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Can someone please Media-train Philip Hinde!

The BCU have had to hastily pass off Philip Hindes addmission that he crashed on purpose in qualifying as 'a joke'.

That was from Radio 4 this morning.

Last night was hilarious in the Velodrome when Jill Douglas (BBC) asked him what happened in qualifying, he more or less addmitted crashing to get a restart...

Jill " Oh, so that was some Kidology going on then?"
Phillip " Eh?"
Jill " So you pulled a fast-one?"
Phillip " Oh yes, we wanted to get the fastest start possible!"

Genius. I love all this lost-in-translation stuff but I am pretty sure Dave Brailsford has already sat him down and talked about what you do and do not admit on telly!

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davebinks | 12 years ago

Don't believe everything you read in the press.

Either way.

skippy | 12 years ago

Already forgotten who they were competing against but if they were not game to complain , then who are we to complain ?

Foot and mouth disease was wiped out years ago ! Wasn't it ?
Wonder why Queen Vic was such a good sport ? Woman has character !
So many people these days know better than the ref that one wonders if Sport is played on a level playing field !

Roll on the " Chemical Olympic games 2016 "!

stefv | 12 years ago

Hoy's face was priceless. One of the best 'off the field' moments of the games.  3

farrell | 12 years ago

I was under the impression for some reason that if a rider rolls off the track, for whatever reason, it would have been game over but falling into/onto the track means a restart?

Have I just invented this in my head?

Gkam84 | 12 years ago

At least it is not going to be investigated

Yorkshie Whippet | 12 years ago

Why train for the media? If it's true then the boy needs to learn to keep his gob shut.

I'm still waiting for Wiggins to annouce the winning raffle tickets. That had to be the best speach I heard for a long time.

Gkam84 | 12 years ago

I don't know if the video will play outside of the UK, If not i'll transcribe what was said. Hoy looked to have a nervous laughing going on  3

PaulVWatts replied to Gkam84 | 12 years ago

I don't know if the video will play outside of the UK, If not i'll transcribe what was said. Hoy looked to have a nervous laughing going on  3

From Franch Eurosport: 'Hindes avoue une tricherie' (Hindes admits to cheating) most of the other foreign sporting press I found had similar. Hoy should look nervous from the USA Bleacher Report sport site:

Olympic Cycling: Did Chris Hoy Get His Fifth Gold Medal by Cheating?

I think its sad that sporting Pendleton and Varnish who effectively said fair cop the rules are the rules get nothing because of an honest mistake and these cheats, because thats what they are, get a gold.

drheaton | 12 years ago

It's not outside the rules therefore it's not technically 'cheating' but can you see it happening in any other sport? What if Bolt had gotten a rotten start in the 100m? Can he fall over and get a restart? No, it's a loophole in the rules that has been used to great effect by GB. It also sounds like it was a team strategy/decision so don't just blame Hindes.

The rules are at fault and no doubt this will prompt the UCI to take a look at them and tighten them.

KirinChris | 12 years ago

Another quote is less ambiguous:

"So I crashed, I did it on purpose just to get the restart, just to have the fastest ride. It was all planned really,".

Not sure where that is originally from but it is quoted on CN.

How is that different from the badminton players not trying to win so that they gain an advantage ? Does cycling not have a "best efforts" rule - maybe it should do.

Legal or not, it's cheating.

mattbibbings | 12 years ago

I'm not denying we deserved the win, the boys done good. But if you are playing around the fringes of the rule book the last thing you do is brag about it to the press! I guess we are lucky he is dual nationality and we can claim he "Did not understand".

We must wonder how good Phil will be, once he matures as an athlete, at the sprint events that require brains as well as brawn. If he can match his raw power with some cunning....

drheaton | 12 years ago

Have to agree with Dave, purely from the grimace on Hoy's face as Hindes was talking you could tell he was really putting his foot in it admitting that effectively he'd taken a dive in order to get a another crack at the start. Either way GB were obviously the fastest in the competition so it doesn't make much difference except possibly they'd have had a different run to the final.

dave atkinson | 12 years ago

Lost in translation? maybe, but I doubt it. Hindes is playing the old 'no comprendo' card pretty well now he's been told to by BC but he was perfectly lucid in the original interviews that I've seen and read: if the qualifying start isn't spot on, take a dive and restart was the basic gist.

step-hent replied to dave atkinson | 12 years ago
dave_atkinson wrote:

Lost in translation? maybe, but I doubt it. Hindes is playing the old 'no comprendo' card pretty well now he's been told to by BC but he was perfectly lucid in the original interviews that I've seen and read: if the qualifying start isn't spot on, take a dive and restart was the basic gist.

I dunno - I watched the interview with Jill Douglas at the time and he was grinning when he said it. Looked like a bit of good old British irony, but he didn't get the question about 'kidology' and 'pulling a fast one' and that's where it started to sound a bit dodgy.

Can't find a replay online, but it did look like there was a front wheel issue when he took off. Either way, the rules on 'mishaps' are pretty vague, and its not uncommon to crash semi-deliberately after a wobble like that, just to mae it clear to the commissaires that there was a mishap. Dodgy or not, it was (a) legal and (b) allowed by the Commissaire.

The ride in the final was pretty astonishing as well.

aslongasicycle | 12 years ago

Isn't this a Lost In Translation moment, not anything to do with media training? Boy done good.

I flippin hate media training anyway. Turns intelligent witty people into dull-eyed automatons with nothing new or interesting to say for fear of, well, anything at all really.

See Wiggins for details (refuses to PRiffy himself).

mattbibbings | 12 years ago

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