I just like to think of what Jens Voigt always says, "If I'm suffering, they're suffering too." or something like that!
Taking a wheel is accepted when racing and riding with the club and friends. But if I see someone who is minding their own business and doing their own thing, I wouldn't hassle them by treating them as an opportunity to include them in my own training plan no matter what kit they were wearing or riding.
I'll tell you all a little story about my experience of someone drafting off my wheel and being unwilling to take his turn: The teenager, tragically, was the one who got hit by the drunk driver and the teenager and his bicycle were then propelled into me. I survived with a fractured vertebra, scapula, ankle, a few deep cuts and LOTS of road rash, the kid didn't make it. So, what might the message of this tale be? I think it's that chance encounters can have significant consequences, but it's the perspective that one takes on the situation that ultimately affects each of the individuals involved.
We're all in this together, so I don't see why anyone should have any attitude.
If somebody attatches themself to my wheel, I'll happily tow them, or try to drop them. It's not about being an arse, and I'd never have a go at them, it's just all part of the game. Likewise, if I'm getting towed and the guy in front drops his speed, I'll do my turn.
And I always give a nod to another cyclist.

But not if they're on a mountain bike. Those guys suck.
If peeps get angry I think most of the time it would be because they have other underlying problems and it would not be caused by you actions, they just use it as a situation to vent maybe?
Also just for you to know - from the outside this looks like a minor thing to get over and move on. Just imagine the burden of anger they are under and it gives a good perspective.
Im sure you're right Darth - ive found the waves and nods i get in return far outway the ignores!!
@ Raleigh - don't dwell on your 'experiance' (right word ?) mate and move on!!
Life's too short to dwell on assholes like Mr Ribble!!
It appears to me the increase in ignorance is from newbies. They will soon get the ropes dont worry
I went passed the Leeds chain gang a couple of weeks ago and said hello to them all (Including a Lizzie Armistead and her Borther) and those who noticed me (others were talking amongst themselves) said hello (including Lizzie
I have to say Crosshouses that failing to stop and confirm that a rider by the side of the road is OK is ALWAYS wrong. I even stop in my car if safe to do so. My son was out and had a snapped chain about a year ago, a stranger stopped and gave him a new link; thats a proper cyclist for you!
I dunno
On a re-read of this thread perhaps the most common thing ive noticed is when one rider overtakes another, the overtaken maayybee sees this as a 'challenge' (yes...even ive done it) so has a go back to re-overtake
The other rider maybe then takes offence and it all kicks off!!!
You all still with me???? Lol hope this makes sense!!
If I'd had something to prove, I'd be out training now, instead of combating you guys on the internet.
That. Is. That.
Raleigh, mr streit said nothing about you being an entry level cyclist.
Why so defensive? Something to prove?
He wasn't belittling you, he was agreeing with you.
Talk about making reactionary and poorly judged statements.
What the hell does that mean?
I'm not being rude or nuffink, but I'm no entry level rider, and neither was Mr. Plonker.
So take you words, carefully rephrase them, and come back with a more concise argument please.
That's the other thing, I was on Youth A gears, which because I don't want to buy a new chain set means a cable tie round the front shifter.
I'd not taken it off since the last race, and because I was racing the next day, just left it on.
Obviously the "plonker" didn't know that, but he still made me feel really bad.
@notfastenough - I ended up towing a guy for a good chunk of a recent sportive. As we crossed the line he thanked me. Had a bugger of a block headwind and crosswind for something like 90% of the route. Must admit it felt pretty good that someone opted to be towed by myself

I did at one stage have a 'sucker' who refused to come up front when I flicked my elbow, would jump onto a passing gang to be dropped by them and when I caught up he would slow right down and force me to pass (rather than signal me through) to then jump back on my wheel. I did note that he was running a 34:19 while I was grinding out a 53:17
My preferred approach is to ask before drafting, joining a group, especially as I don't want to be knocked off by a plonker as they slow and swerve up an incline. Better to go a bit slower than get injured.
Raleigh - the guy you met was clearly a plonker. Try and stay sane.
There seems to be more and more people out on bikes, as has been widely discussed elsewhere (the new golf etc). Whilst this is to be welcomed, there are a few who just don't get the etiquette of being a roadie. So they won't nod as you pass on opposite sides of the road, or return the 'Hi' as you overtake. They have a very self-involved attitude which is manifested in the top-end kit they always have. The infuriating thing is that they think their approach to riding is the right one and that it's the rest of us who are in the wrong.
How true is your statement/observation Blade67
On a ride weds night when i noticed in a lay-by up ahead were 6-10 riders meeting up or having a fluid break (a club maybe?)
On riding passed i smiled raised my hand and said "hi all"
NOT ONE acknowledged !!!! Eh???
I'm a complete novice, only started cycling 3 months ago and have noticed how groups from local clubs ignore me as they sweep past. The outstanding example was when I had a mechanical problem and had the bike upended at the side of the road while I prodded at it with an Allen key. Groups from 2 clubs passed without a sideways glance.
I thought it was because my Carerra bike and Aldi kit were beneath their notice and am reassured to discover that it's not just me!
another arrogant *rick,best ignore peeps like that
I must admit to having drafted without taking a pull when on a recent sportive, simply because I was over my limit already.
At one point I apologised for this to the guy in front, and received the reply: "Don't worry about it, I'm f***ed as well, just hang on!"
great little story
Crikey, if I got upset with everyone who sat on my wheel when lapping Regents Park, I think I might have an aneurism.
They usually sit on for half a lap, sprint past, then gradually get reeled in again.
The single biggest thing that makes me not care any more is getting a powermeter. Now I just get on with my session and ignore everyone else.
I had one guy on my commute home who used to sit on my wheel even when I slowed right down to walking speed!
In the winter months his front light was an annoying bright flash which IMO should be banned.
He was a plonker and the only way to deal with him was drop him which was pretty easy.
If I draft a stranger I will do my share of work too, its only fair.
He seemed OK for me to draft him though, because he never wiggled his elbow, and I didn't exactly sprint past him, just started to move away, and that was after he'd swerved.
Tough one, the guy sounds a bit of a plonker. I don't really understand the swerving left/right bit but if the charge is sitting on someone for 4 laps then sprinting past him to finish then I guess that is not the best form. To be honest I wouldn't sit on someone I didn't know, especially for a long time as it can be a bit distracting. There is the awkward situation of two similar standard riders where neither can get away but that doesn't sound like the situation here. Either way the guy didn't deal with it very well, sounds like he was an angry man!
Ive had people shouting at me in actual circuit races before. ...this is very occasional! Im no Chopper, just to point out
I always wonder how these people have enough energy to yell and remonstrate with everyone then get dropped and/or dont figure at all as the race comes to its sharp end. Weird folk.