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Drivers and their problems

A new catch-all Tea Shop thread for those miscellaneous new stories that don't quite fit with parking, crashing into buildings or trapped/prisoners in their homes. 

If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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pockstone replied to Hirsute | 1 month ago

"I love Jennifer Eccles."...Not.

Worth persevering with the video to see Graham Nash impersonating the Prince of Darkness.

Hirsute replied to Jogle | 4 weeks ago
1 like

Or brydon does the driving
Pathetic, spineless.

David9694 replied to brooksby | 6 months ago

brooksby wrote:

David9694 wrote:

“You see people watching out of their windows and spying to see when cars leave in Albert Street and Victoria Street then rushing out and calling their friends to say: ‘I have got a space.’

Is Whitstable too big to cycle around, then?

I just wondered where the car was parked before the other person drove off. 

hawkinspeter replied to David9694 | 5 months ago

David9694 wrote:

No sale. 

Feathers fly as zoo ranger runs half marathon in ostrich attire

That's just cheating!

He's just sat there and letting the ostrich do all the running.

David9694 replied to brooksby | 2 months ago

brooksby wrote:

If they've built a shiny new bidirectional cycle lane and yet more people are seen cycling on the road then something is wrong with the shiny new bidirectional cycle lane...

Is it? If you're in your "professional" Lycra, slower people, dogs etc on the shiny lane, Carol coming home from Waitrose turning in are just one hazard after another, all of which you'll be blamed for hitting.  It might be better to mix it on the road. 

Cue - why don't they use the cycle lane??? A : get out of your metal box for once and find out  

mdavidford replied to David9694 | 6 months ago

David9694 wrote:

brooksby wrote:

David9694 wrote:

“You see people watching out of their windows and spying to see when cars leave in Albert Street and Victoria Street then rushing out and calling their friends to say: ‘I have got a space.’

Is Whitstable too big to cycle around, then?

I just wondered where the car was parked before the other person drove off. 

It wasn't - people are circling for days, just waiting for their 'spotter' to call them with the good news.

David9694 replied to mdavidford | 6 months ago

mdavidford wrote:

David9694 wrote:

brooksby wrote:

David9694 wrote:

“You see people watching out of their windows and spying to see when cars leave in Albert Street and Victoria Street then rushing out and calling their friends to say: ‘I have got a space.’

Is Whitstable too big to cycle around, then?

I just wondered where the car was parked before the other person drove off. 

It wasn't - people are circling for days, just waiting for their 'spotter' to call them with the good news.

TV show idea - like The Detectorists but set around the lives of a group of local residents of a south coast resort as they mostly drive around looking for a parking space. Working title - Circling. 

Episode 1 Stand-off - Kyle has spotted a vacant space in Haslar Street as Mrs Blewitt has gone to see her sister in Tonbridge - but Major Dustin has his eye on it too. Hilarious consequences as both try to claim the vacant space.

Episode 2 - Bin Day - Binfluencers Kelly and Kay awaken to the sound of the bin lorry and rush out to find their Beetle being forcibly moved to allow it to pass. 

Episode 3 - sassy new arrival Liverpudlian Linda is renting Major Dustin's self-contained flat and causes consternation among Drummond Street residents as she parks her red Fiat 500 convertible lengthways 

essexian replied to David9694 | 6 months ago

If I may...

Ep 4. "The Resurfacing".... the road is closed so it can be resurface...but one car remains. Where is the owner of the car.... the hunt is on.

Ep 5. "A cycle lane....!" The resurfacing done and what's this.... some of the parking spaces have been removed so a cycle lane and a bike storage unit can be installed. The local Green Party Councillor is cornered in the artisan bakery.....

Ep 6. "Walk to school day."  The local first school decides that as none of its students live more than half a mile away, they won't allow people to be driven to school. Questions are asked in the Common's when a parent from the local US Army base disobeys the instruction... 

Ep 7. "Police strike." The Road's Police unit go on strike. People in the area are confused as they didn't know such a unit existed. 

David9694 replied to brooksby | 6 months ago
1 like

It's probably "too dangerous" or "too busy" to cycle around, which is a shame.  I do sometimes wish a place that this would have the courage to "do a Paris". It's a bit like at Hebden Bridge, you aren't going there on your day out to be surrounded by cars.  

