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Video: No charges against driver filmed knocking cyclist from bike and assaulting him

Incident took place in Colchester in October but Essex Police told rider there was insufficient evidence - despite video footage

Twitter users have expressed their astonishment at the failure of Essex Police to bring charges against a motorist filmed knocking a cyclist off his bike then getting out of his car and assaulting the rider.

The incident took place on Saturday 14 October in Newcomen Way, Colchester as cyclist Wolf Simpson made his way to a local bike shop.

A tweet of some of the footage posted by Evo Lucas has been retweeted hundreds of times and attracted hundreds of comments,

The driver appears to speed up as he approaches the cyclist, despite a lorry parked on the right restricting the available width of the road.

He passes the rider very closely, then turns around and uses his vehicle to knock the cyclist from his bike, then exits his vehicle and physically attacks him.

Mr Simpson posted the full video to YouTube, and in a text commentary to it says that afterwards, “I called 999 for the attempt on my life and the assault.”

“At first the person on the phone [was] shocked and more concerned of any injuries to me, which thankfully [there] weren’t any to worry about.

“The helmet took all the blows from the driver’s fists and I got minor bruising on hip after being hit with the car.

But he said: “Despite the video footage, Essex Police decided to take no further action on the driver for his dangerous driving due to ‘insufficient evidence’.”

“Despite the footage clearly showing the driver deliberately getting out of his car and assault[ing] me with attempt to do harm, no charges given as the helmet took all the blows and no injuries to me despite the driver admitting he did assault me.”

He said that “All they [police] did do is get him to pay for damages [to the bike] through ‘community resolution’.”

He added: “I had no say in this at all, it was done and dusted by the time I received the letter from Essex Police and told where to collect the money.”

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Hirsute | 7 years ago

Although you don't have to be hit for it to be assualt, merely be in fear of physical danger.
The fact of a helmet is irrelevant.

Of course, if I stabbed a policeman and they had a stab vest on which deflected the blade, then that would be ok wouldn't it?

Hirsute | 7 years ago

%^$£ing hell another one in Colchester


And the difference between the 2 is ?

Oh, yes, if he had got out and punched him, it would have been ok.

Hirsute | 7 years ago

"I actually know the driver of the car involved in this incident and he told me how Wolf Simpson was riding your bicycle in a very erratic manner, and was riding in the middle of the road and a hazard to other road users, when he stopped and confronted the cyclist he was faced with threats of violence which led him to assault the the Wolf, needless to say the Wolf turned into a pussycat and was wimpering on the ground, this so called Wolf man needs to learn some manners and respect, i would also recommend he has a change of career, earns some more money, throws the bike in the hedge and buys himself a car!!

Last Updated: 57 mins ago"



Expatpat | 7 years ago

This a horrible incident for many reasons, not least that it is completely unacceptable, under any circumstances, to use a car against a bike in a blatant road rage attack.

To then physically assualt the rider after knocking him off the bike (and not checking if he was injured) is nothing less than a criminal act.

The police have not dealt with this matter in an appropriate fashion.


I was castigated in a previous thread for suggesting that provoking lunatics is often guaranteed to get an advserse reaction, but I will say the same again here.

Being in the right is OK up to a point, but try walking into a pub near closing time, identifying the meanest looking character at the bar and shout at him that he is a wanker, and see what 'being in the right' does for you.

The video really falls apart for the car driver at the point that he knocked the cyclist off his bike.

Prior to that, I can see why the driver was a bit upset, and despite the text explanations in the video the cyclist may not be as innocent as he protests.

The first close pass was one of those situations when bike and car have to make a judgement, and share the road. Cyclist was taking a lot of room and clearly wanted to make a point against what he percieved as poor driving. the road was very wide at that point and clearly there was plenty of room for bike and car to pass with plenty of space between them, had the cyclist moved over a metre. Yes, the driver forced his way through and yes he was going too fast but no harm done at that point, really.

My first view of the video was without sound, secondly with (which showed a slightly different perspective), and the abuse shouted (and almost certainly hand gestures given) clearly upset the driver.

The main incident shows cyclist right in the centre of the road a long way short of the intended turn- on a road with no other traffic, and almost certainly designed to impede the agitated driver behind. The driver was fully on the opposite side of the road and wanted to make his points to the cyclist (retaliation for the earlier abuse).

It is completely unacceptable to do so as I said earlier, but when the driver turned in and knocked the cyclist off and stopped, his car hadnt crossed the centre line of the road. What position had the cyclist taken immediately prior to that, and could that have been considered provocative?

Cyclist may have been in the right, but provoking a lunatic and then expressing outrage that he has assaulted you shouldnt be a surprise to anyone.

