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Pat McQuaid writes to all IOC members to seek support for UCI in battle with WADA

Tactical masterstroke or the last throw of the dice by a man who finds himself cornered?

UCI president Pat McQuaid has written to his fellow members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to ask for their support in the governing body's battle with WADA that has seen the Independent Commission disbanded and stalemate ensue over the setting up of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

The UCI was branded "arrogant" and "deceitful" by WADA president John Fahey on Tuesday after cycling's governing body had said it was working with the agency to formulate a Truth and Reconciliation process.

In a letter sent by McQuaid to all 101 IOC members that was obtained by the website Inside The Games (full text below), the UCI president outlines the UCI's position and concludes by saying: "We would welcome any support you can offer in underlining to WADA the importance of working in partnership and cooperation.with the UCI to establish this Truth and Reconcilliation Commission."

It's a high-stakes, high-risk strategy and one that perhaps reveals desperation on McQuaid's part. Until last week, his and the UCI's position with WADA had been that any Truth and Reconciliation process must involve sports besides cycling as well. That won't have endeared him to some IOC members.

Clearly, McQuaid hopes he will get enough support to force WADA to change its stance at the end of a month when he has lost his two positions within the agency - his term on WADA's Executive Committee came to an end, but surprisingly, he also left WADA's Foundation Board a year early.

Then, last week, McQuaid stepped down from the IOC's committee that is examining the candidate cities for the 2020 Summer Olympics, less than nine months before the host city is decided upon.

There's a strong risk that the strategy of writing to each IOC member could backfire on him, though. Fail to get sufficient support, or none whatsoever, and his position - and by extension that of the UCI within the Olympic movement - will be one of increasing isolation.

That's not a remote prospect either. Six of the places on WADA's Executive Board are filled by IOC members, and 14 of the 38 places on its Foundation Board. To put it another way, McQuaid is taking his battle to a significant proportion of IOC members who also fulfill roles at the body he is asking them to take a stand against.

Tactical masterstroke or the last throw of the dice by a man who finds himself cornered? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Pat McQuaid letter dated 30 January 2013 to IOC members

Dear Members

You are no doubt well aware of the uncomfortable recent media coverage concerning relations between WADA and the UCI.

I am enclosing the UCI press release of 29 January 2013, in which we very reluctantly decided to release the correspondence between myself and John Fahey. We took this decision because of the enormous discrepancies between what John Fahey was saying to me on the telephone and in his email and the continuing aggressive attacks on the UCI by WADA in public.

Having said that, and as I stated clearly in my letter to Mr Fahey, I wish to reiterate my sincere belief that it is time to put the past beihnd us and start to work together for the good of cycling and for sport in general.

We have listened very closely in past weeks and, given WADA's lack of confidence in the Independent Commission that the UCI established, it was clear that our federation could no longer fund a procedure whose outcome is so certain to be rejected by such an important stakeholder. That is why we decided to disband the Independent Commission with immediate effect.

We took this decision with great regret, but given the views of WADA we did not see any other option. We are extremely grateful to Sir Philip Otton, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson and Malcolm Holmes QC for their valuable work, as well as John Coates, President of ICAS, for his support and help in establishing the Independent Commission.

The UCI is committed to establishing a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to examine the culture of doping in cycling in the past, as well as the allegations contained in the USADA reasoned decision on Lance Armstrong and the United States Postal Service (USPS) team, and to clean the air so that our sport can move forward.

In order to do this, I very much hope that WADA will now desist from continuing the current undignified war of words via the media and sit down with us in a spirit of cooperation and partnership to work out the details of the Truth and Reconcilliation process. In return, the UCI will gladly do the same.

We would welcome any support you can offer in underlining to WADA the importance of working in partnership and cooperation.with the UCI to establish this Truth and Reconcilliation Commission.


Simon joined as news editor in 2009 and is now the site’s community editor, acting as a link between the team producing the content and our readers. A law and languages graduate, published translator and former retail analyst, he has reported on issues as diverse as cycling-related court cases, anti-doping investigations, the latest developments in the bike industry and the sport’s biggest races. Now back in London full-time after 15 years living in Oxford and Cambridge, he loves cycling along the Thames but misses having his former riding buddy, Elodie the miniature schnauzer, in the basket in front of him.

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Argos74 | 11 years ago

@McQuaid/UCI: Do you even ride?

JulesW replied to Argos74 | 11 years ago

Sounds like he has been freewheeling for too long and isn't prepared to pedal.

JulesW replied to Argos74 | 11 years ago
Argos74 wrote:

@McQuaid/UCI: Do you even ride?

Sounds like he has been freewheeling for too long and isn't prepared to pedal.

Pitstone Peddler | 11 years ago

The end is nigh, Pat cannot expect to survive this. Hein has to go too, its crazy.

TBH, the Olympic RR is no big shakes in the pro calendar.