For 60-70 years councils have created off street parking and one ways to try to maintain the illusion that cars, free-flowing roads and a sense of local amenity are all possible at once, but in many places, that no longer works. 

I guess we're in peak summertime so a few weeks of this kind of thing are inevitable:

Bungle_52 replied to brooksby | 2 months ago
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It's actually not too bad at the moment. I suspect the shared sections will become a nightmare in summer though. It stops before it gets into the town center prefering to link with an existing shared route which ends up at the out of town railway sation. There are drain covers in the cycle path one of which is set pretty deep and even the others are uncomfortable to ride over if you don't avoid them, not to mention slippy. There is a concrete HT cable marker which is set about 6 inches in from the edge at one point.  Someone will hit it sooner or later.

I still use it in preference to the road. It's so much more relaxing than that tensed up feeling I get every time a car comes up behind me on the roads. Drivers seem to be getting the hang of giving way to cyclists where instructed to but there are no markings at the two drive ways in the article as well as one of the road junctions so you have to be aware at those.

The first time I went to use it, just after it was completed, the races were on and the cycle path was closed. Forced on to the road with drivers wondering why I wasn't on the cycle path, they wouldn't have seen the cycle path closed sign. Next races are on new years day, we'll see what the score is for that one. The next time I used it a delivery van was parked in one lane of the cycle path at the next house to the one in the article and a car was pulled across the other lane trying to get out. I and the cyclist coming the other way had to stop.

I can certainly see why some cyclists would use the road.

chrisonabike replied to David9694 | 6 months ago

David9694 wrote:

It's probably "too dangerous" or "too busy" to cycle around, which is a shame.  I do sometimes wish a place that this would have the courage to "do a Paris". It's a bit like at Hebden Bridge, you aren't going there on your day out to be surrounded by cars.  

For 60-70 years councils have created off street parking and one ways to try to maintain the illusion that cars, free-flowing roads and a sense of local amenity are all possible at once, but in many places, that no longer works.

Exactly this.  In the UK the dial is turned so far to "drive" that the solution to most problems is a four-wheeled one.  Your town is really rich?  You'll be keeping those parking spaces if you want to keep your post!  You're unlikely to persuade the rich to "reduce their status" / convenience.

Your town is really poor?  The working people you've got need to be able to get out to earn money with their vehicles, the carers / emergency services need to get in etc.

Your town relies on tourism?  Keep 'em driving - the money comes in with the swanky vehicles / large coaches...

Congestion?  We need to clear the streets / make more space to get the traffic flowing again.

Curiously where things have been rebalanced (e.g. NL) the same issues can lead to the conclusion that fewer motor vehicles and more provision for cycling and other modes is the way forward.

Capacity issues?  More cycling (and public transport).

Spangly Shiny replied to brooksby | 2 months ago

To paraphrase Field of Dreams, "Build it right and they will come: and use it!"

ktache replied to chrisonabike | 8 months ago

Over 20 years, so a start.

Hirsute replied to David9694 | 2 months ago
1 like

"Please take my licence away as I am not capable of driving".

chrisonabike replied to Jogle | 4 weeks ago

Jogle wrote:

Steve Coogan avoids driving ban after plea to save new TV show The Trip with Rob Brydon

A (not so) novel principal is in operation here!  So ...

Defence: "in mitigation, if my client is given sufficient points to disqualify him from driving, that will mean he may not be able to legally drive."

Judge: "Ah - that is a very reasonable point.  It cannot be proportionate in this case to prevent someone from driving merely because they have passed some arbitrary threshold for offenses committed showing that they cannot drive safely.  It's not as if he's killed someone.  Let the penalty be 5 points."

andystow replied to ktache | 8 months ago
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ktache wrote:

Over 20 years, so a start.

If I'm getting it right, according to this, his ban will be extended by half his prison term. That works out to a tick over 30 years until he can apply to drive again. He'll be 68 years old.

David9694 replied to chrisonabike | 3 weeks ago
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Woke judge orders The Trip off the road 

Fans of actor, impersonator and star of the show Steve Coogan were left stunned after a judge CANCELLED the leading man's driving licence, meaning that hit show The Trip will be off our screens until filming can resume. 