My point is, in a long winded way, that there are lunatics out there driving when they arent mentally fit to do so. Loss of concentration, blind spots, and carelessness by drivers are all bad enough hazards for cyclists, but a Gopro doesnt provide enough cover to stop a thug objecting violently when called a wanker, as they would react against the law in a similar way in any circumstances and we should not be surprised when they do.

I often wonder whether these close pass videos do more harm than good, by encouraging cyclists thats its OK to shout abuse at other road users, but in fact are just potentially making a bad situation even worse.



BehindTheBikesheds replied to Hirsute | 7 years ago
hirsute wrote:

Although you don't have to be hit for it to be assualt, merely be in fear of physical danger. The fact of a helmet is irrelevant. Of course, if I stabbed a policeman and they had a stab vest on which deflected the blade, then that would be ok wouldn't it?

It was a moment of inattention as I plunged the knife into him your honour, Judge, "fair does, off you trot and make sure you don't lose your attention span again, by the way you can keep wielding the knife and keep as many at home or on your journeys as you like as we won't remove it from you despite the fact your 'accident' destroyed a family."

don simon fbpe replied to Hirsute | 7 years ago
hirsute wrote:

"I actually know the driver of the car involved in this incident and he told me how Wolf Simpson was riding your bicycle in a very erratic manner, and was riding in the middle of the road and a hazard to other road users, when he stopped and confronted the cyclist he was faced with threats of violence which led him to assault the the Wolf, needless to say the Wolf turned into a pussycat and was wimpering on the ground, this so called Wolf man needs to learn some manners and respect, (Is this how this little shit thinks manners and respect are dished out?).  i would also recommend he has a change of career, earns some more money, throws the bike in the hedge and buys himself a car!! (Watch much Top Gear does this wanker?).

Last Updated: 57 mins ago"



2_Wheeled_Wolf replied to Expatpat | 6 years ago
Expatpat wrote:

This a horrible incident for many reasons, not least that it is completely unacceptable, under any circumstances, to use a car against a bike in a blatant road rage attack.

To then physically assualt the rider after knocking him off the bike (and not checking if he was injured) is nothing less than a criminal act.

The police have not dealt with this matter in an appropriate fashion.


I was castigated in a previous thread for suggesting that provoking lunatics is often guaranteed to get an advserse reaction, but I will say the same again here.

Being in the right is OK up to a point, but try walking into a pub near closing time, identifying the meanest looking character at the bar and shout at him that he is a wanker, and see what 'being in the right' does for you.

The video really falls apart for the car driver at the point that he knocked the cyclist off his bike.

Prior to that, I can see why the driver was a bit upset, and despite the text explanations in the video the cyclist may not be as innocent as he protests.

The first close pass was one of those situations when bike and car have to make a judgement, and share the road. Cyclist was taking a lot of room and clearly wanted to make a point against what he percieved as poor driving. the road was very wide at that point and clearly there was plenty of room for bike and car to pass with plenty of space between them, had the cyclist moved over a metre. Yes, the driver forced his way through and yes he was going too fast but no harm done at that point, really.

My first view of the video was without sound, secondly with (which showed a slightly different perspective), and the abuse shouted (and almost certainly hand gestures given) clearly upset the driver.

The main incident shows cyclist right in the centre of the road a long way short of the intended turn- on a road with no other traffic, and almost certainly designed to impede the agitated driver behind. The driver was fully on the opposite side of the road and wanted to make his points to the cyclist (retaliation for the earlier abuse).

It is completely unacceptable to do so as I said earlier, but when the driver turned in and knocked the cyclist off and stopped, his car hadnt crossed the centre line of the road. What position had the cyclist taken immediately prior to that, and could that have been considered provocative?

Cyclist may have been in the right, but provoking a lunatic and then expressing outrage that he has assaulted you shouldnt be a surprise to anyone.

My point is, in a long winded way, that there are lunatics out there driving when they arent mentally fit to do so. Loss of concentration, blind spots, and carelessness by drivers are all bad enough hazards for cyclists, but a Gopro doesnt provide enough cover to stop a thug objecting violently when called a wanker, as they would react against the law in a similar way in any circumstances and we should not be surprised when they do.

I often wonder whether these close pass videos do more harm than good, by encouraging cyclists thats its OK to shout abuse at other road users, but in fact are just potentially making a bad situation even worse.



Clearly you have made your own assumptions & paid lil to the text in the video. Actually a lot of assumptions, lets see how you react when someone come at you head on for no reason other than to get you off your bike by driving in the middle of the road & had I been in the middle of the road it would have been a head on collision. Driver had room to pass me as there was nothing to go around as I had already passed the parked vehicles on his side of the road & that incorrect assumption is why I created this video: 

Then you go on about being in the middle of the road again on the event that led to the collision, but failed to read that I was indicating to turn right to go into the industrial estate & positioning myself to turn right as anyone would. Or do you stick to the kerb on the left to turn right? T

You also failed to work out that he came back to attack me coz he felt I should not be on the road so NOTHING I have done had provoked the driver, he did ALL of this coz he felt I should be cycling on the pavement. 

