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Video: Easy Riders film night celebrates Londoners who like to ride bikes

Short documentaries focus on a Critical Mass protest and a derelict estate that’s a BMX playground among other things

Next week, 1000 Londoners is presenting a batch of films focused on life on two wheels. The Easy Riders film night, screening at five different London venues, will feature eight short documentaries, interspersed with archive footage of cyclists in London.

1000 Londoners is a film project which aims to create a unique digital portrait of the capital. Each week, a profile of a Londoner is posted on the website along with a three-minute film giving an insight into that person’s life. Easy Riders picks out a few of these films and combines them with additional footage.

As you can see, it isn’t all cycling – motorbikes feature too. Amongst other subjects, there are films about the Critical Mass protest, a derelict estate that’s a BMX playground, London’s only girl biker gang and a night in the life of a rickshaw driver.

There'll also be discussions and Q&As with the filmmakers as well as clips demonstrating the evolution of London’s cycle culture from the 1930s to the 1980s.

The screenings are part of the BFI’s Britain On Film season, the theme of which is ‘films about the places that mean something to you’.

Easy Riders will be screened at the following five venues. All showings start at 7pm and cost £5.

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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