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Help New Tyre!

Hey guys,

This has probably been asked a million times already!!

I was cleaning my bike tonight after I'd been out on Sunday and noticed that on the rear tyre I have managed to rip the casing of the tyre, so I need to replace it. I'm still running the tyres that came with the bike when I first got it a year ago and this is the first problem I've had in about 700 miles.

The tyres on my bike are 700x23c Prorace Nitro's if that's any help.

I'm currently doing 80+ miles a week at the moment but no races so I'm keen to get a tyre that's quite fast rolling, grippy in all conditions and has good puncture protection.

I'm open to any suggestions but won't spend more than £40 for a tyre.


If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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RobeH | 12 years ago
Ultimateweevil | 12 years ago

Thanks for the suggestions guys.

Totally agree with supporting the LBS PJ and I do when I can, however the choice is somewhat limited and the sales people are worse than hopeless so choose to buy online.

Was swithering between the Durano or Gatorskins but decided to go with the Gatorskins as I've used conti tyres on my mtb in the past and a mate has had a set of conti race tyres and said good things about them.

PJ McNally replied to Ultimateweevil | 12 years ago
Ultimateweevil wrote:

Totally agree with supporting the LBS PJ and I do when I can, however the choice is somewhat limited and the sales people are worse than hopeless so choose to buy online.

Re supporting the LBS -

So it's not just me who wants to, but has found the situation above?

In the past couple of years I've tried - i really have - to use the LBS. I know it'll cost a bit more, I''m ok with that as long as the service is good.

But when they seem to know next to nothing about the stuff they stock, or behave as if your request - eg "could you service my bike, i think it needs wheels trued and gears indexing" - is beneath them, then is it any surprise we turn to the websites? Their customer service has always been spot on.

Simon E replied to PJ McNally | 12 years ago
PJ McNally wrote:

So it's not just me who wants to, but has found the situation above?

Not me, I'm pleased to say. My LBS is tops  1
By contrast, their competitor across town has a poor attitude and I stopped going there some time ago.

For good, inexpensive tyres I'd suggest Michelin Lithion 2, Vittoria Rubino III (wire bead/rigid version) or Schwalbe Blizzard / Blizzard Sport.

Bedfordshire Clanger | 12 years ago

Continental Grand Prix 4 Seasons fit the bill perfectly. I've used them for years without any trouble. £30 at Parker International with free delivery. Cheaper at but you'll need to buy more stuff to make the postage worth paying.

PJ McNally | 12 years ago

Less than £40 for a tyre?

I can't remember ever paying more than £10.

Eg if you want folding, planet X have the vittoria zaffiro for £9.99 -

Probably even cheaper if you go with a wire bead (I nearly always do). Yes - £5.99.

Honestly, I sometimes wonder what these £50-plus tyres do for people. Are they god's gift to cornering?

Actually though, I do remember paying over £10 for a tyre - In Ireland. My then girlfriend, now wife, had a rear blowout descending a hill. She held it together, stopped safely, but the tyre was a goner.

We could have booted it and headed for the town, but instead she got out the camping stuff and fixed some food, while I cycled five miles to the nearest town, her wheel strapped to my rack.

Luckily, I'd marked all the LBSs on my map before we left England.

Found what must be one of the smaller bike shops in Donegal, and showed him my tyre. He had a range of exactly one tyre, a schwalbe, that would fit.

I think it cost 16 euros - but the moral of the story is definitely, support your LBS!

(Unless they're incompetent BSO salesmen, of course, then just don't).

Simon E | 12 years ago

Schwalbe Durano or Vittoria Rubino Pro (folding version) should be a good choice. For extra protection try the Durano Plus or Gatorskins. reviews at

If you can, try to replace the pair together, don't mix'n'match with a worn tyre.

CarbonBreaker | 12 years ago

Welcome to Singletrack world everyone!

Seriously though, Conti Gator Skins are fairly good...

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