Your point is talking nonsense & assuming what did not happen & having a GoPro which I do not. And clealy you base your opinion of me from this video & not the 100s I have posted on cycling in general where I enjoy it. It was never about being right but about correctly cycling which I did & the driver chose to come after me just coz I was cycling on the road & not the path but then I have seen a lot of stupid comments like this over the past 9 months from those who clearly have no idea.

Leviathan replied to BehindTheBikesheds | 7 years ago
BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

It was a moment of inattention as I plunged the knife into him your honour, Judge, "fair does, off you trot and make sure you don't lose your attention span again, by the way you can keep wielding the knife and keep as many at home or on your journeys as you like as we won't remove it from you despite the fact your 'accident' destroyed a family."

I was so distracted that the knife slipped and plunged into his tyre at 3am the following night, m'lord.

Hirsute replied to don simon fbpe | 7 years ago
1 like
don simon wrote:

manners and respect, (Is this how this little shit thinks manners and respect are dished out?).  i would also recommend he has a change of career, earns some more money, throws the bike in the hedge and buys himself a car!! (Watch much Top Gear does this wanker?).


Other comments on the Gazette site suggest it is his mates posting.

Althought they are too thick to explain why he admitted assault and paid £200.


Did you watch the other video though ?

BehindTheBikesheds replied to Leviathan | 7 years ago
Leviathan wrote:
BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

It was a moment of inattention as I plunged the knife into him your honour, Judge, "fair does, off you trot and make sure you don't lose your attention span again, by the way you can keep wielding the knife and keep as many at home or on your journeys as you like as we won't remove it from you despite the fact your 'accident' destroyed a family."

I was so distracted that the knife slipped and plunged into his tyre at 3am the following night, m'lord.

couple of nails wedged right under the tyre back and front so no matter which direction they go off it'll go flat as a fucking pancake in seconds, apparently that works so I've been told 

don simon fbpe replied to Hirsute | 7 years ago
hirsute wrote:
don simon wrote:

manners and respect, (Is this how this little shit thinks manners and respect are dished out?).  i would also recommend he has a change of career, earns some more money, throws the bike in the hedge and buys himself a car!! (Watch much Top Gear does this wanker?).


Other comments on the Gazette site suggest it is his mates posting.

Althought they are too thick to explain why he admitted assault and paid £200.


Did you watch the other video though ?

Maybe, if I knew which other video you're referencing.

SingleSpeed replied to BehindTheBikesheds | 7 years ago
BehindTheBikesheds wrote:
Leviathan wrote:
BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

It was a moment of inattention as I plunged the knife into him your honour, Judge, "fair does, off you trot and make sure you don't lose your attention span again, by the way you can keep wielding the knife and keep as many at home or on your journeys as you like as we won't remove it from you despite the fact your 'accident' destroyed a family."

I was so distracted that the knife slipped and plunged into his tyre at 3am the following night, m'lord.

couple of nails wedged right under the tyre back and front so no matter which direction they go off it'll go flat as a fucking pancake in seconds, apparently that works so I've been told 


Criminal damage -  most cars have removable valve cores just take all four out and sellotape them to the drivers window - no damage done and no repercussions should the rozzers find you.

I almost sound as if I know this from experience  1

Hirsute replied to don simon fbpe | 7 years ago
don simon wrote:

Maybe, if I knew which other video you're referencing.

It was a few posts earlier


(there don't seem to be post ids in this forum).

don simon fbpe replied to Hirsute | 7 years ago
hirsute wrote:
don simon wrote:

Maybe, if I knew which other video you're referencing.

It was a few posts earlier


(there don't seem to be post ids in this forum).

Yes, but I don't understand why you're re-introducing it to me.

Hirsute replied to don simon fbpe | 7 years ago
don simon wrote:

Yes, but I don't understand why you're re-introducing it to me.

Because it occured in the same town and in each case the driver deliberately knocked off the cyclist, yet the outcome for the driver was completely different.

don simon fbpe replied to Hirsute | 7 years ago
hirsute wrote:
don simon wrote:

Yes, but I don't understand why you're re-introducing it to me.

Because it occured in the same town and in each case the driver deliberately knocked off the cyclist, yet the outcome for the driver was completely different.

Ah OK! Not connected to what I wrote then.

