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Rear Mech Hangers

Anybody know the best place to get a replacement rear mech hanger for a bianchi nirone???
my chain snapped and trashed the rear mech,replaced both but noticed the hanger slightly bent so i took it to 2 LBS and neither would touch it as they said if owt went wrong they would be liable. Both shops said i would need to get in touch with a Bianchi dealer
ive straightened it out a bit but dont trust it incase it snaps.

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mpt68 | 12 years ago

thanks guys for the replies. i willtake it off and check it. it rides ok after straightening it but i just want a new one for piece of mind.
Great that there's always someone to help on here.

SpeshRider7287 | 12 years ago

Yours is number 60 by the way.

SpeshRider7287 | 12 years ago

You're probably going to laugh but if you go to a Halfords store, we deal with BETD who make their own hangers in house. They're about £20-£28 but are much stronger than the bog standard ones that come as standard. They do every type of gear hanger imaginable and usually despatch same day. They will do one for your bike as I have checked their site so it'll be really easy to get hold of. You don't need to contact Bianci at all.

Go on this link, identify your hanger, go into Halfords and ask them to get one for you.

Just as an extra piece of info, if you've straightened it and it works you don't really need a replacement.The hanger takes such little stress that it'll only budge if you try to shift 5 or 6 gears at once whilst stomping on the pedals with the force of a thousand galloping gazelles..


amawby | 12 years ago

For this type of thing, this shop is nearly always the most helpful:

I somehow managed to break a gear hanger that had never been in an accident using only my own strength! it wasn't one of their stock designs, but by sending them a photo, they know which one it was and offered to modify one of the stock ones for me for a fee.

I didn't go ahead in the end because I couldn't take the gear hanger off - one of the bolts sheared in the frame, so I would have to tap it out - which might have wrecked the frame in any case and it wasn't a frame I was too fond of, so I started again with a new frame.

So, firstly, I would check that you can remove the bent hanger before ordering a new one (even if you don't have to pay extra for a modified one) and then get in touch with SJS, and secondly, as a result of all this, I have a frame that I am considering for a fixie conversion; any thoughts?

Municipal Waste | 12 years ago

 39 Sounds like the bike shops near you SUCK!

If they've got a Madison account then a replacement one is usually next day and won't cost them postage. Oh, and I've just checked and the part you need IS in stock ;-P

mhtt replied to Municipal Waste | 12 years ago
Municipal Waste wrote:

 39 Oh, and I've just checked and the part you need IS in stock ;-P

Madison don't deal with Bianchi, so i'm assuming its the Wheels Manufacturing hanger you're talking about. It would be great if you could share the hanger's number as it might not be that easy to find the right one for an LBS that never dealt with Bianchis

jimmo62 | 12 years ago

Also look here:

jimmo62 | 12 years ago

Got my last one off ebay - there are a couple of vendors who have pictures of all the hangers and I simply matched it up.

If you can find a genuine Bianchi it may be better, suggest you phone the importer

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