Track cycling has contributed nought to creating this situation and appears in order, it would be very wrong to ban that. Id also leave the Womens RR in, just ban the men.

settingsons | 11 years ago

fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off...just fuck off..for the good of cycling you selfish fecker, fuck off

stealth replied to settingsons | 11 years ago
settingsons wrote:

fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off...just fuck off..for the good of cycling you selfish fecker, fuck off

"Hanging's too good for them"
"Who are you?"
"I am your King"
"King? I didn't vote for you!"
I could go on, & on, & on, &...

paulfg42 | 11 years ago

McQuaid and the UCI are far worse than Armstrong. Time for a wholesale clear-out.

The Rumpo Kid | 11 years ago

Pat McQuaid seeking help from people who don't like him? That'll work. On a brighter note, the end games of the UCI could make a pretty good movie; "McQuaid - The Last Ten Days" or "Aigle - Year of the Pat" spring to mind.

andyspaceman | 11 years ago

As a keen cycling fan it hurts me to write this, but I've got to the point where think I would like the IOC to provisionally exclude all road cycling events* from the Rio 2016 games, with an option to review and re-admit at a date set later this year, based upon specific criteria:

- UCI to have convincingly addressed and taken appropriate actions in response to main accusations of doping/corruption related activities (i.e. what the independent commission was supposed to be doing - and dealing effectively with the fallout of that)
- UCI to have established, in conjunction with WADA, a truth & reconciliation commission, with demonstrable effective results already achieved

*I would include track cycling as well, though I'm guessing that would be unfair to the Rio olympic delivery team, playing havoc with their velodrome plans

PJ McNally replied to andyspaceman | 11 years ago

Yes, this is sadly needed. Ban road cycling, and task the UCi with putting its house in order.

notfastenough | 11 years ago

Sod em all, I'm going out on my bike.

jarrow1948 | 11 years ago

I can't find a mention of this whole affair on the British Cycling website - and they have a whole section entitled "Standing up for Cycling" Funny way of showing it...

Simon_MacMichael | 11 years ago

Oh and just a ps to that... the UCI staff have no say in who runs it, the president is elected by delegates to the UCI Congress. McQuaid is up for re-election in September, but as this post from Inner Ring shows, it's not that easy to remove him:

kitkat | 11 years ago

What amazes me is the quiet from the rest of the UCI staff. You'd think they'd protest, call a vote of no confidence etc... oust Pat & Verbruggen then install someone to get to the bottom of all this.

Instead the organisation lurches around looking increasingly ridiculous to the point where you run out of adjectives.

If i was a representative of the UCI I would be highly embarrassed right now.

Simon_MacMichael replied to kitkat | 11 years ago
kitkat wrote:

What amazes me is the quiet from the rest of the UCI staff. You'd think they'd protest, call a vote of no confidence etc... oust Pat & Verbruggen then install someone to get to the bottom of all this.

Instead the organisation lurches around looking increasingly ridiculous to the point where you run out of adjectives.

If i was a representative of the UCI I would be highly embarrassed right now.

Worth mentioning that the UCI's Communications Director (ie the guy who is main contact for us and the rest of the media) is moving on after 15 years. It's a pretty thankless job he's been doing these past few months in particular and we can only hope his replacement will be as accessible.

Son of Crunch | 11 years ago

I don't really know who I find more repulsive right now - McQuaid, or the little shite from Texas, Armstrong, who won't just p**s off and leave this sport to recover in peace and quiet  14

Sadly Biggins | 11 years ago

This is going to get very messy. I can't imagine that the IOC will want anything to do with the UCI with its current problems and leadership. Ironic really when you think who the head of the IOC is!

skippy | 11 years ago

My Comment to " Insidethegames ":

After arriving at the "UCIIC Procedural Hearing ", last Friday with a QC & 6 Lawers , who were required to " parrot " , his thoughts ,phat is now asking , the 101 " IOC Members " , to support him against , other IOC Members in Good Standing ?

Last May , phat failed in his bid for a post on the " Executive Committee ". Later in the year he had to stand down from WADA . This year he has had to stand down from the " IOC 2020 Site Submissions Process ", what next? Exclusion from IOC Membership ?

Does phat really expect the "IOC Membership " to support him , after his current antics ? " Dirty Linen " rarely gets exposed to the public by the IOC , yet phat just tipped over the UCI Laundry Trolley !

Time Jacques Rogge , displayed leadership and instructed IOC Members at the UCI Management Meeting , this day , to OUST the phat , before he can spend anymore , of the UCI 's petty Cash ! I doubt that the UCI Bank Account , has much left after he disbanded the " UCIIC " and paid off the Legal mouthpieces he chose to unnecessarily employ !

In addition , today the UCI Management Committee , need to call in the Auditors , to establish ALL the expenses , created by phat & nein , render these details to the Swiss authorities , to support the Info , already supplied by Paul Kimmage's Lawyer in Dec. 2012."

Those reading my blogs will know my suggestions regarding " Amnesty & TRC ":

davidtcycle | 11 years ago

It's not cycling that needs abolishing - as if you could - it's the UCI

drheaton | 11 years ago

Is it possible to just abolish cycling as a sport and start again?

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