Hi all
This is my first post, and my first foray into modern road cycling after using a Scott hybrid for that past 3 years, and an owner of a Peugeot Pantera that I was hauling around Europe for the best part of the last 20 years. The Peugeot is now sitting in my stable unused (I plan to restore it at some point as it is badly out of shape) and the Scott is on its way out: time to upgrade.
I now live in Cyprus and I can't decide on my next purchase. I am actually thinking of three (rather distinct) possibilities:
1. Buy a Canyon Ultimate AL 7.0 that is on sale now on their website for large frames for their 2013 model. I am 1.93m (6'4' in imperial parlance) with an inseam of 94cm, weighing 82kg and in reasonably good shape. The bike is €1,150, plus €100 more for shipping costs. https://www.canyon.com/_en/roadbikes/bike.html?b=3076#tab-reiter2. That's €1,250 or GBP 1,050.
2. Buy a Bianchi Via Nirone 7, preferably with Tiagra from an LBS. I was quoted €1,200 for this, €1,160 for the same model with Campy Xenon and €1,000 for Sora.
3. Buy a cheaper online bargain such as the Moser Speed (/content/news/95684-just-moser-speed) for which I would need around €660, including shipping.
Now, I know the best bike is the Canyon, and this is why I gravitate towards it. But:
- I'll be buying online without prior experience in fitting a road bike, and this is by default a bad idea.
- The LBS prices seem steep, but I guess this is the way it goes with Bianchis. I would also be getting a proper fitting, someone to talk to, and a place to go if things go awry. I have ridden a Trek Madone 2.1 (for around €1,200 with 105) and a Giant Defy 3 (Sora, €1,000) all from LBSs here, but I nevertheless decided to get a European bike. Bianchis make me want to jump on one (the celeste models only, the others leave me cold), but of course no-one should make a purchase based on looks alone.
- I can afford a bike now, but I will probably not afford upgrades or a new(er) bike anytime soon. I fear that If I go with inferior equipment I will regret it as I will feel cheated having to upgrade something that I would have gotten if I had the Canyon in the first place. My reservations are mostly on the Bianchi's wheels, which I read are heavy and the first thing to get rid of - not really comparable to the Ksyrium Equipes on the Canyon.
- I could of course hold back and get the Moser to see if I am drawn to road cycling and then sell and buy something better. I doubt I will not be drawn though; I already do routes of around 40-50km avery weekend on my hybrid, check me times on Strava and read bike reviews and fora like mad. I don't think the bug will go away as easily.
So, what are your thoughts?
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Thanks to all for the replies. I have ordered the canyon at the end, but just to make things harder , a few moments ago the bianchi dealer slashed the price down to 1,075. It's too late I guess, but to honour his determination I will get all accessories from him - I'll need a local lbs anyway.
few weeks ago these were on sale for 999 euros.. shame that no longer
You're tall, and they only have 61 and 63 cm in stock 
Hi again.
I guess each country is different. I thought they'd be prepared to move on price with a 2013 model. Even when there is little more than a colour change, most bikes here in UK hit the sales.
Have you test ridden the Bianchi?
Also if they are a brand that appeals, will your eye keep returning to them? (like I did with pinarello)
The Canyon has great spec and reviews. The aftersales care I've heard mixed reviews on.
I can imagine though, if you get the sizing right and no issues, it will be a great bike too
Fit is very important (I'd say vital tbh) with a road bike. Therefore making the online purchases, shall we say, more of a risk.
You can follow their fitting guides / take measurements but it is never going to be the same a fitting in a shop, sitting on the bike, etc, etc.
Just one thought, now is the change of model year's on bikes so would your lbs have any deals on with 'old stock' - so a 2013 model?
If so, you get the bike you like the look of, the lbs assistance (again working on the idea that its a good lbs and from what you say it is) plus a bit of money saved that could perhaps go towards upgrades on the wheels (for eg) in future?
If those prices already included said sale figures then I've pretty much waffled on for nothing of course but then that is nothing new
thanks for the reply,
The LBS that sells Bianchis (and the others I suspect) do not discount for previous year models. They just switch from one year to the other without you knowing - I actually had to explicitly ask what year they were talking about. The prices are for the 2013 range, unchanged for 2014. The reason I suspect is because they do not sell large sale volumes and no have inventory issues, they do not need to clear quickly (the main driver behinds sales in larger stores). They might also bet on their customers inexperience with the cycling industry. The only thing that might work is old-fashioned haggling, but I wouldn't expect more that €50 being knocked off the prices. In terms of value the Canyon is far and away the best deal, I (and they) realise that. It's just that somebody to fit you on a bike, and the sense of supporting your local industry are clouding my judgement...