Tripster Kelly (41) from Borehamwood posted on the Patridge Family page on Facebook "I'm literally sat here crying 😢 and I don't know how I'm going to explain this to the kids. It just seems so cruel, he hasn't done anything, it's us fans you're punishing, judge"

Colin from Portsmouth added "couldn't they get Alan Patridge to do the driving instead?😚"


PS < principle >

perce replied to andystow | 8 months ago

Sadly I don't think a driving ban of any length will stop a nutter like this from driving.

stonojnr replied to andystow | 7 months ago

Somehow I don't think he'll be bothering with the paperwork

Bungle_52 replied to chrisonabike | 7 months ago

I think this statement sums up the attitude of the judicial system towards RTAs


Anderson showed a shocking disregard for his actions, with a police bodycam capturing him saying: "I've drove into the back of another car [sic]. Sometimes mistakes happen, but I'm not a bad person."

Else where the family are calling for a lifetime driving ban.

stonojnr replied to Bungle_52 | 7 months ago

There was case locally, still awaiting sentencing, where a driver, speeding at twice the speed limit, killed a cyclist, ran off was found hiding later in a shed claimed pretty much the same excuse. They felt they'd just been careless with their driving, not dangerous, also tried the cyclist came out of nowhere, didnt see them excuse, props to the jury for not believing that one.

stonojnr replied to chrisonabike | 7 months ago

Do we know if the guilty plea acted as a discount to the sentence?

Even 17 years doesn't feel long enough as will be released in 7 probably

Eton Rifle replied to ktache | 10 months ago
ktache wrote:

Look at the angry man.

Christ, just what the fuck is it with these angry old men. I'm old now and more mellow that I've ever been.

brooksby replied to stonojnr | 9 months ago

stonojnr wrote:

Long grass causing concern

Suffolk Highways wrote:

“We ask road users to take caution and drive to the conditions of the highway.”

Grrr - don't you be comin' on 'ere acting like you're an 'expert'! 

Hirsute replied to David9694 | 8 months ago
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bensynnock replied to David9694 | 7 months ago

'Surely every driver that parks on a kerb in Southampton can expect the same letter as I received?'

If only.

We were quoted £5000 to drop our kerb so we decided not to do it. Our neighbours on the corner built a driveway without planning permission and use the pedestrian dropped kerb to drive onto their driveway. The council don't care.

Rendel Harris replied to Pub bike | 4 weeks ago

Pub bike wrote:

Steve Coogan avoids driving ban.

Very disappointing.  Ironically, his excuse was because he was allegedly planning to make a show based on driving, which the judge accepted despite it being in doubt.  Surely all the more reason to ban him out of public interest, otherwise it will continue to show that the courts don't take speeding seriously.

Surely also be a case to charge with perjury if the series isn't made?

Mr Blackbird replied to Jogle | 2 weeks ago

Hopefully this letter is a piss take from a pro-cycling person?

Attending that New York board meeting? Do you want to arrive 3 months late, sweaty and with your clothes soaked after cycling across the Atlantic? Non, nein,nada! Give me an A-380 or Boeing 777 any time!

Need to transport 23 tonnes of wheat to a flour mill? Would you use a bike? No me neither! Give me a HGV any time!

Planing a manned expedition to Mars? Would you use a bike? Get out of here! A spaceship is better by far!

Meeting a Tinder contact for mind blowing sex, after snorting cocaine from her cleavage? Will cleated shoes and a cycling helmet make your partner tingle with sexual anticipation? Is the pope a giraffe? Use a Ferrari!

Serious tools for serious jobs!

J Martin,
Knob End,

hawkinspeter replied to Hirsute | 1 day ago

Hirsute wrote:

Dump your swasticar

Whilst I agree with the sentiment, there's a lot of people who bought swasticars before it become known that Musk is a Nazi. It seems unfair that they're now being targetted and they can barely sell their car without making a big loss.

andystow replied to Eton Rifle | 10 months ago
1 like

Eton Rifle wrote:

Christ, just what the fuck is it with these angry old men. I'm old now and more mellow that I've ever been.


(hormone replacement therapy / legal-ish testosterone)


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