2_Wheeled_Wolf replied to Hirsute | 6 years ago

And yet the video shows the truth & this person & the driver are liars! If they do actually know the driver, it don't surprise me in the crap they are spouting here. But to be expected from cowards.


hirsute wrote:

"I actually know the driver of the car involved in this incident and he told me how Wolf Simpson was riding your bicycle in a very erratic manner, and was riding in the middle of the road and a hazard to other road users, when he stopped and confronted the cyclist he was faced with threats of violence which led him to assault the the Wolf, needless to say the Wolf turned into a pussycat and was wimpering on the ground, this so called Wolf man needs to learn some manners and respect, i would also recommend he has a change of career, earns some more money, throws the bike in the hedge and buys himself a car!!

Last Updated: 57 mins ago"



Metaphor | 7 years ago

This cannot stop here. This is blatant assault blatantly ignored by the Police. I really would urge you to get in touch with CyclingUK, Chris Boardman et al. to make this an exemplary case.

Who's up for it?

burtthebike | 7 years ago

If the cyclist would like to start a crowd funding page for a private prosecution, he can put me down for £50.

SingleSpeed replied to burtthebike | 7 years ago
burtthebike wrote:

If the cyclist would like to start a crowd funding page for a private prosecution, he can put me down for £50.


Same here

Grahamd replied to SingleSpeed | 7 years ago
SingleSpeed wrote:
burtthebike wrote:

If the cyclist would like to start a crowd funding page for a private prosecution, he can put me down for £50.


Same here

And me.

Metaphor replied to Grahamd | 7 years ago
Grahamd wrote:
SingleSpeed wrote:
burtthebike wrote:

If the cyclist would like to start a crowd funding page for a private prosecution, he can put me down for £50.


Same here

And me.

And me, even though I've recently been made redundant.

2_Wheeled_Wolf replied to Metaphor | 6 years ago
Democratic Cyclists' Republic of Oxford wrote:
Grahamd wrote:
SingleSpeed wrote:
burtthebike wrote:

If the cyclist would like to start a crowd funding page for a private prosecution, he can put me down for £50.


Same here

And me.

And me, even though I've recently been made redundant.

Thankyou guys for the offer, I have already spoken to legal experts in cycling & coz of how Essex Police handled it I have no grounds or likely win a private prosecution. I am however trying to get a complaint against Essex Police through which is proving just as difficult to do as the PCC & Chief Constable refuses to look at the complaint. Even a Cllr wrote to them & got nowhere but will continue to push it as we can't allow this to happen again to anyone in Essex. 

kitsunegari | 7 years ago

The cynic in me thinks the Police's take away from this incident is going to be based on this comment by the cyclist:


“The helmet took all the blows from the driver’s fists and I got minor bruising on hip after being hit with the car."

Make helmets mandatory to protect yourselves from assault, because the we (the Police) sure as hell don't care!

Bluebug replied to kitsunegari | 7 years ago
kitsunegari wrote:

The cynic in me thinks the Police's take away from this incident is going to be based on this comment by the cyclist:


“The helmet took all the blows from the driver’s fists and I got minor bruising on hip after being hit with the car."

I agree with you. 

I would suggest next time anyone is hit by a car being used as a weapon or the driver gets out and physically assaults you, then go to A&E asap.  Don't try and down play it just because you have an adrenaline rush and don't immediately  appear injured, up play it as doctors reports specificially specialists ones  - A&E doctors are specialists in emergency medicine - are useful in court cases.  

ironmancole | 7 years ago

Having watched this video with new levels of disgust and contempt for the police farce I've made a short video to sum up what happened for those unable to endure the real life footage.   I'm hoping it helps somehow.

All those at Essex Police should hang their heads in shame.  This represent a new level of low that we've never come across before.  Utterly disgusting. 

50kcommute replied to ironmancole | 7 years ago
1 like
ironmancole wrote:

Having watched this video with new levels of disgust and contempt for the police farce I've made a short video to sum up what happened for those unable to endure the real life footage.   I'm hoping it helps somehow.

All those at Essex Police should hang their heads in shame.  This represent a new level of low that we've never come across before.  Utterly disgusting. 


ianrobo | 7 years ago

Wolf is now saying on twitter the police are lying say he accepted the 'sentence' of the driver ... 


Oh @EssexPoliceUK I DID NOT agree to community resolution! I was told that was being done! I WANTED driver to be charged for dangerous driving & Essex Police didn't want to! Will put screenshot of email on here later to show this! @MartinPorter6 this is what I have to deal with!

kil0ran | 7 years ago

These situations are why I have a D-lock in a quick release bracket tucked away under my top tube.

PRSboy replied to kil0ran | 7 years ago
1 like
kil0ran wrote:

These situations are why I have a D-lock in a quick release bracket tucked away under my top tube.

Just for thinking naughty things about drivers can get you pursued by the police.

Better to take the drivers address and wait til they are out on their bike and knock them over with a car, safe in the knowledge that in all probability the authorities are likely to do nothing.


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