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Partners’ roundel for Rapha Festive 500 widows

You’ve forced them to earn it

“You’ve earned your patch... or at least caught the sniffles trying to do so. Go ahead and show your gratitude to your loved one for tolerating your addiction.”

Each year, the Festive 500 sees Rapha invite friends and customers to ride 500km in the eight days between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. Tens of thousands of cyclists now make an attempt and last year over eight thousand were successful, each of whom was able to claim a commemorative woven ‘roundel’.

Such efforts don’t come without consequences, however – hence this complementary Festivus 2015 Lousy Roundel (which is not by Rapha). You don’t even need to complete the challenge. You just need to be willing to part with $9.25 (including postage).

Sadly, there doesn’t seem to be a version reading ‘I tolerated her holiday cycling…’ for Festive 500 widowers.

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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Yorky-M | 9 years ago

i wonder what the % male/female split is in the 500km festive riders?


Bez | 9 years ago
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Maybe I'm being a little over-sensitive as a result of what I was reading immediately prior to this headline, but… "widows"?

bikeandy61 | 9 years ago

BUGGER. Thought Rapha had developed a sense of humour for a minute there.

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